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Everything posted by rbw1966

  1. Eliot had stuff opening up when we did the circumnav a couple weeks ago. The approach would suck though. I don't think you're going to find much on the Reid. Saw what looked like a few splitters on White River but they didnt look big enough to do much with.
  2. I do most of my spraying from work so its possible I suppose. It just happened a couple days ago though. Its really impeding my spray experience.
  3. What a fucking hypocrite. Moore takes advantage of his right to free speech and engages in democratic debate the same way politicians do (hyperbole, muckraking, spin, etc.) and you get your scab-covered ass all in an uproar. What I think is a joke is your implication that he should be chastised for his movies. What the fuck about those images of prisoner abuse that has ALREADY led to further terrorism? I'm not for a second saying I support Moore's behavior.
  4. Yeah--and I recognize you from Reed too. You look a lot different without dreads and that nanny-goat facial hair.
  5. You want a picture that will confirm that Berg is Jewish?
  6. Thanks Jon
  7. I've parked there twice and never been ticketed or towed. Is this a new policy?
  8. Are you planning on putting the barbed wire around his balls to make him buck harder?
  9. Thanks for the heads up. Anything I can do to restore the icons and gremlins?
  10. rbw1966

    good jokes?

    What's green and smells like pork? Kermits finger.
  11. Oh man, the hangover must be horrific!
  12. The road to cloud cap is not paved. Since it rains all the time here anyway I can't see how letting it dry after snow melt could possibly affect its lifespan.
  13. Tiblocs will shred your rope big time if you shock load it.
  14. Anyone know why I can't see the icons? I can read posts but the beer drinking gremlins and icons are all blocked out. I've already deleted my cookies and cleaned out my cache.
  15. Great advice on the gloves! Wish I would have thought of that. My suggestions (I've been bike commuting in Portland for 15 years): 1. Find a dry cleaners close by your workplace. I bike with just a fanny pack that I take my underwear/t-shirts and socks in. Leave your shoes and other clothes at work. I take my towel home once a week. 2. If there are no lockers than buy a clothes rack (I got one for ~$25) and set it up in the shower area if there is enough room. I found a closet housing our hot water heater and set it up in there. 3. Leave an extra belt and pair of socks in your desk. For some reason I am always forgetting these. 4. Jon mus tbe harder on his bikes than me. I've NEVER broken a chain. Stiff links? Sure. I've only gotten a couple flats but I keep a small pump and repair kit in my fanny pack. 5. Ride with traffic and don't run lights or weave in and out of cars. This is one of the more important lessons I learned at took the longest. Resist the urge to run lights. It pisses off the motorists to no end and just breeds ill will. 6. I don't know if Seattle has bike lockers you can rent but if they do kick out the dough and do it. I had three bikes stolen from various racks in Portland before I finally shelled out the ducats for a locker. The peace of mind has been more than worth the cost. Hope that helps
  16. rbw1966


    I'm beginning to see what Martlet means. Why do you idiots keep posting to this thread if you dont want to engage him in conversation?
  17. I had heard that pouring boiling water on the roots kills the bamboo. Seems to have worked on the stalks coming back up in my yard.
  18. Good luck with that. The former owner of our house spent thousands trying to remove the bamboo from our backyard. Its trying to grow back now.
  19. The US pulled out of the first Gulf war and stood by as Saddam killed hundreds of Kurds.
  20. Take it back to climb max. They'll take care of you. Are you sure the actual brand is "Climb Max" though and not some other manufacturer? I'm pretty sure they don't manufacture any hardwear.
  21. Black Spider, like all the rock on Hood, is chossy as hell. I thought Wayne had done a free ascent of it?
  22. Some of us work later than you do.
  23. Yes--it was interesting. However, the absence of comparable data from the previous 24 years is also interesting. The drop may not be that significant when compared over time. I'm not discounting the decrease--which is good news overall, however I'm still concerned about the number of anti-US attacks.
  24. Kirsten Hirsch
  25. I read the link. Of particular interest to me, since I am a US citizen is: "There were 82 anti-US attacks in 2003, which is UP SLIGHTLY from the 77 attacks the previous year, and represents a 62-percent decrease from the 219 attacks recorded in 2001." (Emphasis mine). I'd be interested to see data from the previous decade for comparison. The anti-US terrorist attacks are what I am most concerned about since I travel abroad often. Also of interest: "Note Most of the attacks that have occurred during Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom do not meet the longstanding US definition of international terrorism because they were directed at combatants, that is, US and Coalition forces on duty. Attacks against noncombatants, that is, civilians and military personnel who at the time of the incident were unarmed and/or not on duty, are judged as terrorist attacks." I assume the beheading is now classified as a terrorist attack then.
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