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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. I had an idea for a book in December 2006. I started researching climbing and PMing people here when I'd read a post and want more info. One of those people, John Frieh, convinced me to give rock climbing a try. I did, in spite of my fear of heights, and fell in love with the sport, surprising everyone I know including my hubby. Now my three kids climb, too. I can't wait to give Alpine a try one of these days.
  2. He is 34. She is 27. I've been gone all day and can't wait to go through all these songs posted! Thanks so much. You are all so awesome. :kisss:
  3. Thanks! Very helpful. There are some classics in there I'd forgotten about. I'm putting together a list and I'll check out the ones I don't know. Please keep them coming. Classic romantic songs are great since those are timeless and won't date the book, but any recent classics out there? Something they'd end up calling "their song" and eventually dance to for their first dance at their wedding reception?
  4. Please, oh, please, help me out. I'm on deadline and drawing a blank for a good slow song I can have my hero and heroine dance to in my current book. The ones I've come up just don't seem to work and I don't have time to play around at iTunes or YouTube. Any suggestions for a romantic song that might be played at a Halloween party sort of as a break between a set of dance music? TIA!
  5. Happy Veterans Day! To all who served or are currently serving a big :kisss: and Thank you!
  6. You can poke me as much as you want if that'll make you feel better :kisss:
  7. The ranch is between Pagosa Springs and Arboles. Cousins run it now.
  8. Those pics of your son, Bill, bring back memories of being 13 and having my dad teach me how to shoot a rifle at my aunt's ranch in Colorado. Our targets were a bunch of Coors cans.
  9. rmncwrtr

    GO VOTE!

  10. Several places are giving away stuff to people who vote. Starbucks, Krispy Kreme, Ben and Jerry's, even Babeland. If you're from Seattle, check out what they're giving away with their get out the vote offer
  11. Thanks! Sounds like the studless tires are the way to go, except... My hubby was wondering if anyone had experience with spiders.
  12. Happy Birthday, Sherri! Hope you're having fun climbing and getting lots of :kisss:, too. Enjoy it!
  13. Hmmm...wonder if Sobo checked out early. He's usually downed a couple by now. Enjoy the cab, Bill! We'll be having wine. Or at least I will while passing out candy to the trick or treaters! Hubby will be escorting three pirates around the neighborhood.
  14. Thanks Rumr. The Bridgestone Blizzack WS-60 was what they recommended.
  15. Awesome TR, Sherri. Looks like this will be Flat Stanley's fave trip!
  16. rmncwrtr

    Horse Rescue

    Poor Gracie. Ouch. I'm thinking the sound of a chainsaw alone would have freaked her out, let alone having it so close to her neck.
  17. Here's my situation - hubby is having knee surgery next week so he won't be skiing this coming year and probably won't be heading up with us just to hang out while we ski. We are homeschooling and started early in the summer so we could spend more time skiing in the winter so I plan on making the drive to Timberline and Ski Bowl a lot this winter. In the past we've always just used chains, but I never had to put them on. Now that it'll be me and the kids alone, I'd rather not have to deal with chains. I went to tirerack.com to see the various options for my minivan. It came up with studless ice and snow tires as their preferred option. I was thinking I'd need studded tires. Can someone explain what will work best? Thanks!
  18. Thanks Halifax! I'm so in love with that kitty! I've never seen that breed before.
  19. Thanks, Sobo. :kisss: Everyone here calls my beautiful boy "fat cat" even though he only weighs 14 pounds. Okay, he's bigger than the other two, almost twice the size of one of them, and the vet has been on me about his weight, but I think all his long hair and short legs makes him look bigger. It's not his fault he's a good eater!
  20. And I thought my cat, Rocket, was a fat cat! He's skinny compared to those ones.
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