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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. rmncwrtr

    Ski helmets

    Please make sure you (adults) wear helmets. I didn't start wearing one until my kids' started skiing, but mine saved me on Monday. I still got a ride down from Timberline to the hospital with AMR RAT, but it could have been so much worse. I don't even remember hitting my head, just that I thought I'd broken my thumb. But my son saw my head hit. I'm going to need surgery on my hand so doubt I'll get much climbing in the next few months, but that's nothing compared to what could have happened. So wear a helmet please!
  2. I'm with Feck on this one. Skiing this weekend!
  3. Looks like a very fun weekend, G-spotter. And two goat spottings! My three would have been all over that
  4. I thought steak was just something they did on TV. I did find one home remedy in case this ever happens again. I was in No. PDX last week after Crossfit Kids. A woman came up to us when she saw my son. Told me that if you cut a raw potato in half and stick it on the black eye, it'll take the swelling down. We were on our way to Seattle after that so I never got a chance to try it.
  5. Fun times! And loved the story about the area
  6. Sorry, Sobo, but they do private parties so that would be one way you could watch Or try it yourself! A men's class is in the works
  7. If you're interested, you can sign up for lessons here.
  8. Ouch, Ivan! I'm going to hope nothing like that happens to my little guy. I don't plan on bubble wrapping the kid, but I didn't have a brother so this boy stuff is new to me. We've been very lucky so far with him. The girls have winded up with all the stitches and sprains. I just got home from a no-so fun day. He was having some different pain in his eye so we went to the doctor which led to an x-ray at St. Vs, a visit to the opthamologist and then back to St. Vs for a CT scan. I'm sure not feeling the love for Little League right now.
  9. You're probably right, Mtguide. At last night's game (my son wasn't allowed to play, but coach wanted him there), he saw a friend on the other team who wasn't playing because he had a black eye, too. Same eye as my son. Turns out his dad, who played professionally, was working on his son's catcher skills Sunday, but the kid wasn't wearing a mask. They ended up spending Mother's day at the ER. Bet that went over well with the mom Guess we're entering a new phase with my son so I'd better get used to it. I just wish it would have waited until after our ski passes expired since I'd planned on taking the kids skiing this week. Oh, well...
  10. Thanks, Mtguide! This is new ground for me. I think we'll have to wait and see how it feels for Saturday. He jumps around a lot with the Irish dancing, and if it still hurts then I don't want him to do it. Our pediatrician told us last night to give him Children's Motrin so I'm going to assume that's safe though I think we actually used kid Advil. The last time we tried Children's Tylenol, he threw up and I think he'd rather get hit in the other eye than have to take that stuff again!
  11. Anyone know of something other than ice and Motrin that will help ease the swelling of a black eye? My 9 yo got hit in the face last night running from 2nd to 3rd base. Luckily no concussion, but boy, is it nasty looking. It hurts just to look at. The ball hit on his cheekbone. It's scratched/cut at the point of impact. He's supposed to dance on Saturday up in Seattle. Rocky Balboa does Riverdance.
  12. The guys are back with a new video. [video:youtube]aEjKk5Kt3rs
  13. Wow, John! What an awesome TR. The pics are gorgeous.
  14. I had a tough time finding anything with a structured program for my youngest when she was four in Portland. You had to be six at PRG and I forget how old at Clubsport. Things may have changed in the last two years, but then the only thing I could find for her was a climbing class at the Firstenburg Center in Vancouver. You had to be four though. It was a four day class (done weekly or as a camp in the summer) with bouldering, climbing and a slack line. She had a lot of fun. My three do Crossfit Kids at Crossfit HEL in Portland and they have cargo nets set up and ropes and rope ladders to climb, but no climbing walls.
  15. rmncwrtr

    Wounded Knee

    Ouch. Hope it heals quickly, Bill!
  16. Haha, Dru! Actually the three Master Replicas are all mine, Sobo, but with three kids that number of lightsabers works out well. I'm the fangirl in the family, though my son is turning into quite the fanboy.
  17. My son would love this probably as much as our Master Replica lightsabers. Too bad the bags not really for sale since his birthday is at the end of the month.
  18. John - While we skied, hubby and Chaos hiked up a ways. Not sure how far they went, but he took a bunch of pics and did talk to folks coming down. If I find something that might be useful for you (info or pic), I'll send your way.
  19. Very cool, Fern! Thanks for the linky.
  20. Happy Birthday, Kevin!!!
  21. We were there for a field trip. No second dog for us. Ours is happy being the only one in the house. That's one of the reasons her original owner gave her up. She needs a lot of attention. She plays well with others at the dog park, but likes being on her own at home. Add in the kids and three spoiled cats, and I've got my hands full. One more doggy might push me over the edge Though the kids surprised me at the Humane Society by pulling out enough money from their pockets to adopt a little black kitten. A phone call to dad put an end to that!
  22. Thanks for letting me know! I should have snoped this. Sorry. We were at the Humane Society two weeks ago for a tour and just in the few minutes we were standing outside waiting we saw people driving up to drop off their dogs. It was heartbreaking so this email really tugged on the old heartstrings.
  23. Nevermind.
  24. I have a Giro. It's got the adjustable vent plugs and is wired for an iPod or phone. It's very comfortable. That's the only reason I ended up with the one I did because I really didn't need all the extras. Like Snoboy posted above, you'll be wearing it all day so try on a bunch of different ones and pick one that fits and is most comfortable on your head.
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