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Everything posted by jon

  1. Jesus christ all I want is a good damned person to go crank in the gym with a couple nights a week and all I'm getting is a bunch of dumbass remarks. There is a bike rack? No shit I used it the other night. Do you live next to the gym you go to? So you even work? Deadlifts, yeah my last set tonight will be 6 at 220. Any more brainbusters?
  2. Yeah and I'm 18 and live in the dorms too. Dumbshit. Come lift legs with me next week and we'll see if you feel like walking home or riding a bike.
  3. It doesn't open until 4!? Who's stupid idea is that? I just started going to the IMA a couple nights ago so I'm still figuring out the deal. Do you have to pay to park at Montake in the evening?
  4. Did anyone go see YEARBOOK on Saturday?
  5. Looking for a few people to monkey around with in the evening or during lunch. PM me.
  6. From: "J. Ryan" <driley@skihood.com> Date: Thur, 14 Oct 2004 18:52:32 -0700 To: <driley@skihood.com> Subject: Fair warning Dear Dave, Please consider this fair warning that we have flaming bags of shit to put on the doorsteps of your organizations, employees and owners. We are carefully following your actions and filling bags the same. Jon Ryan President General Manager Mother Fuckin Hustler
  7. jon


    Back in the day I talked with the guy who runs climbingboulder, nice guy from where I grew up, and he tried to pitch to us running their backend software and their design. We decided to go our own improvised route, hence spray. Funny looking back at that.
  8. ROFL nice Fairweather!
  9. jon


    where r r replies
  10. jon


    AAHHHHHHHHHH! I see what you are talking about. The problem arised when I asked for people to put in the topic Suggestion Box and you put Banning Suggestions, so when I sort by subject, and since the letter S is way after B I don't see the email. I'll get back to you shortly.
  11. jon


    What are you implying?
  12. jon


    You mean there is a board out there that bans people for their opinions?
  13. jon

    time to post like

  14. Hey, shouldn't this be posted in THE NEW WHO GIVES A FUCK FORUM?
  15. If it's the same Greg that Tim knows we'll be down there in a couple of weeks and can pick them up.
  16. Oct 21-28
  17. jon

    Road-Ragers for Kerry

    I had a guy in a Porsche make a jacking off signal to me the other day, but I think he was just pissed that my car is faster.
  18. I think they are looking at each other, while rolling around in the billions of dollars of black government contracts they have, and saying "Guess he's never been to Groom Lake."
  19. Chuck I will come to Pub Club just to see the look on your face drinking one of those!
  20. jon

    Road-Ragers for Kerry

    Greg, I don't care what bumper sticker you put on your truck but if I catch you doing your makeup again going 25 in a 30 your getting the finger!
  21. beer with caffeine!
  22. Thanks to everyone who took the time to write us an email, I'll try to get back to you by weeks end.
  23. Hey the media just spent millions of dollars to cover a mountain farting.
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