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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. You can come in from Darrington and reach the Bedal road.....It is still gated at Deer Creek, 2 miles or so west of Big 4.
  2. With more of life, most eventually find that peace you're searching for- but then the climbs (if one still climbs) tend to involve partners and are pedestrian, predictable, and safe. Now, you are in your storm years- raging, full on! Good luck and stay as safe as you can.
  3. This is great, thanks @Kyle M! I tagged it a "best of" so it should be easier to find going forward..... And yes, let's have the community add more!
  4. Oh, that's how these things go. There was a flurry of activity around 10+ years ago as the Cirque was first explored for steeper ski descents. Then we forget and wait for someone like you to reminds us. Thanks again for moving it up in my mental files, and glad I could provide the views that you were missing. It is worth going back to see in person though!
  5. Don't forget cheap! I think that is most of it. If it is any consolation @Bronco, @therunningdog crushed me.
  6. His is newer than mine. Ha! We are quite the pair with old gear. My boots are 15+ years old and my skins 18 years strong! I would like to say that we are saving the earth, but really we are poor, cheap bastards.
  7. Trip: Marble Creek Cirque - Lost Marbles Couloir Trip Date: 03/09/2020 Trip Report: Wow, what a feature! And what an outrageous setting! But just be sure that the avalanche danger is reasonable, and expect that the snow in the couloir will likely be the worst on the entire tour. Be thankful if it is, actually. Because if it isn't, there is a much greater chance that you will have a quick trip into the cirque. So much hanging over your head! Thanks to @skykilo for bringing this gem to the masses and to @geosean for jogging my failing memory. Lastly, thanks to @therunningdog for being a true friend and breaking trail for my sorry ass most of the way in and out. If you have ever gotten out with him you know that his fitness is legendary and remarkable. Fun to be the beneficiary, yet again. All I can provide are these photos..... Early Morning Spire and Dorado Needle above @therunningdog It has to begin somewhere. And here it is. Oops. Not off to an auspicious start. Not a place to be in considerable or higher avy danger Whew! 20 mins down and 3 hours up! North side of Triad I still care that you tele @therunningdog Gear Notes: don't you dare bring snowshoes Approach Notes: Parked at ~1900' on HLL road. Plan for a 10 hour day with stops.
  8. I've climbed the east peak in winter conditions, but we turned back on the true summit. Thin snow over downsloping slabs didn't seem prudent to test ourselves against (south facing and was coming apart)
  9. I drove to the Hidden Lake turn off no problem Monday. Hit snow about 1900' and parked. Should be driveable to Eldo?
  10. Thanks to @geosean, @therunningdog and I had a great day out on this today. I'll try and post some pics in the next week or so, it is a pretty dramatic spot. But wow, I'm tired!
  11. Well then.... I guess flip the coin and have a plan B! It'll probably be fine, I am old and probably worried about nothing.
  12. C'mon, just buy a used rack. In my experience, the man doesn't need any excuse to hassle you and that is asking for it. I do know of someone turned around from entering Canada because the border guard didn't feel that he had the means to fund a round trip to the States (based on his appearance, condition of car, etc.).
  13. People need to dump FB/IG/TikTok/whatever and come back to the OG site for alpine bloviating!
  14. "No one ever never will get to the top. I'll tell you why. Because Cerro Torre is not a mountain. It's a scream of stone."
  15. When conditions are good, there are few things better! Of course, I spent yesterday in a cloud on Mount Ann. You win some and you lose some.
  16. C'MON YOU TWO!!! What....the....hell. I'm at a loss for words, but I am very glad that you took the time to post all this here. I will dig into the videos in the coming days. I'm amazed that you hauled a drone all the way up there and actually flew it. Normally I hate drones, but I have to say that that is pretty amazing.
  17. Thanks for the info @Hoo....So, was a deputy from the CCSO always IC on PMR missions in the past? That is the standard model up in WA. The MRA units are always resources under the IC from the SO (typically a SAR deputy) on missions. Since the deputies don't know the operations side of things they usually leave us alone in the field, but it is sometimes an odd arrangement depending on who the deputy is and what sort of power trip they or their SO is on.
  18. Yeah, I was surprised that they weren't under the SO on missions. This is standard up in WA. What varies by county is how much the SO meddles in the day to day training of the MRA unit.
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