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Everything posted by jon

  1. If I were mean I'd give you a days warning, or none at all.
  2. White flour has been stripped of most of it's nutritional content. My understanding is because of that the body processes it in such a fashion that it treats it more like a sugar with a higher insulin response.
  3. Sometime in the next couple months we will be switching message board products. What does this mean for you? You will get a much more functional website that is faster and more user friendly. We have been testing it for about a month now and it rocks. A few of the beta testers have asked if we are going to lose all the old content and the answers is a definate NO. There is one thing that will most likely be lost in the migration, that being your private messages. No worries there is a better private message system on the way. Now we are a little ways off but it wouldn't hurt to start cleaning out those PM inboxes and writing down the phone numbers and emails you have stored up, because I GUARANTEE YOU after beating my head on the wall for months working on this upgrade the last thing I want to hear is someone complaining how they lost Suzy Jane's phone number and if I will go back and get the info for them, because you know what the answer will be and it won't be "Sorry dude!" it will be "F&*k you man!". So clean out those inboxes peeps!
  4. jon

    London Explosions

    I believe the more eloquent is expression would be Come on, one more post you freakin lightweight That's better... where is Polish Bob when you need him? Clownpuncher! Dirty Sanchez!
  5. Cut out the pasteries and chips for sure, and drink better beer.
  6. jon


    When I was 15 and doing the STP my friend broke the world bonking record on the second day thanks to a lobster dinner at the protest of his father. Homeskillet made it like 20 miles and just disintegrated.
  7. All my Lowe stuff has been awesome, but yeah I'd be pissed too. Unfortunately it is an industry wide problem with rare exceptions, and it's the whole outdoor sporting goods industry.
  8. jon


    In the STP? Wow I guess it's a long time since I have done it if people are fighting for wheels and shit. Do people have to wear white gloves like the Keirin? I actually found some STP training films, fast forward to about 3 minutes and find out how to retaliate against the person who took the last Luna bar at the feed zone. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/Crash2.wmv
  9. jon


