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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. You were the one who asked what happened and told me to be honest so I was, Couloir. I was good today, no cheating at all. Wasn't even tempted thank goodness. You're killin' us here! Guess there'll be no sizzling read tonight folks. Move along, nothing to look at here. Sigh. You want me to cheat, Sherri? I thought you wanted me to save myself for your Chocolate Sauce Cake.
  2. You were the one who asked what happened and told me to be honest so I was, Couloir. I was good today, no cheating at all. Wasn't even tempted thank goodness. Tomorrow might be another story since we're going with my parents to a Mother's Day brunch at a winery. I am going to have a glass of wine or champagne, but that's the only thing I'm allowing myself. Of course, I'm going to need every ounce of willpower if there's a dessert table. I can't forget weigh in is on Monday.
  3. Thanks for the explanation, AlpineK! Much appreciated. Now I can check that question off the list
  4. So, what happened? Be honest. The girls were finishing their dinner and I was going to pass out dessert, cupcakes. (They'd polished off all the choc. covered strawberries when they arrived.) I wasn't too worried about a cupcake lust incident after surviving the chocolate dipping earlier, even though as soon as I opened the plastic container, the sweet scent of the icing made my mouthwater. I chalked the reaction up to not eating dinner yet. The first two cupcakes came out of container easily, but the third one was harder. After I placed it on a plate, I noticed icing on my finger. Just a little bit so I ignored it, thinking I would just wash my hands when I was done. (Yes, I really believed I was capable of washing it off and admit freely to being totally delusional at that point due to lack of sleep and hunger.) With each cupcake, a little more icing accumulated on my fingers. The icing was looking pretty good and I was even imaging what it tasted like, but I figured I was safe. And then disaster struck. A cupcake fell sidewards out of the packaging and hit my hand leaving not a dab, but a dollop of icing. Big enough to warrant a second look. Okay, a third look. I put that cupcake back and passed out another one instead. But when I pulled back my hand, something happened. There was perhaps a nanosecond of hesitation, a tiny cry of self-control, but too late. My hand didn't reach for another cupcake, but headed straight for my mouth. My tongue immediately darted out to lick the frosting off. Oh, man. I felt a tingle in my tummy. The icing tasted so good after what I'd been eating, and not eating, since Monday. I hadn't even had a drop of alcohol all week, either. But I figured no biggie. What was one little taste even if it was as close to Heaven as I'd been in days? I used messiness as my excuse to justify my action since I still had other cupcakes to pass out. After all, I couldn't get icing all over the cupcake holders, right? I switched the container to the hand I'd just licked since I didn't want to get my germs on the remaining ones and continued passing out the cupcakes. Not a good idea since I'm right handed and that meant even more icing on my fingers. I was pretty much a goner by now. With each additional spot, my wanting to slurp and suck the dabs of white off intensified. Had there been extra cupcakes I would have licked the icing off one of them without a second thought. But there wasn't, so I didn't. I managed to control myself until all the twelve cupcakes were passed out. Then I stepped into the kitchen. I wanted to enjoy this alone because I didn't know when I'd get another chance for icing in the next six weeks. Slowly I licked the icing off, savoring the sweetness and texture, until nothing but the faint sugary smell remained on my fingers. Lesson learned: do not put oneself in a position to be tempted.
  5. Survived the chocolate temptation earlier, but the white buttercream icing on my fingers as I passed out cupcakes to the girls during the party was too much to resist!
  6. rmncwrtr


    Ever since having kids and working when they are in bed, sleep has become my fave hobby. Four or less a night kills me if I do it more than a couple nights in a row. I can manage with five, but want to a nap the next day. Six, I'm functional. Seven or more, I'm in heaven.
  7. rmncwrtr

    PDX Pub Club

    Here are the three locales from the website: Lucky Labrador Brew Pub (915 SE Hawthorne Blvd) is located in an old roofing and sheetmetal warehouse. With high wood trussed ceilings, the Lab's warm rustic ambiance is a great place for a neighborhood pub. Founded in October, 1994, the Lab produces some of the tastiest brews in the northwest and serves up some simple, yet excellent, pub fare. Outside on the back covered patio is a great place to relax and converse with friends or hang out with your canine. We are proud to be a casual brew pub where people can enjoy quality products in an unpretentious atmosphere. Lucky Labrador Public House (7675 SW Capitol Hwy) is nestled in a 1925 stucco building once home to the Freemasons' Orenomah Chapter No. 141 . With high ceilings and rustic charm, the setting makes a perfect place for a pub within the bustling community of Multnomah Village. And served in our pub is the freshest form of draught ale direct from our brewery in southeast Portland. With the finest ingredients and talented brewers, our traditional ales are made to satisfy even the most sophisticated beer drinking palate. We strive to provide the best form of draught ale served fresh from our brewery to your pint glass. Complementing our ale is a diverse selection of tasty pizza and refreshing salads. Lucky Labrador Beer Hall (1945 NW Quimby) is located in an old Freightliner Trucking warehouse in the final frontier of inner Northwest Portland. With it's wide open feel and the pub resident five ton crane hovering above the tables, the Lab makes for a very casual place to hang out for a pint. Serving bento, sandwiches, salads, and other pub fare, our pub is a great place to chill out by yourself or congregate with a group of friends, family, or associates.
  8. Okay, three dozen dark chocolate strawberries made. I had a friend on the phone with me while I dipped them. That really helped me maintain self control. Of course watching my four year old walk around with a finger of chocolate isn't helping right now. But I shall persevere. Thanks for the carob suggestions, Knottygirl, but these are for girls ages 5-9. Carob would not go over well. As for me I'd rather do without and wait for real chocolate. Carob does nothing for me. Kinda like margerine. Don't understand why anyone would eat that instead of butter. And thanks for the breakfast recipe! Hang in their Couloir!!!!
  9. Yikes. I'm going to need willpower of steel! I need to make chocolate covered strawberries today for a party. I asked hubby to do it and he said learning some self-control would be good for me But he also just got back in town and said I looked like I lost weight this week Maybe Monday won't be so depressing. Of course, that will depend on the weekend. Man, Arch's breakfast sounds so much better than mine-orange, oatmeal with 1 oz of walnuts and 1 oz of raisins. I'd even settle for Muffy's muffin, but I'm trying to cut out wheat if I can. Welcome to the madness, Blowboarder! on the standoff!
  10. rmncwrtr

