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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Great site since I have three to outfit ASAP. Thanks RuMR.
  2. rmncwrtr


    I just had a few inches chopped off yesterday. Goodbye ponytail. $55.
  3. Thanks Sherri. It's great having the support here and I know it's helped me stick with the diet/working out, but knowing others see a difference is a big boost. Mr.Rmncwrtr has been encouraging, but let's face it, after twelve years of marriage, he knows the answer he should give when I ask how I look. And no TR on the alcohol incident due to lack of memory of happenings.
  4. Today's weigh in is 131 lbs. Not too worried about the one pound gain. It actually might be muscle gain Four different people who I hadn't seen in a few weeks came up to me this weekend and mentioned how I looked. All positive comments, too! I'm still avoiding alcohol, easy to do since I'd drank way to much over a week ago and can't even stand the smell now. And my clothes keep fitting looser so I'm definitely on the right track.
  5. Today's weigh in is 130 lbs. Again. I hate this. I even got some exercise in this week-Pilates, outdoor traversing, gym climbing, hike. No more alcohol. No little cheats at all.
  6. Friday: Bowling and arcade games at Big Al's to celebrate last day of school Saturday: Picnic to celebrate end of Little League season Sunday: Hike to the top of Beacon Rock with hubby and kids. Lunch at Skamania Lodge to celebrate Father's Day.
  7. Wow, that gave me goosebumps. He's got an incredible voice. Thanks for posting the link!
  8. Sinrtb - I've only climbed at Club Sport a couple of times (and none of the other gyms in the area), but I went to the open climb session at Firstenburg today. Here's a quick comparison of the two: Pros to Firstenburg - price $5.75 plus $2 for childcare (for 1.5 hours. It also cost $5 for my belay card which was free at Club Sport), location (much closer to where I live), good beginner routes for a newbie, open climb includes belayers (huge + for me since I know few who climb). Cons - small wall, very crowded today (they limit open climb to 12 climbers. Can't remember how many were there today, but it felt very crowded to me whereas Club Sport is so big it's never felt that way), limited routes if you were an experienced climber. Similarities - Both gyms use the gri-gri for the belay. At Club Sport you tie in to climb, at Firstenburg there's a biner with a figure 8 tied on it. Both gyms have friendly, helpful people working there. If I had to choose, I prefer Club Sport if I have someone to climb with (and since I bought a couple of the half-price punch cards in April, it's more reasonably priced), but when it's me and my youngest, I can't beat the deal at Firstenburg-no partner or babysitter needed. I'll definitely be going there again.
  9. Mmmm. What you made for Archy sounds tasty, but thanks for saving the chocolate for us!!!!!!!
  10. She'd better come back soon. I've been dreaming about the chocolate cake she's going to make me in July when I'm up there!
  11. No cover story will be needed with mine. Trust me. I've got your back with this one
  12. Bill - I'll be practicing footwork at one of the traverses. I have something for your wife, all wrapped even, so find me if you have a minute! Otherwise I'll just stick it back in the pack and you can get it another time.
  13. rmncwrtr

    Funny cats

    Those are so funny! Thanks from this kitty lover!!!
  14. Today's weigh in is 130 lbs again. It's been five weeks since I've had any meat. I've had a couple of cheats this week, but nothing huge. I don't know why I can't get past this one weight because my clothes are more loose than last week and even my Pilates instructor noticed a difference on Friday. I didn't do any of my daily hikes since hubby was out of town, but managed two Pilates sessions this week and a three hour hike yesterday. I just want to lose something this coming week.
  15. Congrats Daniel. Wonderful news! The next time I see you I'm buying you a
  16. Great news, Carolyn and Latte! Appreciate the update!
  17. Today's weigh in 130 lbs again. Down a total of 8 pounds but no loss this week. I'm bummed though I did eat kind of weird due to a deadline. And I also added in a nightly Godiva truffle. Though I did hike (not as much though) and climb (traverses outside and gym inside.) I hope this week goes better. No more nightly chocolate either since I have no way to justify it.
  18. having a treat is one thing. needing a treat is another. A Blizzard sounds yummy. Enjoy!
  19. Would love to I'll be there this weekend and sometime next week, not Tuesday though, too. Look for the silver mom-mobile w/WA plates! Hubby's trip up Mt. Hood was awesome, a total dream come true so much so I have no idea what I can get him next year for our anniversary. Suggestions greatly appreciated. A not-news-worthy climb, too, thank goodness, though I told a PMR pal that if he got a page that day he'd better get up there pronto Hubby hit the summit around 7 and was down at 11. We had a nice lunch at the lodge before heading home. In hindsight we should have stayed that night too. Lesson learned for the next time. He can't wait to climb again. Considering what he spent on clothes and stuff, he'd better get back out there soon and start making the most of his investment. Now to get him some rock gear though he's definitely more an alpine guy
  20. Thanks again Bill for showing me around last night. You were right about the legs being sore. They sure were this morning!
  21. Done. Now I must sleep.
  22. rmncwrtr


    Happy Birthday Knotzen! Hope this upcoming year is filled with love and laughter and fun climbs!
  23. Oh that is too cute! Thanks so much. I needed this
  24. Thanks, Sherri. I will. I'm actually enjoying eating vegetarian and loving all the salads, but food, even if it were pizza, burgers and fries, is the first thing that goes when I have a lot of work to do and get stressed. No matter whether I'm on a diet or not, I just forget to eat. It's always been like that even when I was working as an engineer. That's why hubby came home from work a few minutes ago to fix me something healthy and yummy to eat for lunch. The man knows me too well.
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