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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. You can do it, Muffy! If you get hungry, eat like a bunny and munch on raw veggies. My diet allows alcohol if it will help me make it through the six weeks. I plan to take advantage of that
  2. Weigh-in this morning: 138 pounds. I'd like to drop a minimum of 10 pounds. I have no will-power so I'll be using a book a friend loaned me that worked great for her. It's called Eat to Live. It's a six-week program.
  3. Yes, Alex. Monday is the first official weigh in.
  4. Were we separated at birth, Arch? A long lost sister? Seriously that is spot on both in the range of sizes and weights though I feel best around 126-8.
  5. I work at home so I can be with the kids. Actually I'm very lucky because with what I do there's no need for an office. In the morning I'm usually in bed with my ibook on my lap working hence the breakfast in bed.
  6. Not everyday, but he brings me breakfast in bed most days if I'm working early in the morning and he's getting the kids ready for school. No on the grape feeding, however. Maybe I should mention that
  7. Unfortunately, I'm already married to the perfect woman, and I will always be married to her through the end of time. I really don't understand dad's who don't like to play with their kids. The best parts of my day are waking up early to make breakfast with my son (my wife gets breakfast in bed each morning), and then the hours of 6-10pm when I play with the kids and put them to bed while my wife gets a chance to relax. What it the world is more fun than playing with kids? you have to be kidding me. this has to be some kind of troll or something no its not...this is very similar to my home... dads! You guys This is how it is at our house, too. My hubby does so much with the kids and around the house I don't know what I'd do without him since I work from home. We're a team. I couldn't imagine it any other way.
  8. I'd love to join. I really need to lose 10 pounds. I'd love to lose even a few more than that, but I like chocolate too much!
  9. I'll bite. First, this is hilarious. The boyfriend follower description is spot on. Been there with skiing, but I was a girlfriend who fell in love with the sport and dumped the guy. #1 no since married and mr. rmncwrtr does not rock or gym climb yet. He'll be following me! #2 no way since I'm not a center-of-attention type not to mention that type of clothing is not me in any way shape or form. #3 no since married. #4, I may have hips, but I am so not a hippie chick. That leaves #5, the climber. It fits even though I only climbed for the first time last week, but I fell in love with it like skiing and can't wait to do climb more inside and get outside. I'm keeping mr. rmncwrtr and kids amused by practicing my knots and tying into my harness
  10. The rally is supposed to start around 4ish in the Park Blocks in downtown PDX and go from there. That should make for an interesting commute for those who work/live around there.
  11. I can't believe no one's grabbed these, Oly. If I wasn't on deadline, I'd have son play hooky from school and drive up there for the day. Let the two Finns bond over baseball and Star Wars.
  12. to the Piano and DJ kitties. So cute! This thread always brings a to my face! Thanks!
  13. Thanks, sinrtb. I'll check it out. Had a class at Club Sport last night and am excited to climb more!
  14. My condolances to the friends and family of the climber.
  15. Thanks, Selkirk. I'm female and except for carrying kids and groceries I have little upper body strength so unless I can be efficient and learn good technique I won't get far!
  16. Well, they do smell better.
  17. Haven't bouldered yet, but nothing beats skiing in my book Does anyone know of any good youtube clips of women rock climbing in a gym? I wouldn't know whether someone was doing it right or wrong so I'm hesitant to just go searching, but I'm getting my first lesson this week and am curious to watch someone who knows what she is doing. I've been reading the Long book, but I'd really like to see it!
  18. I almost saw a guy, playing John Jacob Astor at a Titanic Party, catch fire when he lit his cigar with a flare.
  19. I've used ipowerweb.com in the past. They were great customer service wise, whether I was talking to them or my webdesigner. When a domain was expiring and the hosting coming due, ipowerweb called me to see if I wanted to keep it or not. But I didn't find them as mac-friendly as I would have liked when it came to web email. They were upgrading the interface, however, so this may have changed since I no longer have that site. I have no idea who hosts my current site (webmistress deals with that part of it), but I've had no problems with them and it's been fine with my mac.
  20. You're taking the quote out of context, Ivan. Benjamin Franklin was not talking about total freedom. And the actual wording of the quote (from around 1755), depending on whose research you believe, is "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
  21. That is one of my favorite quotes, FW!
  22. So can someone translate what the kitty is singing?
  23. Have fun with the new toy, G-spotter! What did you get?
  24. rmncwrtr


    Um, Muffy. Bags, woods, no problem...but pvc pipes? Please tell this newbie you're kidding.
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