    PDX Pub Club

    I will try to make it, Muffy. Would love to meet face-to-face!
  11. Of course I'm saving myself for your mouthwatering chocolate sauce cake. How could you think I wouldn't? I was a very good girl tonight, Sherri I did not lick the beaters, finger the bowl or nibble the crumbs in the pan. But boy, did it smell so very yummy. Even now upstairs, I can smell them. On-line imaginary eating is going to have to be the way to go! Pretty soon we'll be having a lusting for chocolate chat
  12. I've been eating my salads with vinegar only, Muffy. Cut the oil completely. At least for now. With all the extra goodies and munchies I add to the lettuce, it's actually not bad! You can also grate apple and add oranges to make it sweeter. Welcome, Couloir! Glad to have you on board mr. rmncwrtr is baking brownies for school tomorrow and I'm about to die. Talk about a lust for chocolate right now. Must. Be. Strong. And stop taking such deep breaths.
  13. This so fits mr. rmncwrtr. I used to be an engineer and a couple fit me, too. Thanks, Arch!
  14. Since I'm married, Sherri, can we just have a fling after your wedding to Arch? Just make sure you bring that Chocolate Sauce Cake with you That description makes me tingly all over!
  15. WTG on keeping the two pounds off, Muffy! You can do it. All of you who have stepped on the scale since Monday are braver than me!
  16. Not snobs, connoisseurs. Do they like to play fetch with copies of The Wine Spectator, too Thanks for the recipe, Sherri. I can eat that on this diet I'm following. Sounds really yummy. And love your dinner party rules. Wish I lived closer!
  17. Thanks Jens. I've been reading Long's book and suddenly I'll read something and realize what people have been talking about on a thread that made no sense before. So can someone explain to this newbie about shorts over polypro? Was it an old fad or something?
  18. They make a bare burrito by putting all the ingredients in a bowl rather than a tortilla and then put lettuce and tomatoes on top. I added salsa to that. So it's kinda like a burrito salad. And they don't serve chips with it either. Thank goodness.
  19. Good one, Virendra The only thing I've found to work when I'm depressed is chocolate. Hugs, Arch. Yay on using the evil spray tonight! Don't forget, this weight thing lasts a month. Most of us are planning to do it longer so there's going to be lots of swings in both directions. The key will be to keep at it and not give up. Today after spending the afternoon at urgent care with three kids, getting crutches for my 9 yo and having to drive around Vancouver to find a small enough ankle brace/air cast for her, I just gave in and went to Baja Fresh to get everyone dinner. I figured that had to be on the healthy end of fast food if there is such a thing. Got a bare veggie burrito and that still felt like cheating even though there was no tortilla, cheese or sour cream.
  20. That sucks, lizard_brain. Take care of yourself. Have you ever seen a naturopath before? I got hit with a nasty virus sinus thingy and could not afford to be sick due to an event I was scheduled to attend. Cancelling really was not an option so my naturopath had me take these three different things. It was a lot of pills, which I usually avoid, and I can't remember what they were right now, but they worked. I was able to fulfill my obligation and no one had any idea I had been so sick just a couple days prior. Hope you feel better sooner rather than later.
  21. you are just plain mean i hope one day you are old and chubby Go Muffy! So far I'm doing good, following the book w/o a problem. I'm cooking dinner right now, black beans, rice, tomatoes and a salad. No real cravings yet on day 2, but considering I'm going to pretty much a vegan diet from where I was (meat, dairy, fast food) I'm sure it'll happen. There's a box of Godiva chocolates sitting on my counter and I think I'll have mr. rmncwrtr put them away somewhere. He can dole a piece out as a treat when the going gets tough. Does anyone know the best timeframe for weigh-ins to see your progress besides the Monday weekly check in here? I think daily would depress me if I didn't see results.
  22. That's intense Knottygirl, but congrats on being able to fast for so long. That would be totally beyond me.
  23. I'm going to keep your words in mind, lizard_brain! And a big smooch to fendorfour for the suggestions. You're a real, sweetie! So is everyone adding in exercise, too? I did a Pilates mat class yesterday as usual, but this weekend I started walking. I'm going to try and walk or hike every other day.
  24. Made it through the first day. No alcohol required. My son offered me one of his Ho-Hos that he got after his baseball game and all three kids were shocked when I said no. I'm really ready for breakfast this morning though. Chances are I'm going to be dreaming of chocolate donuts and Tillamook cheeseburgers very soon.
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