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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    Server Slowness

    I need to elaborate a bit here. For months now the website has shown some slowness. When I say slow I'm talking anywhere from 10 seconds to a minute when your page is fully received. Even 10 seconds is really slow but we will call that slow for now. I'm trying to get a handle on how bad this is. I'm looking at dedicated servers at this point, and while there is a large cost associated with doing this, at this point I don't think there is much choice in the matter. Thx
  2. jon

    Server Slowness

    Vote in my poll sucker!
  3. I was suprised that Bush is winning the popular vote by such a large margain, especially after losing it in 2000. Then I remembered the stupid people reproduce quicker.
  4. That wasn't the point Rob, although I can see why you could see that from my post. Every single one of those things I listed are things that we have invented in the last couple decades effect human evolution. For tens of thousands of years women got pregnant at an age when they were able to fend for themselves and their newborns. It wasn't a matter of abortion rights, what mommy or daddy would think, it purely boiled down to genetics and ensuring the survival of superior gene sets. Now women are having children at ages that they would normally be dead at. In this last century human evolution has undergone something very radical, and mainly a result of the industrial revolution. Through the modernization of medicine and pharmacalogy we have basically extended the lifespan of people that would otherwise be dead or incapable of reproducing. Through our inventions including cars and grocery stores we are having to quickly adapt genetically speaking to a way of life that is far different than it was thousands of years ago let alone hundreds. Stem cell research is just the next step in human evolution.
  5. jon

    4 more years of...

    Scott list 30 reasons, and they have to be actually different reasons, not the same like your first two examples.
  6. I fucking love how people are against this, all you Bush supporters with cross in one hand and AK-47 in the other, saying that we are playing with gods work or whatever and we are abusing human life. Forget how you just went to the pharmacy to pick up your Viagra, Rogain, Claritin, Vioxx and all your other different drugs. Oh Steve has low sperm count and you can't get prego? It's ok we can invitro you and now you can have kids, no sin in that. We just take out a couple of eggs, Steve can watch some porno and jackoff in the petri dish, and then we will stick the stuff in you, it's all natural man. Wait until your liver gives out or something and you need a transplant but there are no donors that are your tissue type, then we will see how against it you are. Meanwhile we are polluting the earth with estrogen mimics so you daughter has her first period at age 6. Women having kids at age 43 and shit because dad wants to live a little before settling down.
  7. jon

    4 more years of...

    I'm starting an American Mail Order Husband business, send me a PM if you are interested.
  8. Why do the people in Ohio give a shit if North Korea fires their nukes at us, they won't be aimed there. Bush has a ranch YEEEEHAAAW!
  9. Drank. Drank. Got killed in poker Got the first turns in for the year
  10. jon

    Climbers Board is

    There are WMDs in Iraq! No there isn't! Yes there is! Then show them to me! Fuck that! I'm not going to search for them! But they have them!
  11. jon

    Climbers Board is

    I replied to every single person that wrote me. You didn't get a reply becuase you didn't follow the directions.
  12. RIP IT UP LOL RuMR put the 8=D back in your mouth n00b
  13. OH THIS IS SOOOO GOOOD! http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB1&Number=328938
  14. On this website I run I told everyone on April Fools that our server had crashed the night before and everyone had lost their PMs. People went nuts!!! Here is a link to a good pee story. http://www.eriksaunders.com/legends.MattisPee.htm
  15. I thought only females had to do that?
  16. When I'm driving the cc.com humvee around in snowy and icy conditions I make sure to be applying power around the turn instead of the breaks.
  17. jon

    Photo Gallery Upgrade

    Dru, I'll see if there is a way to make those accessable again. At the very least I can make some hack way of viewing them and if people want them in the gallery they can upload them. IMPORTANT: I have discovered some configuration setting problems in the gallery. So, as it is set right now, there is a 300kb max size on each image which is MORE than enough. More importantly, I have set it so that the max image size is width of 800 and height of 600. If anybody sees a problem with me doing this that I have overlooked PLEASE tell me. Reason I am doing this is because our photo gallery is almost 2 gigabytes big now and it's taking up a lot of disk space, and I'm trying to lower the impact on our server speed and bandwidth. Once I figure out how to do it, I will be converting all of the images in the gallery to this smaller dimension. Again if you smart ones out there can think of something problematic about this that I have overlooked don't be afraid to PM me about it.
  18. jon

    Nikon D70

    No, the D70 shoots 2.9 frames per second up to 40 frames depending on quality, with a shutter speed up to 1/8000. I've had this camera since it came out and it takes incredible pictures. With an SB-800 flash you can do some pretty funky stuff with it.
  19. You know what I think the Access Fund should do? Go out and buy some land with some rock on it, it can even be nice rock. Tell the guys who are chipping and bolting on holds that the can do WHATEVER they want with the land and the rock. As time passes, some bolts find their way onto the face, then some faces that are pretty clean get chipped a bit, and when the climbers realize that even the chip holds make it too hard, the just bolt on some big jugs. So they are happy as a clam and then all of the sudden fall rolls around, and shit you know what, it's starting to rain. How bout we build a room over the rock? Excellent idea! So they build a roof and now they have dry rock any time they want. A month goes by and the climbers realize "shit it's fucking cold out!" Lets builds some walls around the roof? BRILLIANT! So the climbers build the walls, add some heating. Wow this is great, we have warm and dry climbing all year long. So the months pass, a latte machine arrives, they put in a snack bars, some showers and a bathroom. Getting tired of washing their cars the pave the road leading to the gym.... umm I mean crag.
  20. In other news, Microsoft is now giving it's employees shrooms to help them expandimitate their creative horizons in an effort to create innovative products, and not without a hint of irony, just like Steve Jobs had Apple employees doing over 15 years ago.
  21. I'm not going to drill holes into my toothbrush until I lose the 10 or so extra pounds of fat I have.
  22. I used to have Sony MiniDisc. The battery life was incredible! Everything else sucked. The software sucked, it absolutely destroyed my computer, in fact it no longer plays any sound. It was just a pain to use with their digital rights managment. It was stolen and some jerk is now stuck with a worthless POS. I have an iPod and my only complaint is that it isn't cheaper, but you get what you pay for. I like iTunes, it has some hidden qualities that few appreciate. For instance I have 200 gigs of music on a network share, but my main computer is a powerbook. I can import the songs into iTunes and it will automatically reconnect the shares when I come online. It will also put the songs over the network onto the iPod. If I don't happen to be connected to the share and I'm synching my iPod it won't remove the unavailable songs. Most old ripped MP3 don't have correct ID3 tags (the thing that has the title and artist etc.) and iTunes makes it pretty easy to go through these and put correct tags on them.
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