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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Boycott Newsweek

    Newsweek loves taking peoples lives. I haven't touched it since Mike Borda took his life.
  2. If you have registered with cc.com or plan on registering, please either change your email to one other than Hotmail or use one other than Hotmail. It recently occured to me that after tons of support emails about people not getting registration info and retrieving login information, that they were all coming from Hotmail. While it's not entirely clear to me why this is happening, it is clear that the email is not getting through. If you are looking for an alternative to Hotmail I highly recommend Gmail, it is hands down better than anything else I have used.
  3. Fuck off dude, it gets me to work faster, at least faster than the Humvee sitting on Montlake in gridlock.
  4. Do people want to get together and watch the OC on Thursday night? I show rocks.
  5. I've read about 20 posts and can't figure out what the hell you guys are talking about. When is the short bus coming to pick you guys up? Dru stop unbuckling your helmet.
  6. jon

    how cool is it...

    Moderation just gets me so AMPED!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Man who took a shit in your Fruity Bebbles?
  8. I'd refund your credit card Sisu, but we lost that data along with all the posts when our server crashed last night.
  9. Becoming a pilot and actually flying after you get your license is exspensive. If you really want to fly there are aerobatic pilots out there that will take you up for a small fee and make you wanna barf.
  10. On the bus today some kid had a sweatshirt on that had his last name of "Otter" on it.
  11. This thread is so fucking funny! Is it illegal to flash your brights when you are behind someone now? I thought I heard something to that effect because of new anti-road rage bullshit law.
  12. I am offering any brick an mortar retailer in the Pacific Northwest FREE advertising equivalent to the amount they donate to the fund. Remember the option to buy the land expires at the END of April, so acting quickly is the key. Here is how you can help. I have sent an email to a number of retailers and service providers with this offer. If there is a shop or gym you frequent, tell them about the offer and tell them why you like cc.com. If you know somebody who is a guide or works in a shop, tell them about the deal. Bottom line is we need to save this crag. With over 50,000 unique visitors a month and over 4000 a day, their generosity and support WILL NOT go unnoticed. Thanks for your help!
  13. There are signs in Oregon stating that slower vehicles need to move right.
  14. I totally second Alex on the white sugar thing, cut out as much as you possible can. I immediately started losing weight when I cut out the Coke and other crap. Apparently this is how the French are able to eat like they do. Eating smaller meals more often also helps a lot, you are less tempted to eat huge meals this way and your body burns more calories becuase it is more in a fed state then a fasting state.
  15. jon

    "support our troops..."

    I know this might come as a shock, but most poeple in the military don't die in combat. It offers an opportunity for people who have no direction in life to find themselves and make some money, even go to college. These recruiters aren't looking for a bunch of dumbshits either, the are looking for highly intelligent people to be future leaders in the military.
  16. It's because we don't watch NASCAR.
  17. I'm still a proponent of moving the equator up. More daylight and warmer climate for us.
  18. jon

    $300 Pogo Stick

    Dru you should get one of those and break the human-dog-pogostick record on Hood.
  19. Actually, I bet we use more energy the more daylight we have. There are all sorts of misconceptions about energy use. Here is a good one. Most people use paper coffee cups because it is "better" for the environment. It actually takes more energy and resources to produce a paper cup than a styrofoam cup, and the styrofoam cup has better thermodynamic properties. Granted styrofoam isn't biodegradable and is made from oil. Same with paper and plastic grocery bags. Changing daylight savings time is actually a big venture. Pretty much every computer operating system and anything that is dependant on time, like traffic lights, phone networks, investment infastructure all have to be changed to accomodate this. What congress really needs to do is get the automakers and saudis dick out of their mouth and make legislation that will cut our oil dependancy in half.
  20. http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/04/07/daylight.saving.ap/index.html Extending daylight savings time 2 months will save 10,000 barrels of oil a day. We only use 20 million a day right now. That's a whole wopping .05% percent savings!!! What will the Sauidis do now!?!?!?
  21. jon


    I skied on the Gotama this weekend and it is an amazingly fun ski. It's great in the powder and the crud and actually isn't too bad on the groomers just a little slow because it is so wide under the foot. Doesn't appear to be that heavy either. The one thing I really noticed about them, and I'm not sure if this is because of the overall surface area on the bottom of the ski, but it's one of the smoothest unharsh skis I've ever been on. Then again it could of been the foot of fresh powder Only downside is that it's pretty damn expensive.
  22. The doctors who told the parents and the courts that she could recover should lose their license and go to jail. That women sat in a bed/chair for 15 years and was a vegetable the whole time. And she didn't get one bed sore. What amazes me in every case of this kind, usually involving right to life people, is how much energy and money and time is spent trying to save people who are arguably not alive when there are millions of LIVING people out there, home and abroad, that desperately need help.
  23. I think this whole thing is just a smoke screen by the Mason's to distract people from the fact Paul Wolfowitz just became president of the World Bank. Could they have picked someone worse?
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