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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Yep, it is the capitol in Salem. They photoshopped it in. Cherry blossoms included.
  2. Me, either, Bill. Now I'm wondering what other funny things I may not have seen and hoping for a few more reposts! Did you check out the headline news tape running underneath the news clip
  3. rmncwrtr

    Kids Ropeup

    If people start kicking around possible dates and locations for the next two weeks (pros/cons) so we can come to a consensus then I can do some organizing/leg work after June 16th. I've got a project due then and can't add anything else on my plate until it gets turned in.
  4. Haha, Bill. Well it was new to me. Not sure how I missed the original, but I've been hit or miss around here. At least it wasn't another Cluckers post! That one must hold the record for number of reposts!
  5. Of course, I'm guessing that may not be too far from the truth for people in Hollywood watching the news to find their next "based on fact" movie of the week type plot.
  6. rmncwrtr

    Kids Ropeup

    I can help with the organization stuff, Porter, and on site if the date works that we can be there.
  7. Thank you! :kisss: I was just talking to my Crossfit trainer this morning about training specifically for climbing.
  8. I could not imagine doing that unless I was attached to something the entire way and even then, probably not Guess I'm not as far along with my getting over my fear of heights thing as I thought I was
  9. Happy Birthday, Feck! Hope you're enjoying your day and
  10. rmncwrtr

    1 sandal

    Maybe it found the Teva I lost at Exit 38 and the two are living happily ever after.
  11. From the Alpinist Newswire again- names released:
  12. Good point. I'd like to be known as ArchILF at least once before I die. Arch, based on the posts I've read here in spray, you are already known as this. Perhaps no one has actually put the ILF after your name, but it's been implied. If you have any doubt about that at all, start with the thread where you posted the pic of you wearing a dress. I know there are other threads besides that one, too
  13. Great TR! Wonderful advice to give your son
  14. Thanks for being such a wet blanket, Erik. Just when we thought we really had something here... Read this, Sobo. Shows climbers are good folk no matter what the site.
  15. Happy Birthday Matt! Hope you have a great day!
  16. Here's a hint... Think gleaming sweat on hard bodies. Ragged breaths, gasping for air. Pounding heart, heated blood rushing through veins.
  17. I forgot to add. There's video, too. But that's from last week.
  18. Not even for you, Sobo. Us girls have to stick together
  19. I don't know what she did last week, but there are enough pictures of what she did this week to fill a modeling portfolio
  20. rmncwrtr

    Dog breeds

    And I thought you two were nice guys. Better watch it or ceiling cat will come after you!
  21. rmncwrtr

    Anthrax scare

    Hugs, Muffy. I hope they find the jerk that did that.
  22. I'll be your test case as to how much it'll mess up kids, Rudy, since I'm doing that to my three this coming schoolyear. Though more emphasis on the skiing since I only know how to top rope.
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