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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. you call this healthy???? WTF??? You drink booze and eat a small amount of CRAP and this is healthy??? WTF?? Just eat a healthy meal and go for a run or a walk for 45 minutes...stay up a little later so you don't sandbag your project... WHAT HAS OUR SOCIETY COME TOO????? What you described is far from healthy...i'm sorry, but i gotta call bullshit... Up until last night I have been very healthy eating a full vegan diet, hiking almost every day and doing quite well with only a few cheats. I was being sarcastic in that post due to stress, being completely overwhelved and lack of sleep so it did not translate. My apologies.
  3. I'd stick that up too if I were you, Muffy! Dieting while stressed about a project is actually working well for me. Dinner last night = two bites of salad, glass of red wine and one Godiva chocolate truffle. And that was only because I was working so hard I forgot to eat and hubby brought it to me around 8:30 pm. Must remember to take a vitamin today. I gotta admit though, if someone showed up on my doorstep with a box of Ho-hos today, I would not be responsible for my actions.
  4. rmncwrtr


    Why don't you share the fantasy then so we all can enjoy?
  5. Probably just me, but when I saw this link, it looked like www.crossfithell.com.
  6. rmncwrtr


    I so need to laugh, Arch. Thank you!
  7. rmncwrtr


    Young climbing poets who are also weathly philanthropists and garden, too. Now that could make for a very interesting bivy partner, knotzen.
  8. rmncwrtr


    I gotta agree with Peter here. Nothing like a short-term boy toy to get you out of your man funk.
  9. Listen to what everyone else has said. Smart folks here. Weights fluctuate all the time and if you're working out hard and building muscle you'll gain, not lose. How are you're clothes fitting? Looser, tighter? Virendra posted something about his waist size changing a couple days back. Anyway, sometimes how much you weigh doesn't tell the entire story. A change in diet can change your body without a a change in the scale. So hang in there AlpineK! You're doing awesome like everybody else here.
  10. No, Kevbone. It cannot be almost Friday. Huge project due on Friday. Friday is far away. So far away it's gotta be a Saturday right now. Otherwise I'm going to need lots of chocolate and wine and a few boxes of Kleenex.
  11. Happy Birthday AlpineK! Enjoy it!
  12. I haven't forgotten. That's one TR I cannot wait to write
  13. A great and well-deserved post for our wonderful Sherri. Thanks for all your support and help. Love ya, girlfriend! xoxox
  14. My actual weekend: Friday night: hike and work Saturday: hike and work Sunday: hike and work Monday: work (climbing friend forgot she had a bbq to attend)
  15. Today's weigh in 130 lbs! Down 8 pounds since we started this thing. I am so happy though mr.rmncwrtr might be happier! He's really gotten on board with this diet and is making me yummy food that fits right in with the Eat to Live book I've been using. Last night he made Sherri's spaghetti squash. So tasty!
  16. rmncwrtr


    I was walking down the street, guessing late 80's/early 90's. Some random guy comes up to me and hands me a cd. Tells me to listen to this band and tell my friends about it. Says the band is going to be big. The name of the band-Pantera.
  17. rmncwrtr


    Me, too. Cold showers belong on the same list as carob and margerine. Why bother?
  18. Sherri's right Sobo! Definitely not cheating. Nothing goes better than chocolate and red wine in my book! And well, we all know how I feel about icing Congrats to you and the mrs!!!!
  19. Thursday may work for me if the weather cooperates, Bill. I'll shoot you a pm next week! Thanks. And have fun on your date night
  20. My plan is to work as hard as I can for the next three days since hubby will be home to watch kids and I've got a project due June 1, two hikes (Saturday and Sunday) and gym climbing with a friend on Monday.
  21. Okay, Alex, you win on the cheats last night. Yum! I'm off to Pilates for a reformer class and will try to get in a couple of hikes this weekend to make up for my lapse.
  22. I had a not-so-good diet day. Managed to eat vegetarian at Timberline Lodge last night and today. A beer and a few potato chips last night were the closest things to cheats. Tonight, however, after a long day and what looks to be an even longer night to get caught up on a project, I finally gave in to temptation. Cheats included a couple homemade chocolate chip cookies and a sinfully decadant piece of 72% dark chocolate bar. Both were presents from students I teach (yesterday was our last class) so I'm justifying my fall on wanting to enjoy their gifts. Now I can honestly say how yummy they were when I write thank you notes
  23. Do you guys usually go out on T/Th, Bill? I really want you to show me that traverse where I can practice footwork, holds. Right now I'm at Timberline waiting for mr. rmncwrtr to come down so I'm guessing I won't be able to make it today since he'll be too tired to watch the kids.
  24. Darn Kat. Now I'm going to have to come up with a new plan
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