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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. i think i need that on many levels You and me both, Muffy!
  2. Hope you've lost weight and your foot heals quickly, Muffy!
  3. How in the world did you manage to do this? Please share the secret. Please, oh, please with whip cream and a cherry on top. Guess I should have read all the posts first! I'll stick to my rabbit food for now.
  4. Today's weigh in 133 lbs! YAY! 3 more pounds for a total of five pounds. And that was after a beer and peanuts at PDX Pub Club on Saturday, too!!!!!
  5. rmncwrtr

    PDX Pub Club

    I should have pulled my camera out before you left, JosephH. Sorry!
  6. rmncwrtr

    PDX Pub Club

    Fun time tonight at Lucky Lab! Thanks to Muffy for organizing the pub club. It was great to finally put some faces to cc.com names and meet a few PDX climbers. Congrats to Mike for finishing and good luck in Seattle! Group shot: Guest of honor: cc.comer's idea of a going away card: Other random shots:
  7. Smile and be happy, Alpine K. You done good!
  8. rmncwrtr

    Overdo it

    Your not thinking in the right direction. The most powerful sexual organ we all have, male or female, is the MIND. Listen to Ken. What he said is so true
  9. rmncwrtr

    Cat killer

    I think I'll pass on watching this one. Anything with the words "cat killer" needing the theme from Jaws would probably make me cry. I'm a wimp when it comes to kitties.
  10. Welcome lancegranite! Glad Mrs.G dragged you in here!
  11. rmncwrtr

    Overdo it

    wait, are you saying you would rather ski than have sex? ...There's a difference? A man after my own heart
  12. Too bad you can't teach common sense.
  13. Happy Birthday Oly! Enjoy yourself!!!!
  14. Happy Birthday i_like_sun! Hope it's a good one.
  15. Not obsessed, but I'm used to eating some sort of sweet every day. Nothing huge, maybe a couple of chocolate kisses or a piece of chocolate. A little treat. I have totally changed my eating habits with this weight loss thing going to an almost vegan diet. It's a huge change for me, but working so far. Luckily I'm not having cravings except when something yummy and sweet is right in front of my face. That's some expensive ice cream there. I'd say no, too. And buy an ice cream maker.
  16. Especially for Sherri Also, ice cream talk so dieters beware! Skip if you need to. I survived a virtual dessert temptation tonight! I needed to find an ice cream for a project I'm working on so I headed over to the Ben and Jerry's website. They have a list of the top ten flavors so I figured I'd start there. No pictures, thank goodness, but I quickly discovered reading the names was enough. 1. Cherry Garcia - didn't do anything to me so I figured I was safe. Once again, a bad assumption. 2. Chocolate Chip Cocoa Dough - a craving hit hard and fast. Unexpected, though I shouldn't have been surprised. I love raw cookie dough, picking bites from the bowl and popping them into my mouth. All I could think about was making a batch of cookies. I had everything in the pantry except the chocolate chips. I knew that would be a very bad idea. So I forced myself to look at the next flavor on the list... 3. Chunky Monkey - Didn't do much for me. Thank goodness, but I still couldn't get the cookie dough out of my mind. My tummy was tingling and wanted a taste. Anything sugary would have been fine at that point. Flashes of icing appeared. The desire for a dessert was so strong. I felt myself moving toward the dark side, dark chocolate that is... 4. Chocolate Fudge Brownie - I could smell brownies, as if they were baking downstairs in the oven like the other night. The scent wafted in the air, surrounding me, making my mouth water. The smell teased and tried to pull me in. I thought about what Sherri had said about virtual eating and no calories. I was oh-so-tempted, but I thought that might make it worse. 5. Half-baked Ice Cream - My eyes passed right over this one, giving me hope that I had the willpower to make it through the entire list of ten, and straight onto... 6. New York Super Fudge Chunk - Heaven. Nirvana. Shangri-la. Serious food lust at this point. No drolling, but close. I remembered the last time I'd had a scoop. It had been awhile but all the details rushed back as if it had been minutes ago, not months. The coldness, the texture, the taste. The brownie aroma I'd been imagining transformed into straight chocolate. I could feel a bite of the ice cream melting on my tongue leaving a chunk there. A piece I could chew slowly and methodically before swallowing. Virtual eating at it's finest. Enjoyable with none of the calories or guilt. But unfortunately, one taste wasn't enough. Suddenly I'm thinking of digging into a pint of New York Super Fudge Chunk with my hands. That made me realize I'd better exit the website before I got in the car and drove to the store to buy some. Instead of caving, I ate an orange. Lesson learned: Virtual eating may be calorie free, but it isn't totally risk free.
  17. Thanks Sherri. I'll stick to the superfoods for now.
  18. All are welcome, Mrs. G. We do weekly weigh-ins on Mondays.
  19. [smooch] This one is the money shot. At least in my book Thanks so much! xoxox Happy B-day again. [/smooch]
  20. Finally a valid reason to bring back the money shot, but I have no idea how to do it. Oh, well... Happy Birthday Billygoat! Have a great day and an even better year!!!
  21. I'll have to remember this! What about pine nuts? I love them, but instead bought some bulk walnuts the other day to add to my salads.
  22. Original 5/7 weigh-in: 138 Today's weigh-in: 136 Yay! I lost two pounds. Right on schedule!
  23. Back from Mother's Day brunch at Eola Wine Cellar. A total foodgasim as Muffy would call it. Seriously turned on staring at the dessert table, but managed to control myself and stay away from the chocolate. Nothing looked as good as Sherri's description of her cake sounded so I remained strong. I also kept my distance from the waffle and crepe station because that sounded oh-so-yummy. My cheats today: 1 glass of Pinot Gris (a nice oak and fruity blend), 1 glass of mimosa (the bubbly was fantastic even though the OJ is a no-no on the diet), 3 pan-fried oysters (seriously to die for though not as good as chocolate or icing, but oh man, you can't beat the breading and the oil combo. So satisfying. The oysters were stuffed with someting equally tasty, but I didn't want to know what it was in case it was a big no-no for the diet. Would have eaten many more if not on diet.), 1 small bite of macademia nut cookie (not worth eating the rest so put aside), a little honey mustard dressing with my spinach salad and an veggie omelette with no cheese (I'm not supposed to have animal products, but boy did this hit the spot.) I think I'm going to head to Lacamas Park in a bit for a hike to burn off some of those extra calories! Hope everyone else is doing well diet and workout-wise and ready for weigh-in tomorrow!
  24. rmncwrtr

    PDX Pub Club

    So Muffy, exactly what time and place? I have the night off from wife and mommying duties.
  25. Very true, Minx. The only way I'd want to go back is if I could take all that I know back with me. Otherwise, no way!
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