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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Have you thought about hypnosis? I knew someone who didn't want to take meds so did that instead. It helped them.
  2. I doubt the naked workout he'd want to do would help him much with climbing, but thanks for the suggestion
  3. Not sure if you're interested in a roommate situation, but this was just posted on a cc.com thread. linky
  4. That's what I was hoping for, too! Oh, well...
  5. rmncwrtr


    Going to college in a town and living there as a working professional are two totally different experiences. I do believe you can have a dream position right out of college-I had one, but unfortunately the space shuttle blew up a couple of weeks after the offer was made so the job was going to disappear until they'd figured the whys/hows/etc-so if the one in Boston is it for you, give it a go. You can always move west later.
  6. Some good suggestions, Archie, but spray is always good for a laugh and it's the closest thing to a water cooler conversation those of us work from home types have. Maybe we should follow E.B. White's advice: Be obscure, clearly. And you nailed me with the stupid blog, except for different drink, different book and people actually read mine
  7. rmncwrtr

    Chicken Cops

    Thanks for that lovely imagery, Sobo. So much for my idea of soft, cute and cuddly bunnies.
  8. Hey, AlpineK, some of us are from that side of the river!
  9. My son is only six, but something to remember for the future. Filed Under: Parents 1, Smart-Ass Teenage Son, 0
  10. Skiing - in bounds Pilates Hiking Reading
  11. rmncwrtr

    I fondeld my gear

    Climbing packs, rope bags...just how much climbing stuff do you end up if you get serious about this?
  12. It depends if Eddie was sober or not, G-spotter. Thanks for the link, Gary. Joshua Bell is amazing. Interesting that all the kids wanted to stop, but got pulled away.
  13. rmncwrtr

    I fondeld my gear

    Just been taking a bunch of ribbing from non-climbers about me learning to climb at so it's a bit of a sore spot for me. And the Redpoint bumper sticker is already on my minivan so I couldn't include it in the photo.
  14. Will do, Arch. Thanks for the tip.
  15. rmncwrtr

    I fondeld my gear

    I was explained about the usage and overusage of chalk at the shop, DeChristo. Probably didn't need the bag as well as the chalk, but oh well. It's only money. And I have three young kids, Arch. I gotta do something while I'm waiting for piano, violin, swimming, dance, etc to be over with. Guess I should have posted this in newbies and not spray. Lesson learned.
  16. She was up earlier this morning meowing at the front of the cage. That usually means she wants food or love. They called me and told me she was hissing at the other cats, but being really nice to them. Very typical of her!
  17. rmncwrtr

    I fondeld my gear

    Thanks for the , Muffy, and looking out for me, too. I love the shoes. Just tried them a couple of days ago on a rock wall at the house we were staying at in Bend. I never thought about wearing them around the house, but will do that. Thanks for the tip! I'm sure the kids will get a kick out of me climbing around the house.
  18. Nevermind, Sobo. I must have caught them off-line. Now both ways are continuously updating.
  19. rmncwrtr

    I fondeld my gear

    I've been climbing for 8 years.... son you got it BAD welcome to my world!!!! who is teaching you lessons and what did they ask you to buy??? out of curiosity... A cc.comer is teaching me. The guy helping me at Redpoint talked via my cellphone to him about remaining items on the list and a couple of things changed. This is what I ended up when I put it all together (from what I won at the PMR film fest raffle and what I'd purchased before and today.)
  20. rmncwrtr

    I fondeld my gear

    Glad to know I'm not the only one doing this! I just purchased the remainder of my gear list at Redpoint. I've got it spread out and just keep staring at it. Very cool looking even if I'm not totally sure what it all does. Total newbie here. I can't wait to start my lessons!!!
  21. Sobo - if you get the url with a camera number, it continually updates. If you hit the kitty cam number then it is frozen at a specific time. At least that's been my experience. Those constant updates make me dizzy! I pick Spirit up tomorrow at 11:30 am! Can't wait to see her. Her brother, Rocket, has to have this same procedure in a month or so, too. Today my 9 yo asked if that meant we got to go back to Bend to ski. She fell in love with powder and nearly drove mr. rmncwrtr insane yesterday afternoon with her only skiing in the trees when on groomed runs.
  22. Thanks Sherri. The kitty-cam is great, but a total time suck. LOL on the photoshop idea. That would be hilarious. Unfortunately I do not possess the skills to do such a thing and it would probably totally freak out my oldest, 9, whose eyes well up with tears at the mere mention of the cat. Thank goodness we headed to Bend to ski this week. It's been a great distraction for the kids!
  23. This reminds me of that old movie Capricorn One? I was just a kid when I saw it, but it was about faking a Mars landing and starred OJ Simpson. They set up a Mars soundstage, only the empty spacecraft blew up or something like that so they had to get rid of the still alive astronauts on Earth.
  24. My cat, Spirit, had her I131 treatment for her hyperthyroidism. If you want to see her, click here, choose a camera (1,2,3,4) and look for a gray cat with the name Spirit on the cage. Mr. rmncwrtr had the kids convinced she would be glowing after the treatment, but she looks exactly the same. Huge sigh of relief on their parts. Of course the real chore will be keeping them away from her for 5 weeks when we pick her up on Friday. That's not going to be easy.
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