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VP Debate


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cheney: you're a liar

edwards: no you are, dipshit

cheney: no you're the dipshit

edwards: no you're the dipshit, fuzzbrain

cheney: who ya callin a fuzzbrain, fuckwad

edwards: you're the fuckwad

cheney: no you are

edwards: no you are

cheney: no you are

edwards: no you are


ad nauseum...




Reminds me of a Monty Python skit.

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Dick Cheney: "I'd never met you until tonight"


That's funny Dick.....




Cheney is a more capable and competent man, but his policies are so fucked up he's evil incarnate. I'll give him this: He can lie through his teeth and sound calm and convincing. The guy sat there and told the bald faced LIE that he's not been making speeches tying Iraq to 9/11. And remember, vote for them or we're all GONNA DIE!!!

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i am with will on cheney lying yet sounding convincing; however, edwards cleaned cheney's clock on domestic issues. it'll be interesting to see how the spin turns out in the next few days: "i never suggested a connection between iraq and 9/11" hahaha.gif


an edifying summary of the rnc (note: no repeat of the same sound-byte)


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Cracked is likely officer material post-grad. That's lieutenant sir to an E-3 like you, Will.



I didn't see Edward's cleaning Cheney's clock on ANY issues. He did better on domestic than international, but Cheney won.


I don't like anybody who wants a socialized healthcare plan. I don't know much, but I know that it sure as hell won't work. wave.gif

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Cracked is likely officer material post-grad. That's lieutenant sir to an E-3 like you, Will.


Ooh, but you fail to notice that the educational deferment is no longer in effect...so it's back down to PFC-Cracked.


He's a smart kid; maybe he can do a study for us on the correlation between depleted uranium ingestion and Gulf War Syndrome?

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All things considered, I thought Cheney eeked out a slight victory to the avg voter. If you didn't know the background behind the bullshit he was pushing, he would have sounded like the winner. I didn't watch it though, I listened on radio, so I don't know how the visuals played in.


The REAL winner of this was Gwen Iffil with the bitch slap she put on Dick after the 30 seconds comment "well that's all you got". Shazam! But Gwen did botch some of the mechanicals of the thing so she's a loser too.


I declare the winner to be all the stupid ass pundits who get paid to spout bullshit on tv shows after politcal events such as this.

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The debate was a good sprayfest. Lots of curled lips and finger-pointing, accusations of distortion and lying. I liked how Cheney pointedly failed to thank Edwards before his closing remarks.


Cheney, if he got his fat lumbering ass in shape, would be the alpine climber, while Edwards clearly is a sporto.

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Why, actually, I DID vote for John Kerry....right before I voted against him. thumbs_up.gif


Niiiiiiiice. Cracked, you're not such an ASS afterall. Kerry reminds me of a Scooby Doo villian...something about the long jaw and all. Edwards is NOT goodlooking and kisses Kerry's ass. He looks like Plasticman. He looks GAY! Did you watch his expressions? Okay, I watched Queer Eye before...and it was like Deja Vu! He So looks like Carson! Does he actually have any original thoughts? Reminds me of some people on this site.


If the dems win this one, this country is going to turn into a big scarey chaotic cartoon.


I am a non partisan, by the way. pitty.gif

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Why, actually, I DID vote for John Kerry....right before I voted against him. thumbs_up.gif


Niiiiiiiice. Cracked, you're not such an ASS afterall. Kerry reminds me of a Scooby Doo villian...something about the long jaw and all. Edwards is NOT goodlooking and kisses Kerry's ass. He looks like Plasticman. He looks GAY! Did you watch his expressions? Okay, I watched Queer Eye before...and it was like Deja Vu! He So looks like Carson! Does he actually have any original thoughts? Reminds me of some people on this site.


If the dems win this one, this country is going to turn into a big scarey chaotic cartoon.


I am a non partisan, by the way. pitty.gif


WTF is wrong with you? Since when did someone's appearance (like appearing gay) have anything to do w/ their policies??? Are you 12?


For what it's worth i think bush acts/sounds like a stupid redneck hick when he opens his near illiterate piehole (see, you can play this game in reverse)...but that's not why i'm not voting for him...

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Why, actually, I DID vote for John Kerry....right before I voted against him. thumbs_up.gif


Niiiiiiiice. Cracked, you're not such an ASS afterall. Kerry reminds me of a Scooby Doo villian...something about the long jaw and all. Edwards is NOT goodlooking and kisses Kerry's ass. He looks like Plasticman. He looks GAY! Did you watch his expressions? Okay, I watched Queer Eye before...and it was like Deja Vu! He So looks like Carson! Does he actually have any original thoughts? Reminds me of some people on this site.


If the dems win this one, this country is going to turn into a big scarey chaotic cartoon.


I am a non partisan, by the way. pitty.gif


This is the stupidest thing I have read on cc.com in quite some time.... Congratulations, moron.

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Holy shit...are you one of those undecided voters? I thought that was an urban legend!



Hey, I'm taking my time with this one. I don't want to rush to any judgments about any of the candidates.


I think Bush makes some good points, and I really like Cheney quite a bit. Sometimes they seem a little unliked and unpopular (especially here!), but I'm willing to wait until the debates are over (cuz that's where you really get to know the candidates).

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results from online polls:



Edwards: 41%

Cheney: 28%


Tie: 31%


CBS story




Edwards: 59%

Cheney: 41%



Edwards: 78%

Cheney: 18%


CNN poll



Edwards: 52%

Cheney: 48%


The Wall Street Journal Online:

Edwards: 88%

Cheney: 10%



Yahoo News Poll:

Edwards 63%

Cheney 33%



Edited by glacier
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