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Everything posted by jon

  1. The Des Moines Register, now that is one quality publication right there. I'm sure they have a brain trust there in Iowa analyzing the shit out of the problem. If you think insurance premiums for doctors has only gone up 5.7 percent in the last 10 years you are absolutely fucking crazy. Next time you see you doctor ask him how much his insurance has gone up in 10 years, I bet it is over 10x. I have a friend who is a surgeon and it is amazing what he has to pay now. How about OB/Gyn insurance, that has gone through the roof, in fact they prefer to deliver by C-section because it is "safer". Maybe 5.7% for family practicioners, they can't fuck much up. Another big problem is uninsured. They wait until they are deathly ill and then go to the emergency room and can't pay. There are people with no insurance who literally are in the emergency room 150 days a year. It is becoming such a big problem and expense for hospitals that they are now building seperate facilities to deal with the uninsured so they can get the insured in there to foot the bill.
  2. You can thank attorney's like Senator John Edwards.
  4. There is a "beer special" not free alcohol, don't confuse the two.
  5. If we had the turnout last year there will be no room for Sumo, although I have a bone to pick with a few people Looks like there is still room to show slides if people want.
  6. What is your basis for stating this, and what are the "physiological changes" that are counter to what you're tyring to accomplish? I only understand the arguments that cycling is less injury prone then running. What is the basis? It's published sports science. The physiological changes you are trying to avoid are thickening of the hearts walls, to name one.
  7. Thanks to everyone has has RSVPed, we will have an awesome turnout and it will be totally off the hook. Let me know if you are interested in showing slides.
  8. Actually she is a triathlete, so she is also a cyclist... a very hot cyclist. The question was is biking or running better for climbing preparation. The answer for most people is cycling. The reason is that most people cannot run at a low enough percentage of the their lactic threshold to see the necessary cardiac and oxidative tissue adaptions necessary to improve aerobic fitness, in fact most people will have physiological changes that are counter to what they are trying to accomplish.
  9. I have figured out there is an error in active topics to where it indeed shows every thread that has been responded to in the last day, but unfortunately they are in no particular order.
  10. jon


    But Lummox, the silver buddies will be there.
  11. We will be adding back the old functionality, unfortunately lots of the board code was rewritten which in turn requires our stuff to be rewritten. It'll take some time but we'll get there. Thanks for understanding.
  12. jon


    Thanks to everyone who has responded it's going to be a lot of fun, and we have some good presenters. Get that liver primed and ready!
  13. They won't be serving minors.... sorry. Doesn't mean you can't come and prefunk at someone house.
  14. jon


  15. Houston..... we have a beer "special".
  16. We just haven't put the link back up...... http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/
  17. I'm fearing that through some quirk with the message board that people aren't seeing the thread in the events forum.
  18. BTW people can show up around 5:30 to 6:00 to grab a beer and some food, and shoot the shit. I think we have the place until midnight.
  19. Porbably starts slides around 7:30 to 8. PM me if you want to show slides. PM me if you are going to come. PM me if you are goin be blowing chips in the back alley
  20. I'm giving all the moderators model Messershmitt 109's missing it's right wing.
  21. Image no worky, post the link. BTW welcome back dude, I assume the costco sized package of klenex and tampax that I sent got there? Could komotv.com have picked a worse picture of Gregoire?
  22. Thanks Gary. The digiproc would be great, we have a screen but there wouldn't be any harm in a backup. I've only got a few responses of people who would like to show slides, PLEASE PM ME if you you want to show slides. Also send me a quick PM if you are planning on attending so we can let the restaurant know how many people they should staff. Thanks!
  23. jon

    Dating at Work

    As long as Lumbergh isn't showing her the O-face as well it is all good. Yeeaaaaaaah.
  24. On Tuesday December 7 we will have the second annual SausageFest Slideshow at Shultzy's Suasage on University Avenue in Seattle. For those of you who didn't make it last year it was a lot of fun, there was a LOT of beer, great food, and some pretty incredible slides. There will be more details in the next week. If you are interested in showing slides please send me a PM ASAP, because I think we are going to have to limit the number of presenters. Also, if you have access to a digital projector please let me know.
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