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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. Thanks @JonParker! I missed this.... Yes, agree on all of the above. I think it is a fun and straightforward class 3 ramble @Hartselle Mountain Hikers, but then again, I'm biased. And, you may have guessed, I like to keep the beta to an absolute minimum to keep the spirit of North Cascades adventure alive. It is a lot of fun to have the route unfold before you, hunting and guessing like those who came before. Or, at least I find that part fun. Good luck and please post a TR with your thoughts on the route. It is fun to see how folks experience this corner of the Cascades.
  2. COME ON! That is just downright sadistic. Well done on a cool route! I can speak from experience that if you just go up from ramp to gash it is all fine.
  3. So much pain going up that way! I admire the effort for sure. Was the thinking that you wanted to ski north facing slopes? And pretty wild all the people way back in there! It's not exactly an easy spot to get to.
  4. Super cool, that doesn't get done very often. What are you using to take photos?
  5. What a nice and mellow chat RE drones in the wilderness.... thanks for keeping it civil everyone and thanks for listening @eeelip!
  6. Epic in the truest sense of the word! Is that just super lucky with the weather or were you lying in wait for a window? And how did you ever get the idea for this trip in particular, of all the Alaskan adventures to be had? Can you post a map of the rough route or would that spoil the fun?
  7. Totally agree! What a great adventure....to read about.
  8. https://www.nps.gov/noca/planyourvisit/road-conditions.htm Both sides agree that it is open.
  9. Not in the least! We love it all, past or present. Well done on a major objective!
  10. I really wish Fred was on Jeopardy! during his lifetime. Talk about celebrity Jeopardy!!
  11. I would think a cat could pull off a hell of a dyno
  12. Maybe not fair, but definitely reality. My guess is that rural landowners are increasingly likely to take matters into their own hands as predator populations continue to expand in the wake of hunting regulations changes in WA (elimination of spring bear, elimination of hound hunting, etc.).
  13. "Fred Beckey, LLC commits 100% of all Annual Net Profits from sales derived from licensing Fred Beckey™ to environmental causes and mountain conservation; this might also include political contributions."
  14. What.....the.....hell!!! @rob is back??!!
  15. The final few feet are not dog friendly (slabby, exposed 3rd), but Kiba could wait below? Would only take a couple minutes to tag. That summit area is less than 50' of vertical.
  16. wooohooooo!!!! 20220722_060955.mp4
  17. Maybe @Juan Sharp or @mattp still lurk around and could help?
  18. Trip: Mt. Worthington - JGAP Directo Trip Date: 05/11/2024 Trip Report: Worthington? Had I heard of this peak before a few days ago? Uhhh, no. I'll admit that it was Plan B after some car trouble scuttled @Trent and my's plan to bug out for a Friday car camp and early Saturday climb. Which meant that I missed most of the aurora that every raved about while I was casting about the recent aerials and maps, looking for a modestly high summit that wouldn't have much snow. Somehow Worthington caught my eye because maybe it could be worthy? To the NE side of the Olympics we would go and find out! But we couldn't just follow a gpx track and some beta, That is no fun at all. And so we went up Worthington a different way (from the east and south) than you'll find on the typical peakbagger sites. Mostly it was reasonable, but sometimes it wasn't all that pleasant. Where we left the trail it was pleasant, open forest. But then there was this was this section of softball scree, which was right after some scorest and before some steep dirt and gullies that I think the remaining fugitive goats maintain (good thing too, this was a key weakness that made this side go reasonably). Somewhere in there a couple of large rocks shot past at an alarmingly high rate of speed (fugitive goats?), which was sort of exciting. But after that it was all alpine nectar, I promise. However, I know you don't come to my TRs for beta, which would ruin all the fun. Everybody's here for the photos.... and so without further ado... 4am wakeup: First boat to Kingston: Big Quilcene pleasantness: Let the fun begin: Alpine nectar! Napping under the true summit (class 3): Constance: Tahoma: Flowers, if you're into that sort of thing: @Trent heading down with Constance and Inner Constance looking on: Gear Notes: helmet, whatever you might need for snow, if there is snow. Approach Notes: Big Quilcene Trail to Shelter Rock Camp and then up!
  19. Damn. That is crazy close to getting the chop. Glad you survived to post the TR!
  20. We should rename this thread to "North Cascades climbers to have more first world problems"
  21. Solid!! Well done on a route that doesn't see a lot of traffic. It always seems a bit insecure and scary up that thing, but looks like you found it in good conditions this year. Sunday was definitely nice and cold up there (we were shivering on Goat wall!), which is I think quite key.
  22. Sure, that is how this all reads. I'll go back to my ivory tower.
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