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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Oh most definitely. you've warmed a few other places too
  2. I love them, V. Even more than the flying kitty. xoxox
  3. so you're tag line or whatever they call it is a paradox. how can you be a man of few words who writes like that?
  4. So are these already written or are you just coming up with those lines now?
  5. oh, I like that a lot. Thanks, V! so is poetry a hobby, passion, other?
  6. where's the rest of it. those three lines go so well together.
  7. oh, wait. you're the one who writes the poetry, right?
  8. That sounds like a lyric for a song or the opening line of a book.
  9. Hey, they probably keep the mouse population down!
  10. 50 birds and 2 cats, huh? Sounds like that could get messy if the cats are well-fed and the cages not sound. And you sound a lot like my hubby about animals living elsewhere. He asked me where we were sending the vet on vacation this year.
  11. I understand. So V, you totally for hanging out with me and making me feel better about my kitty while hubby's out for a well deserved night out with the boys. xoxox
  12. um, where did the rainbow in my post come from?
  13. Well it's not quite midnight unless you are on the East coast. How can you love the flying kitty, but hate cats? Okay, granted, my sickie kitty is covered in bleeding scabs on her face due to a reaction to her medicine, but they are so cute. And how many animals look good in a red cape?
  14. I'm not sure what's more disturbing, that we have 53 posts in this thread or that 198 people have viewed it.
  15. Hyper Thyroidism. The treatment is a cure. We've just had a lot of tests to get there. She was in bad shape a month ago plus had to have our other cats tested since one is a sibling, etc. Hubby's being super cool about this. He knows what the cat means to me and hasn't said a word about the $$ even though our three cats aren't his favorite things in the world. I'm married to the most awesome guy in the world.
  16. So what is it about that darn thing that makes me laugh, smile, feel better? It makes no sense.
  17. yeah, I'm probably giving him too much credit.
  18. sick kitty. I just made an appt. for a big treatment for the 10th of april. vet bills were almost at $2K and now with the treatment will be close to $3K. Worth it, but i'm worried about her.
  19. Yes, the caped kitty's aversion to water is very well known. Must have been a rescue gone awry. Or perhaps a set-up by the evil doggy emperor to rid the world of feline superheroes. Those aren't children, but really master swimmer little people masking as kids.
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