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Everything posted by jon

  1. That fucking sucks Michelle, sorry. They need a LoJack for bikes.
  2. jon


    Well Everclear isn't 100% alcohol, it's only 95%. The safe thing to do is buy alcohol made for consumption, because most industry ethanols contain either benzene, methanol, or MEK.
  3. jon


    If you have a friend that works in a lab you can get 95% EtOH .5L for about 2 dollars, the only thing you have to be carefull about is pure 100% ethanol has benzene in it so make sure about what you are getting.
  4. I was reading the paper today and was suprised to find that Common's new album is number 2 on Billboard, not bad for someone from the underground scene. It's a good fucking album!
  5. Join Warren Macdonald and Margot Talbot as they present an inspirational multimedia show at Feathered Friends Thursday, June 7th. The show is free and is part of our month long celebration of our new expansion.
  6. jon

    Invision Bulletin Board?

    PhotoPost is compatible with InvisionBB, although I do not know if we can switch boards and keep data. The currently have no script to convert a PhotoPost board to and Invision Gallery so we would have to wait on that.
  7. jon

    Invision Bulletin Board?

    Everything would convert over if we switched to this one. Not sure about PMs and some other minor features. We would be able to preserve the trip index although that might take some serious work. There should be a script to preserve links embedded in posts.
  8. I'm wondering who out there has used the Invision message board and what they think about it. I'll cut to the chase why I am asking. We are considering switching to a different forum software solution. While the Infopop software that we have been using since the inception of the website has been great until recently, we are afraid the both the company that develops it and the community of users who uses it are jumping ship on it. It is starting to fall behind in features compared to other boards, and the people who develop the neat hacks for it have more or less stopped making them. It's a little sad because if it weren't for this software we would be where we are today, but I'm afraid making a change is inevitable unless something changes pretty quickly. Thanks for any info.
  9. No actually quite the opposite, my hats off to you even though we don't see eye to eye on this.
  10. jon

    Caption this...

    So does DFA type with his beek or with his feet?
  11. So what are you doing about it, besides complaining on a climbing website about it?
  12. Right on dude! There are so many people and issues that need help, many of them local, and it's a shame that people waste so much energy bellyaching over stuff that in reality they have no effect or control over.
  13. Like? And how would we clean up our military? Get rid of the podunk 19 YO private making 18k a year. Should we replace them with highly educated individuals with morals like DFA? You need to be more specific, because generalizing things makes it sound so damned simple. From my standpoint a person who has spent years in a terrorist training camp learning how to kill us, and has been captured, should not be provided the rights of a citizen of this country. Oh one last thing, the whole accountability thing. If you haven't noticed, it's common modus operandi to deny involvement and accountability in our society, I mean they start teaching it in Kindergarden.
  14. So what do you do about it?
  15. What I profess politically? I don't profess anything politically I hate politics, I hate Bush, I actually don't even like a lot of things about our country. I hate people like you who just complain all day long but do nothing to make their world or community a better place. I hate SUVs. I hate mayonaisse. Should I continue? No I'm not too concerned about the people who are being tortured because what I'm I going to do about it? Did I say innocent people should be tortured? No I didn't, that is wrong. There is no disconnect, but I'm not going to show compasion for people who don't by no means deserve it. I'm also not blind to the fact there are times when desperate times require desperate measures. Hey isn't this where you post some lyrics to a song I don't care about?
  16. And that is why I study a disease that is ravaging all of Africa and other third world countries. NICE TRY DICKHEAD!
  17. So when you say civilized society you mean like blowing yourself up inside of a pizza parlor, flying airplanes into buildings, driving cars full of explosive through checkpoints, killing elected officials of a newly free goverment to a country of which you aren't even a citizen of?
  18. Hey here is a story about prisoner abuse that didn't make the headlines! In WWII an aircrew had to bail out over the town of Speicher, Germany. Speicher is this little shit town in the middle of nowhere in Germany. After reaching the ground the aircrew was rounded up by the townspeople only to be pitchforked to death. Upon learning this allied aircrews would save one bomb from their runs and sometimes go out of their way to "save one for Speicher".
  19. I read the link in question. I don't see what is so outrageous about it that you have to wig out about it. Yeah people get tortured, tough shit, it's only been happening for thousands of years. I'm all for torturing, get all those terrorist and child molesters and rapists in one room and just fuck them up. Should innocent people be tortured? Who would answer yes besides maybe..... Saddam Hussein and his deceased sons. Do you really think they are knowingly torturing innocent people over there? Star spangled blindfold, that's cute, you come up with that yourself?
  20. DFA continue to live you pathetic unimpressive life with the wool pulled over your eyes believing everything you read on the internet with your false sense of how the world works.
  21. No, our scientists will be looking for new careers since they have cut funding to the NIH by over half.
  22. What ever you do don't watch the show 24..... they torture people and you might cry.
  23. jon

    Cost of Iraq War

    For the cost of the war, everyone in Bellevue could have a Humvee and have enough gas to drive it for a year as well as pay for insurance.
  24. They make it pretty clear when you sign up that is what is going on. I personally don't have a problem with it, because while I'm sure they are collecting all sorts of demographic data from people they aren't invading their privacy. If Osama was replying to an email and he clicked on "Free Al'Q3ada tRain1ng manu4l with order of C'ial;is" and they reported that...... I'd be fine with that!
  25. That article is totally alarmist and FUD. The guy writing that probably has 100 spyware programs installed and is having $10.67 taken out of his checking account every month without even knowing it because he is too worried about who could potentially read their email. The reality is anyone can read you email if they really wanted to.
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