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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around that much climbing in 18 hours. Well done!
  2. Most people have a hard enough time in the North Cascades just finding the obvious gully- my guess is that the the drugs are destined to rot into the earth very peacefully, aided by some unhinged (even for them) Snaffles
  3. I find that this one is just right Dan: https://www.casio.com/products/watches/sports/sgw300h-1av Been using it for a decade or more with no issues other than a new battery.
  4. Thanks @curtveld! It certainly did have better views that I was expecting and low enough to be a good option in the shoulder seasons. You won't ever find it crowded!
  5. Yes, thank you @tanstaafl, great looking service.
  6. I wonder if talking with someone who works on sails or auto toggery would be a good option?
  7. I agree! If it is going to suck for skiing, make it really, really suck, since climbing and ski quality are almost perfectly inversely proportional. But that is my plan B. Skiing powder is always my plan A. Right now it is Plan C, which isn't nearly as grand.
  8. Now you're figuring out my secrets @genepires! Yes, 300mm in the case of that Dome photo (many of the others were in the 120mm range), plus a bit of cropping. It helped that the air was quite clear, hiding my optical jiu jitsu.
  9. Trip: Huckleberry Mountain - The Trail Trip Date: 11/30/2019 Trip Report: In perhaps the longest shoulder season in 43 years what is a man to do? Ski areas closed, backcountry boney, ice thin, wet and scrappy....sigh. I guess it is time to slog up a bump in a scenic part of the range and take pictures. At least we didn't need snowshoes. That would have added insult to injury. Here are some views to tide you over until who knows when....... (I hope you like Whitechuck). You'll get used to Whitechuck (captions are for photo above) Pugh and phew, it's a long way up to this point of the ridge and the views. It looks snowy in the upper Suiattle, but don't be fooled. Tired of Whitechuck yet? Dome Sloan (L) and Misch(R), one is worth climbing and the other isn't. Dakobed You guessed it Dakobed again.... The Suiattle River Road is still fixed, thankfully Gear Notes: boots and a sense of humor Approach Notes: Suiattle Road to the TH and start walking uphill!
  10. Those Showa gloves look like a nice alternative to the blue standard glove that Colin and others have used for years:
  11. Finally somebody is replenishing the North Cascades Scooby Snacks!
  12. I seem to remember that this is pretty much everyone's reaction to this route, or at least that top pitch! It seems it is often dry, or mostly dry, even when the rest of the route is "in". Perhaps typically too cold up there for ice to form?
  13. Ok party people, finally added captions to this and the Liberty TR!
  14. Trip: Big Bear! - Brushtissima Trip Date: 11/11/2019 Trip Report: With all this attention on the NW couloir on Eldorado the past few weeks, Kit and I succeeded on a smash and grab ascent of BIG BEAR! last weekend. @Kit is in the midst of a noble mission to climb all the Cascadian peaks visible from his office in Everett and I'm well, I'm just a bit "special". We happened to catch it in "near perfect" conditions, I am happy to report, and suspect others may be lining up during the next fine weather spell this week. The ankle biting huckleberry have shed their leaves, leaving them only 50% as annoying as they are in high summer. And, most all the snow is gone, meaning one shouldn't worry about tiring themselves out kicking steps up straightforward snow slopes. To top it off, all of the flagging has been eaten by deer, meaning that a "fair means" ascent is nearly guaranteed. Why this brushy beast isn't more popular, I'll never know. Or, maybe it is popular? There is no register so it is tough to figure how many people are as "savvy" as us. All I know is that the 4130 isn't going to get less brushy in the next few years, so if you want either Liberty or BIG BEAR! in the next lifetime or two, you'll want to go now. Just don't expect flagging or the Instagram hordes to show you the way. The Brushtissima on BIG BEAR! (actually not that bad): @Kit working up the ridge above the "Moffitt Step": I just needed an eagle: Typical terrain: Liberty: Tahoma, but you knew that: Interesting angle on Hall, Big Four, Columbia, etc: The air was exceptionally clear, Everett and Kit's office standing out: The final few feet to the summit of Big Bear: East to Dakobed and Pugh above Exfoliation Dome: Anybody home on 3 Fingers? Jumbo, the slabbage patch, and Ulalach: Liberty from the summit: Squire Creek valley and its namesake walls: Gear Notes: eye protection, leather gloves, whiskey. Ice axe, crampons, and helmet some part of the year. Approach Notes: I somehow deleted my GPX track, not that it will help you much. Just look at the image in the TR for an idea of where to go. Just make sure you don't miss the Moffitt Step!
  15. Routes like these aren't consistently in all the time so it makes sense that once it gets reported as "in", the masses will appear! It took me several gos to make it happen over about a decade or so. Good on everyone knocking it off so efficiently!
  16. I love that the cc.com effect is back. Many moons ago it was a common thing to see a crowd the next weekend on whatever had a bunch of online traffic during the week.
  17. I'll have to be more obvious when poking fun in the future..... And you're correct to remind us that this very issue broke the friendship of Spring/Manning. Nice pics of one of the driest Novembers ever @bargainhunter, if you haven't climbed that North Ridge of Blum, I would recommend it!
  18. C'mon @bargainhunter and @max, don't insta-wreck the place. Let the masses work for it. .
  19. The older I get the more I think it is a no-brainer to carry a PLB, solo or not. I would suspect Ryan is now in that camp as well.
  20. I've always wanted to go in there in the fall and stay under the Great Trog!!
  21. Such a classic!! Glad you got it in good conditions, so much fun!
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