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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Hugs to you and Latte, Carolyn. I'll be thinking and praying for both of you this week!
  2. Kevino - pm Muffy if you have any questions about the columns (skinner butte). She took me there last July. My first time climbing outside. She lives nearby and knows that place really well.
  3. This sounds like a lot of fun, Bill! Thanks for putting this together. Too bad I'll be at a conference in San Francisco
  4. Thanks for posting this, Kevino! Reading that actual thread on TAY was pretty amazing. Very cool and awesome people for doing this for the three's families and friends.
  5. I just cut and pasted bad word from his url so it doesn't count
  6. This guy has been around for a while, but a new video for 2008 just went up a couple of days ago. Imagine going to all those places, having that much fun and someone else footing the bill! zlfKdbWwruY
  7. rmncwrtr

    1 sandal

    Is that the lone teva at easy street? Maybe since that's the first route we were climbing. But it was last July so who knows?
  8. I can't do tonight. Was given a couple extra days on the project from hell due to all that's been going on so must get it done. Thanks to AlpineDave my hands are working again. I want my life back now. And I want to climb!!! Have fun, John! Give my best to Shannon please!!!
  9. rmncwrtr

    "it is what it is"

    Whatever it is, it...
  10. GMTA You know, finding a speech therapist who's on mommy track now might be something to look into. Plus I'm sure there are some regular practicing ones who have long-distance treatment experience. It just might take some googling and phone calls though. And if it's any consolation to your brother and his wife, our son's prognosis was not good at all. But my hubby and I decided whatever it took to try and help him we would do. We went into debt. All these specialists add up very quickly even with insurance, but I'd do it again in a heartbeat because it worked. Granted, he still has a few little problems with a couple sounds and things, but you would never guess that he could not communicate or have an understandable conversation a few years ago. Now he's a typical eight year old who has the six Star Wars movies memorized and has no problem reciting dialogue. Right now we're working on slowing him down. He gets so excited he talks to fast.
  11. Might be a long shot, but could you find a speech therapist who would work via the web? And then could the family come down to wherever that person might be and do some intensive stuff both with your nephew and the parents so they could go back and do some stuff at home then support it with the web sessions. There are all kinds of exercises from using toothbrushes, m&m, popsicle sticks, little sponge thingies. Each case is different, but a lot of these kids have to work on strengthening muscles in and around mouth, as well as tongue. Those exercises work well at home as long as the person knows how to do it. If there's any way you can make them understand how important it is to get help, and the sooner the better, please do. It is not something that can fix itself since every single sound and how to form them must be learned. And some of them are really hard and take time. Good luck!
  12. Okay, I can type more now that my hands aren't hurting... Wanted to add that the key is intervention from both the private and public sectors and lots of work at home with mom, dad and siblings, if there are any. First off find a good speech therapist. It may be covered with insurance or at least a few visits. If the child is only four, take advantage of early intervention programs the county offers. We were living in Lake Oswego at the time and went through Clackamas ESD. He received two days of services through them until age five. If the child is 5 and entering kindergarten in the fall, call the elementary school he would attend to talk to them. They will test him, see if he qualifies and come up with a plan. Also many universities have programs with students that are reasonably priced and/or free so check into the speech departments. For us, it really was about putting together a team of people who could help him learn how to communicate. Granted my son was really bad so we really had to use every single resource available. He had to learn how to say every single sound except one "bah". It was so frustrating for him to try and talk when he knew what he wanted to say but it all just came out bah bah bah bah. He's a sharp kid and would shut down. It totally broke my heart. It's been a long road, but worth every penny we spent to hear him now.
  13. My son was diagnosed with verbal apraxia at age 2. We did various treatments five days a week for the first couple of years, including OT (occupational therapy) and when he started kindergarten no one knew of his issues unless we told them. He recently turned 8 and still sees a speech therapist once a week. Feel free to pm me with any questions!
  14. Do tell the rest of the story. Two accidents in one day??? Fiction has nothing on real life! And on your image of Sobo. Same here. Hubby handed me the phone one night with a slightly puzzled look on his face saying it was some guy named Sobo. My first thought was the naked climbing pic but realized that might not be the best way to describe him!
  15. Hmmm...wine, chocolate and warm hands...I'd better take Sobo up on his offer to introduce me to alpine climbing Glad to hear you're on the road to recovery, Dane, and to Sobo for being a great landing pad!
  16. Thanks, Bill. Right now it's the numbness, tingles and pain in my hands and fingers that's the killer. The braces are helping. But I was doing so good climbing in the gym a couple times a week to get ready for outside until this Thanks for the links, Dave, especially the exercise one. I'm so pressed for time with the book I don't have time to google plus being on the computer and not writing isn't good right now! I'm on an iBookG4 so that keyboard probably is not helping matters.
  17. Thank you! :kisss: Emailed him your post. He talked to enough people today to know we're going to have to order something from the Internet. Probably won't do any good with this project due to timing, but at least I'll have it for the next. And whatever I buy will be tax deductible.
  18. Thanks Sherri and Dave :kisss: Told hubby about the parallels/dragon suggestion and he told me my ibook wasn't an intel-based. He checked the system requirements for Mac Speech Dictate. Intel based mac required. He's looking into ergo keyboards. I mentioned a new computer, but he just gave me the not-going-to-happen-look
  19. Sure hope not, Sherri, since this is a serious request for info. I'm in a lot of pain, in wrist braces and can't afford to take time off from the keyboard so any spray would really suck right now. I have a huge project due on Monday that I was already way behind on due to being sick in April and hubby's travel schedule. Playing catchup is probably why this happened.
  20. rmncwrtr

    For Sobo....

    You need to use it every few hours for a couple of days. The time thing is on the instructions. Mine isn't handy right now. You'll feel better right afterwards, but then the congestion ickiness will come back. But after day two I saw huge improvements. And then it kept on getting better so I tapered off the usage. One of my kids started coming down with cold symptoms. I did this with her a few times and she didn't get sick. Of course she thought it was totally weird and didn't want to try it at first.
  21. I'm on a mac and the only one I've found is MacSpeech. Dragon is the one my writer friends swear by, but it's PC. Anyone have any recommendations or advice? I really need to buy something soon. Thanks!
  22. rmncwrtr

    For Sobo....

    Sobo - get thee to a store and buy a neti pot. Even walgreens sells them. It saved me in April. I was sick for two weeks with no relief from anything the doc game me and finally gave this a go. I'm a total convert now. Try it. You will swear by it for all eternity hence forth. Feel better, my friend :kisss:
  23. rmncwrtr

    RIP Jim McKay

    I grew up watching WWS in the 70s. Loved the show and all those Olympics ABC and Jim McKay covered over the years. RIP, Jim! LGeqSYXQdnA
  24. Hugs, Carolyn! Not a doctor, but a mom, and that mommy instinct's saying "Second opinion please." Swelling can have an effect with xrays, at least that happened in one situation I know of where they wanted to wait for the swelling to go down before taking one, but thinking something "that didn't look right" might be the seam of your pants sounds very strange. And at least out here in the PDX metro area, x-rays taken at doctor's offices and urgent care places are later reviewed by a radiologist to make sure nothing was missed by the doctor since they aren't specialists. Can you call the place you had the x-ray done at and ask if a radiologist had or was going to look at the x-ray? And if not, request it be done.
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