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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Welcome back home, Oly! Hope the recovery goes quickly and easily.
  2. Reread what I posted. I don't think you quite got it.
  3. i like hot women, and i figured it would be a good thread being that chicks love to show their shit. So let me get this straight. You don't want to watch them doing it, but you don't mind seeing them show it?
  4. I'll be there with three kids who can't wait to meet Velvet!
  5. Sharing is fine with me. The only thing I don't share is Mr. rmncwrtr.
  6. rmncwrtr


    Us, too. We've had to leave restuarants three times and got the food packed up to go. One time for each of kid. That's all it took for them to learn the lesson. Plus they didn't get the restaurant food to eat but something from home instead and had to go to bed early. I remember when our youngest threw her tantrum. The other two, ages 6 and four at the time, just sat there shaking their heads cause they knew what was coming.
  7. Good find, G-spotter, but you missed this one when Arch and I decided to step out of our storm trooper suits for the day and give Princess Leia's outfit a go instead. We're still trying to decide what to wear to Celebration IV. What do you think?
  8. Thanks for starting this thread, Minx. I'm enjoying it very much
  9. WTG AlpineK on posting that pic! I was on chickswithpicks website last night and thought we really need a couple of hot ice chicks for the winter months! Carolyn sure fits the bill
  10. Mr. Phil, there already are regulations in place for pet food. See here. The issue is how do those get enforced since this incident went against those regulations. And yes, it happens with human food. Look at Odwalla or the ecoli that Jaee brought up or many of the others. People died in those cases and many got sick. I know it's buyer beware, one reason we belong to an organic CSA in Oregon City so I have a better idea what I'm feeding my kids. But making my own cat food didn't work for us. I tried like I posted in another thread so I'm stuck with what's out there for better or worse. And I'd really hate to see this happen again. I'm sure Jaee's also correct that checks and balances is a pipe dream, but sometimes you just gotta try.
  11. I never said it was a pet hater. I have no idea how wheat processing works. But if a mistake was made someone needs to take responsibility. Whether it was a machine or person, accidental or not, animals still died and the owners who loved them are in pain, mourning the loss of their loved ones. The owners are also facing huge vet bills on top of losing their furbabies. Others are struggling to keep their animals alive. Someone needs to pay for that. Someone also needs to put in some sort of checks and balance so it doesn't happen again.
  12. I hope they find who did this. Here's a cnn article about it.
  13. I'm just a Star Wars geek, Arch.
  14. Okay, Tvash. Put me down for September. And if my climbing instructor will take a pic of me when we go out for my lesson (hint, hint since he does read spray), I'll submit that one since then I'd be a climber chick, 'kay? And yes, John, that is Hayden Christensen. I heart him. My awesome hubby even got me a life-sized Anakin standee for my birthday. Only caveat--I couldn't keep it in the bedroom.
  15. Um, not sure why there's a blue box. I'll try to figure it out. okay, figured it out.
  16. He sounds pretty trustworthy, G-spotter. I went back and checked his posts. I really don't want to out him since he's doing me a huge favor. But thanks How sad is this? I have no pictures of me alone. The reason? I'm the one taking the pictures. No wonder I feel invisible sometimes! Any other shots are family. I do have this one and it even shows a little skin. Not too bad for a mom of three young ones and on the wrong side of 40. But could be questionable whether I should get a month or not.
  17. Thanks for the stokey! So when are you going to start climbing??? We need to get some takers for the autumn months pronto. I can't carry the whole season, for goodness sakes. Sheesh. I hope to start very soon, Sherri. It's a cc.comer who's kindly offered to teach me. We just discussed gear yesterday and then he emailed me links to the stuff so I could see what he'd been talking about. Total newbie here. I won a BD ATC (and a whole lot of other really cool stuff) at the PMR Film Fest thing, and that's the only piece of climbing gear I've ever held in my hands.
  18. Okay, I'll bite. What's an antipod?
  19. rmncwrtr

    hard man?

    Especially if you show her that ring you posted a pic of a few days ago
  20. Since I'm not climbing yet, I don't qualify for the calender. But I don't mind answering the other questions. 1) When Archenemy said that her evil mind hadn't even gone there when I posted on her grungef$ck thread. 2) The other women in spray are totally hot because they aren't afraid to speak their mind. They take whatever is thrown at them and toss it right back. Never met any of them in person, but if anything was going down I'd want them covering my back. And just look at those pictures! Beautiful, sexy women who rock!
  21. rmncwrtr

    hard man?

    Don't know about that, but it will improve your cardiovascular and exercise performance at high altitudes and it will protect your lungs up there.
  22. So Avi, it happened to my G4. It was just like those posts on your link. The last two days, my monitor keeps going out. At least I made my deadline. Decision time though. Either get this fixed or get a new one It's deductible, either way.
  23. Good for you guys taking such good care of your furbabies. I tried a home-cooked diet for my three cats. It was more of an effort than I thought it would be especially since I was trying to make my own organic baby food around the same time, but I figured they were worth it. The kitties took a few bites then waited for their store-bought food. I tried over and over again. Not even a nibble. I was so bummed. RE: the cat food recall... a high profile attorney has taken on a case in Illinois and is going for a Class Action lawsuit. If you've been effected or think you may have been, it could be worth spending a few minutes on google checking out what's happening.
  24. I'm female. And it's verifiable. Met a couple cc.comers at the PMR Telluride Film Fest. But I'm not a climber yet. I will be starting lessons very soon though and am very excited about it!
  25. You might be surprised how querying females will bring you close to a supportable conclusion about the hottest climbing chic, Tvash. Women are easily able to see and admit hotness in other women without a lot of that extraneous verbiage you think would muddle the data. However men (with the exception of John who I agree with 100% about the Club Sport rock wall heartbreaker mentioned in another thread) seem unable to admit that another guy is hot. And are you so sure there are only eight women who post on Spray?
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