    Make sure you and everyone in your group knows how to change a tube and be able to do it fast. Make sure you check your tires when you flat for any glass or pins stuck in them. Make sure a couple people in your group have a spare tire, you can zip tie it to your frame. Chamois butt'r is ok, but the real good stuff is called Assos and is worth every penny, most bike shops have it. Go to Bartells and find a small container so you can take some with you, and put some more on when you hit the bathroom. Assos is antimicrobial which cuts down on inflammation in the "area". Don't bonk! People who bonk are stupid! You are burning 800 calories an hour, eat eat drink drink eat eat. It's one of those rare times in your life you can eat whatever and however much you want! Avoid loosely flapping clothing, big parachute shirts will add up into making you more tired at the end of the day.
  10. Thanks to those who have sent in donations, it helped in the of purchase our new message board software that the mods and handful of cc.commers are helping beta test and photo gallery license.
  11. All these issues have been addressed in our new message board we are testing. PMs and posting pictures that is.
  12. Private Messages? Photos?
  13. I just got an email from Pete Takeda, he is trying to track down a Petr Hamish for a story about the disappearance, wasn't sure about the spelling.
  14. This has nothing to do with one single incident or post, just a culmination of many things and a little research on my part.
  15. I wanna know why people walk down the left side of the hall. What's even more perplexing is when a person who weighs half of what I do and won't get out of the way when they are walking down the wrong side of the hall. Are they that oblivious to what they are doing?
  16. The new software has a subscription option when you make your post, with no email updates, instant, daily, and weekly update options. The Private Messaging system allows you to message more then one person at a time and allows you to attach files and images and have polls.
  17. Didn't Marilyn Manson get some fake breasticles installed?
  18. You are out of your fucking mind. Who besides a goddamn meathead would do something like that, spend 6 days in the gym destroying yourself? Don't neglect your legs or you won't see upper body gain? Is that why every guy at the gym is shaped like a lightbulb? Or is it because you upper body increases mass 50% quicker then you lower body. Hitting each muscle group only twice and week but annilating your muscles will not achieve significant gains because you body will always be in a deficit.
  19. There are a couple explanations as to why you aren't bulking up, and I really don't think this has to do with how many reps you are doing, and it doesn't sound like you aren't eating enough unless you really feel like you are cannibalizing your body. The less likely one but possibly a variable in the overall scheme of things is the makeup of your muscles. If you have a very high percentage of slow twitch fibers, like it kind of sounds like, you are going to have a harder time putting on mass then someone with a more even ratio. The most likely possibility is that you are not producing a high enough training stress or overall cumulative training stress to see a significant adaptation. Part of this could be that you need to have a really hard workout to produce a training stress of any significance, which can be great if you are in really good shape and an athlete. The more likely scenario, saying that you have children, is that you might just not be making it to the gym enough. To see real significant gains you need to be lifting about 3 to 4 times a week. While this is a theory of mine, I think people with high metabolic activity may tend to detrain quicker then others, and it sounds like you fit this profile. If you aren't eating enough your body could also be eating away your gains on your rest day. The current improvements you are seeing in strength right now are most likely due to small changes in the muscle cells and neuromuscular development which make you stronger but without adding mass. My suggestion would be to try to make it to the gym a minimum of 3 days a week and do sets of increasing weight and decreasing reps, so say bench start with 10 reps at 115 and when you are done 4 reps at 155, and do like 4 to 8 sets. To put on mass you really need to be challenging your muscles towards their maximum outputs. Another common mistake made by most everyone is to do their cardio workout before they lift. This is great if you are just trying to put on some lean muscle mass or increase muscular endurance, but for increasing maximum strength and muscle volume you are targeting the wrong energy system. A warmup for a lifting workout would be a maximum of 10 minutes on an exercise bike or rowing machine, any longer and your aerobic system starts to really kick in. There are other things that you can throw in as well like highly explosive lifts and doing what is commonly called negatives, where you are doing a slow movement in the eccentric part of the lift. Another one is holding the lift at the end of the eccentric phase before transitioning to the concentric movement. Hope this helps.
  20. Hey peeps, I thought it was time to post a little note about a few things that you should be aware of. I don't want to sound like an alarmist but these are real problems you need to be aware of. First, I highly encourage you not to post your email address here, either in your profile or in a post. If you do, I suggest adding a obvious to delete section to it so that a person will recognize that it needs to be deleted but a computer searching the internet for emails to spam wouldn't. This would go the same as phone numbers. Second. CC.com has become a quite popular website, there are many more people who read it then post here. I can tell this by looking at our server logs. Some of these people who are looking but not posting are people who work for the National Parks and the Forest Service. Some are just interested in where you are going and what you are doing for work purposes, some are just interested personally. There is also another group that is interested in your illegal outdoor activities, these being Federal Law Enforcement Officers. What this means is if you post info here about being in a place without a permit or in a prohibited area, bolting in restricted areas, having a safety brake with a ranger, you risk not only getting yourself in trouble but others as well. PLEASE be careful about what you post! You won't be the first to get caught.
  21. 50% of people who use creatine are non-responders. Sounds like the problem is an ineffective workout program.
  22. I'll suggest that feature to the developers of the software we are migrating to.
  23. Hey folks, As many have requested we have our PayPal link for donations back up on the front page. If you would rather not use PayPal please send me a PM and I'll provide you with a mailing address. Currently we don't have the subscription donation feature reinstalled, but that will change when we migrate to our new message board software. Donations go directly to costs involved in running cc.com, hosting costs, software licenses, frosty beverages for replying to tons of support emails and hacking code. In the next few months we will be making some rather large changes to the website, starting with a new message board product we are just about to start testing that absolutely kicks major ass, redesigning the look of the website, improvements to the photo gallery, and starting to develop and add some new features and content. In October we will be celebrating our 5 year anniversary and will hopefully have a majority of this done, but it's a lot of work and your support is greatly appreciated. Also please be sure to thank our sponsors as well, they have relieved quite a large financial burden on our part and have made it possible for us to pay for a few cool events. Cheers, Jon
  24. It's not the bike. If you note the temperature on the computer it says 97 degrees, and it wasn't that hot here but was in Indianopolis that week.
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