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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Check this out if you want to know more than you'd ever need to know about beck and call.
  2. Last night at the Mountain Rescue slide show at TNF, it sounded as if they were proposing different ideas so if the legislature had to regulate something at least they'd be using more current technology. Sorry I can't be more specific, but I wasn't taking notes and am relying on a very tired brain right now. His comment about tagged wolves being tracked by the same 1960s locator beacon technology, though they weren't planning to tag climbers, got a good laugh from the audience.
  3. Feel better soon, Oly! +++ vibes and xoxox heading your way!
  4. I never use mine on a table or desk. It's always on my lap. This morning mine wouldn't boot up. I freaked. Hubby removed battery and put it back in. Started fine so I didn't think anything about it. Now I'm totally stressing after checking out that link. A computer problem like that would just push me over the edge right now.
  5. Oh, man. I have an iBookG4. Mine's going on a year and 7 months. Too late to extend the warranty. I'm very hard on mine, too. And I'm on deadline right now. You've got me worried, Avitripp. But I can't imagine a mac not working. All of my macs have always worked. I bet they all still would, even the mac classic and the 190, I've got boxed up somewhere. I have the cube hooked up for my little ones to use. I've never used another kind of computer since the Macs were introduced. My hubby thinks I'm crazy since he's PC all the way. He's been waiting for the chance to say, "I told you so." Of course, he's also the one who bought me the iBook for my birthday so I guess I can blame him for not getting me the Powerbook if something goes wrong Wonder if it's time for a new one.
  6. A couple of people from the group putting this on were at the North Face Mountain Rescue Slide Show tonight. They talked about the fundraiser and passed out flyers. They said they've been receiving lots of donations from a variety of places and will have some great packages for the silent auction. They also said if anyone wants to make a donation to get in touch for them. They are looking for more items. They really want this to go well in order to raise $$$ for the rescue groups. Velvet will be there, too. I asked because my little ones would love to meet her. It looks like it'll be a lot of fun.
  7. According to KOIN the $10K went to DoveLewis where Velvet was treated.
  8. Thanks, Jaee. I'll check them out. Carolyn - I'm sure Latte's thrilled to have you home and is enjoying you spoiling her. Nothing better than a kitty love fest. I know you're taking good care of her, but take care of you, too. Hugs.
  9. The owner has terminal cancer and can't care for them anymore, and he'd really like to find a home for them while he's still able. He's heartbroken and hopes to find a family who can take both together. Details: Black Labs, Male, Adult, Altered. Darlings Hunter and Fame are two gorgeous pure-bred labs, brothers, who find themselves needing a new home now that their owner has become too ill to care for them. They are truly wonderful dogs. The owner's grandchildren can crawl all over them and like a typical lab, they just lay there and love it. Both are neutered, and up to date on their shots. They are housebroken and are very well behaved. They are about 4 years old. Owner would love to keep these two boys together if possible; they are the best of friends. The above was emailed to me from someone in my old bookclub. She lives in Wilsonville so I'm assuming the dogs are in the Portland Metro Area. There are pictures of the dogs, but I'm not tech-saavy enough to get them from the email to here so if you're interested in the dogs, pm with your email address and I'll forward them to you. Thanks.
  10. There's an op-ed by Jim Whittaker in the NY Times about this.
  11. I want to take a intro/beginner rock climbing course and was wondering if anyone had experience with Firstenberg Comm. Ctr or Ballys. Not sure what specific classes Ballys offers, but Firstenberg has a four week course called Does on the Rock starting in April. Would anyone recommend one place over the other or know of some other place on this side of the river that's better? Or would I be better off going to a gym in Portland instead? Thanks!
  12. So would these two be considered "nice climbing guys" or would that depend on what's beneath the helmets?
  13. Only if it's with person who screwed you over's best friend, sibling or boss.
  14. Thanks for the link Jaee. Our cat, Spirit, is a candidate for the I131 treatment. They want her to be on the methimazole for two weeks then redo the blood test. She's been on the medicine a week today. They said she'd be ready for the radioactive treatment in a month. Did you choose to drive down to Springfield from Portland for the treatment? I noticed your location. Our vet normally refers people to VDIC in Clackamas. We're in Clark County. There's a place with locations in Shoreline and Tacoma that does it and has shorter stays due to different state regulations than OR. It's a longer drive for us though. And with young kids who aren't supposed to be near the cat for a couple of weeks, I'm torn whether to go with a shorter or longer stay for Spirt after the treatment.
  15. Never seen that either, but looks like something you might find on the list of Darwin Awards.
  16. Hope you and Latte are doing okay, Carolyn. Does anyone have any experience with hyperthyroidism? We took one of our cats to the vet today and that's what they think she has. We get the test results back on Monday, so I'm trying to educate myself about it before then. Thanks.
  17. Clavote, I think your suggestion would work better than Daniel's My hubby's idea of squats is sitting on the couch and watching me do them. So joining a gym would be a huge red flag to him as would buying a stairmaster since I started going to a Pilates studio in January. Too much, too soon. Does anyone know if running stadium stairs would work instead of the machine? I used to that when we lived in the Bay Area so it wouldn't be totally out of left field if I said I wanted to do them again and wanted his company. Though I'll have to come up with something creative to have him wear a pack while doing it. I can swing the hiking easily since the hiking forum I belong to recently added a cool field guide and I'd already told him I wanted to hit the trails.
  18. This is a portion of an article from cbs2chicago.com that was warning against mountaineering with dogs: "The rescue prompted climbers to chatter on mountaineering Web sites such as cascadiaclimbers.com about the wisdom of bringing a dog on an expedition. Climbers noted that some dogs are bred for snowy environments, but a few wondered about potential risks for the animals." I think they meant to say cascadeclimbers.com!
  19. Clueless climbing newbie here, but it seems like what's needed is a way of educating the public about MLUs capabilities rather than have everything us non-climbers learn about them happen during high-profile SAR operations or during the aftermath. Just how big an issue is this madated MLU for people here? Not sure if it's been done already since I don't get the Oregonian, but has the climber view about MLUs ever been addressed in an article there? Something similar to the pros and cons that Cluck posted about here. If not, has anyone considered chipping in money and writing your own response to the law and having it published in the local paper with signatures to back it up? And is anyone planning to attend the public hearing that Iain posted about and let their feelings be known about this? Maybe it's already being done, but a little grass-root activism from the climbing community might really help if people feel so strongly about not wanting this to become a law.
  20. Just saw on tv. The three are down. The dog looked fine. The PMR member being interviewed said the dog probably saved their lives by keeping them warm. He also made it sound like they wouldn't have found them without the MLU.
  21. Thanks, but if I was so understanding I might have said yes a long time ago. Still, he's getting to do it and will, I'm sure, climb more after that.
  22. There was not a man and woman in trouble after all according to katu now.
  23. According to KATU.com, they are now looking for a total of 10 climbers. "A man and woman activated their MLUs, signaling they are in trouble." But they don't know if that party is injured or lost.
  24. Thanks for all the suggestions and link. I appreciate them. I've been wanting to check out the Gorge so this will be a good excuse to finally do it. Billcoe - he gets to pick the date of the two day program. That's why I bought him a gift certificate. I figure I'll toss in a stay at Timberline Lodge so he'll be right there. (one day is a class, the next day a climb so they leave early.) Steve at TMG said May, June, July would be a good time so hubby will still have time to get fired up and know what he needs to get ready for. I just want to start the training now rather than later. He knows about climbing already. He's a non-technical climber and been wanting to do Mt. Hood for years. This is my way of finally saying yes.
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