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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. I don't know about Thule, but Yakima has different tower clips for different cars. I have clips for both my 1991 civic and 2000 CR-V and have moved the rack towers and bars between the two with good result. But you definitely want it to fit per the manufacturer's specs. I've seen too many racks on the side of the highway over the years.
  2. Dammit. Horrible news and way too close to situations I've brought on myself, and luckily escaped from. Emphasis on luck.
  3. Trip: Mount Shuksan - White Salmon Gl. Trip Date: 02/20/2020 Trip Report: The paper says we are 7 inches ahead for rainfall right now in the Skagit Valley. Probably why last week I did everything I could to break free of work and get out in the sun, high on Mount Shuksan. I have to thank @dberdinka for organizing the hooky and @Trent for sharing in the enthusiasm. We weren't alone in our thinking- a few dozen others were seen out on the White Salmon, and even when we were descending after a run over by the North Face, more were coming. Even the (in)famous Jason Hummel was out showing pro Cody Townsend around the mountain. It was quite a day to soak up some rays and earn a few turns, so I can't blame anyone for joining in the fun. I hope you were out somewhere too..... Gear Notes: two sticks for the up, one or two for the down Approach Notes: I would drop thru the clear cut to the creek rather than try and stay high. Not bad turns to the valley bottom.
  4. https://www.seattletimes.com/news/hiker-rescuer-who-died-at-pilchuck-falls-identified/
  5. It may be the death knell for me as well.
  6. It sounds like PMR wasn't under the sheriff on incidents? In WA, agreed that it is normal to be under the SO on a mission using your state DEM #. What has changed, at least in Skagit, is that the SO is reaching down in the WMRA unit structure to tell us what we need to do to be "competently trained" in their eyes. Don't jump thru their hoops and you won't be allowed out in the field on missions. The lack of trust now is quite palpable. Very different from how it was just a few years ago when they let WMRA to certify units as field ready and capable in search, rock, and snow/ice. While this is within the SO's rights under WA state law, it is admittedly driven by their staff attorney(s), and is creating ill will amongst the volunteers. For most of us, these sorts of games are not why we got into mountain rescue.
  7. Cops will never be the one rescuing anyone in the hills. They don't get too far from the rig. They will call for out of county resources that are on someone else's insurance plan. Until there is nobody to call because all the Sheriff's are using similar tactics..... Then it will be the Navy alone available to respond? I can see that we are heading for a day when someone needs help and there is nobody local to call (except your climbing partners, just like when Ome started MRA). Then maybe we'll have professional rescuers and rescue insurance like Europe? Or start the MRA process all over again?
  8. Yeah, a similar sort of stupidity is going on in Skagit County right now. Again related to liability, kicked off by a death in the local SAR community several years ago. It may well result in the death of the local MRA unit which has been serving Skagit County since 1962. Time will tell. Whatcom county Sheriff's office has a much better relationship with BMRU, but they also haven't had a SAR death recently.
  9. Scott said that they were from outside the site ....
  10. Wow, thanks for the warning @scottwesh! Will let the admins know...
  11. The Basic Mountaineering Course is being offered by the Skagit Alpine Club this year between April 8th and June 7th. The objective of the course is to introduce you to the mountains and teach the basics of climbing in the alpine environment. The entire course is run by volunteer members of the club The course is designed to teach the fundamentals of climbing in the alpine environment and provide you the skills necessary to safely travel and camp on snow and glaciers. The course not only introduces the fundamentals of climbing, but also provides an environment and opportunity for team building, trip planning, and building trust with climbing partners. The course consists of several weeks of classroom sessions and field outings. Classroom sessions will be on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 - 9:00 PM. The location of the classes is typically within the city of Burlington. The classroom sessions are accompanied by weekend outings to practice skills. Destinations for weekend outings are not predetermined and will be based on weather, road, and other conditions. The course is set to begin April 8th with the last outing being June 6-7th. The minimum requirements for registering for the Basic Mountaineering Course are: · Must 18 years and older · In good physical conditioning · Available to attend all the classes and outings To sign up for the course, go to the REGISTRATION PAGE. Options for the registration fee are provided once the registration form is submitted. For more information, visit the SAC website
  12. I'm not knocking the modern race at all. I'm more curious what new gear and techniques could shave off the original RT times from Glacier.
  13. Sorry Dan, impressive but not exactly comparable. We need to revive the actual race to the summit, if not from Bellingham, at least from Glacier! I understand with the wilderness act and all it would have to be underground.
  14. Yes, I wondered about this, but didn't see a mention in Megan's obit.?
  15. So much there that I didn't know, thanks! I had always wondered about Helmy.....The accomplishments for a youth of his age are mind boggling.
  16. We are very happy to know that you are not dead yet. Welcome back!
  17. Above 7k I can say that it will be deep (and wind affected). Five FEET forecasted in the next few days in the North Cascades!
  18. Amen. Thanks for letting us know. I talked with Fred a number of times, but never had the honor of meeting Dee.
  19. Isn't the "Froze to Death" Plateau out that way?
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