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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Yep. And now I know where to find it when I need it! A very easy title to search on should I need it again. Thanks so much everyone! :smooch:
  2. hey, am i chopped cat food? we have two pages of flying kitty posts. that's how slow it is.
  3. Bear or bare essentials?
  4. Maybe we should send mouse out there with a life preserver to save him from going splash.
  5. The pics have already made me smile so flying kitty has already rescued me tonight.
  6. i can't remember her/his name, but shimi sounds about right. I just remember the flying kitty posts.
  7. I'd like to know what the one about to belly flop into the water was thinking.
  8. At least that's what shi-whoever, the one who needed a C-130 to drop all the hiking gear she carried with her, had put together on her flying cat post.
  9. He had half an orange with him if I remember correctly.
  10. I just thought it was supposed to be cool.
  11. Glad to know I'm not the only one, Virendra!
  12. You deserve a 1/4 pound of Tillamook for that one, Mtn. Mouse!
  13. I would probably serve a merlot with the brownies given the choice, but since the only wine I had in the house besides a very expensive cabernet we've been saving and a case of pinot gris I won last night was a shiraz, that had to do. I must admit though, the flavors of the shiraz with the brownies aren't half bad together. Sure beats the combo of chocolate and a bottle of Cinder Cone.
  14. Welcome back to the states, mousemtn. Glad to see you were faster than the flying cat Thank you, too. xoxox
  15. Thanks, G-spotter. xoxox
  16. Would some kind or even not-so-kind-hearted sprayer please post that flying three legged caped cat pic? I tried searching for it, but couldn't find it. It hasn't been around for a while and it always puts a smile on my face and after the day I've had I really need to smile. Not even wine and brownies are working. Thanks!
  17. Wonderful news for you and Latte, Carolyn! Congrats!
  18. Very fun event. Kudos to the group putting it on. I spoke with Matty, Christina and Dan. Very friendly, nice people who really wanted to help those who helped them. Lots of people, good beer and some great items to bid on. Someone outbid me on the start climbing gear package, but we went home with a case of wine and a tour for 8 at Duck Pond Winery. Can't complain about that!
  19. I hope I get a chance to put some cc.com names to faces tonight. We'll be there a little after 7. Just look for the three kids in matching Barkdog (Mt. Bachelor Avalanche Rescue K-9) T-shirts and I'll be close by.
  20. Did they amend the measure before sending it to the floor? According to an article on the web from a Salem paper: The measure calls for people climbing the 11,239-foot mountain above 10,000 feet to carry a two-way communications device such as a cell phone, satellite phone or radio, and one of the following: a global positioning system receiver, mountain locator unit, personal locator beacon or other comparable technology. Does anyone know if this is correct?
  21. Well, I didn't see THAT coming--the guys are getting hotter than the girls!! Now it's getting hard to choose.... No need to choose, Sherri. That's what collages are for
  22. Great job, Tvash. You are amazing. xoxox One little thing... Don't forget to move August here from the hot climbing guys thread. I think there was a mixup when the title of this thread got changed!
  23. Alex is a cutie, Arch! And sobo you've cute kids, too! Can't wait to see more of the future generation of cc.comers. Wish I could play since I found a fun pic of me and the three wee ones hiking on Hood but that's against the house rules.
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