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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. An article from the WSJ adapted from a commencement address DFW gave in 2005: linky. Here are a couple of passages.
  2. As long as it wasn't yo mama.
  3. Yep, and I needed a distraction, one preferably not in armor due to my current work in progress
  4. This link will take you to a piece of eye candy for your Friday afternoon. Make sure you click on "Who is Sebastian?" and "Where is Sebastian with your sample?"
  5. Happy Birthday Ken! Have a great day and have Simone give you birthday hugs from all of us
  6. rmncwrtr


    No explanation for you, Tvash, but I don't get why people when told staying would mean "certain death" would stay. Granted that turned out to be an exaggeration, but did they not read Issac's Storm or learn from what happened with Katrina?
  7. rmncwrtr


    Thanks for the link, Porter. On Saturday, I was watching the news coverage of Ike and saw a picture of a cow on the steps of a house by the front door somewhere in Texas. I know they had many people to rescue so farm animals weren't a high priority, but I've been wondering about that poor cow. It really had no where to go. I've googled but never could find anything about it. Anyone know?
  8. Such a loss. If anyone wants to read some of his essays, this article has links to various pieces available on-line.
  9. I've never been a fan of the Dallas Cowboys, but this article from the Star-Telegram made me a fan of Tony Romo.
  10. Not sure if this has been posted or not, but this article (opinion piece) was in the WSJ today. Fouad Ajami writes about the foreign policy differences of Obama and McCain. It's worth a read regardless of what candidate you support.
  11. rmncwrtr

    MTV: The Hills

    [/u] Nope, but I glance at the covers while paying for my food wondering who in the world all these people are and why anyone in their right mind would care what they were doing or not doing.
  12. rmncwrtr

    MTV: The Hills

    I had to google it to see what the show was. At least I know who the Lauren and Spencer on all the tabloids at the grocery checkout are now.
  13. Hugs and prayers to his family and friends.
  14. Oops I think I posted this in the wrong thread. Sorry. I was trying to do too many things at once. But the book banning is discussed on the fact checker link as well.
  15. Why not check some of the bipartisan sites on the internet to get the skinny on candidates? Most news outlets have their own slant and stuff is flying about candidates from both parties. Here's one factchecker and there's got to be more out there. A few of the things being posted here are discussed on it such as the special needs funding:
  16. We drive from the Vancouver side of the river, take 205 to 84 to the outlet mall exit/Mt Hood CC exit, then take that up the hill to 26. There's a couple of turns in there, but I just know how to drive it not describe it. During ski season, it took us about an hour and twenty minutes if there wasn't traffic or ice.
  17. What are you saying? Condoms never tear! And the pill is 100% effective! Birth control never ever ever fails!! Birth control fails all the time (and it can happen whether you're 17 or 37), but that's not what I was talking about. Many of the posts have been blaming the pregnancy on abstinence only sex ed policy in Alaska assuming that's the reason for the pregnancy. For all we know, Bristol knew all about birth control in spite of the abstinence only teaching yet she still got pregnant because nothing works 100% of the time.
  18. Has it been reported that Bristol wasn't using birth control? Just because the schools teach abstinence doesn't mean she wasn't taking precautions. We don't know what Sarah Palin taught her daughter in their home and what Bristol took away or didn't from the discussions. Seems like a lot of speculation to blame this pregnancy on an abstinence only sex ed program without knowing all the facts.
  19. Looking forward to it John and Marcus. Last year's was a blast. And if any of you are there, make sure I get a pic of you to upload into the gallery. I'll be the one with glasses, camera in one hand, beer in the other I don't match up avatars with pics so you remain anonymous, but it's fun to show all the cc.comers in attendance.
  20. rmncwrtr

    my labor day...

    Great pics, Rudy! Looks like a fun time!
  21. rmncwrtr

    School's Starting!

    Last year my three all had recesses and it was their favorite time of the day. I'm homeschooling them this year, and they still get recess!
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