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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Senior year at Stanford. I got a phone call from another ME, telling me to turn on the TV. I sat stunned and missed my dynamics class. Pretty much changed the direction of my life. I had a job offer from Hughes to do analysis in Redondo Beach and then be at CC for shuttle launches when they were sending up a satellite. During my interview that December, they'd talked to me about the employee, Jarvis, who would be going up in January and how they'd pay for my graduate degree if I wanted to go that direction. I was going to accept the job, but then with the investigation and then a different job offer from them, I ended up doing something totally different instead.
  2. Well, she's right about that whole submission fantasy thing. Big $$$ are made with romances that feature that kind of story element.
  3. rmncwrtr


  4. rmncwrtr


    Well, I never paid much attention to the amount or quality of nudity in either films, but walked away thinking Mozart was a spoiled, talented twit while Beethoven was a genius. [video:youtube]W9KU3vik3mI
  5. rmncwrtr


    Immortal Beloved...sigh. I love that one!
  6. Wow, Adam, you found the right thread for your big kitty! Bet it could down your entire glass of water with no difficulty! Got any front or side views?
  7. Planet Granite is $70 a month with a huge facility that boasts pretty much every extra you could imagine except a pool. We were down in the Bay Area this summer and every time climbing came up that place was mentioned even by folks who didn't climb. I spoke to them about their kids' Friday night climb/pizza program they have and was impressed by all they had to offer families. If you were looking at something of Planet Granite scale and quality than I could see charging more than PRG's fee. But the Bay Area is typically more expensive on stuff so not sure if $65 a month would be too steep for PDXers given the other options that already exist around here, not to mention the current state of the economy. Your daily fee is right there with Club Sport (though they do offer half-price sales on their punch passes) and a little more than the PRG weekend rate. I'd guess some of your targeted clientele probably already has a membership (annual contract) somewhere (CS, PRG, Stoneworks or Circuit) which means you'd need to have a very affordable daily fee to get them in to see what you offer so they'd want to move over when their contract expires or maybe a promo such as show us your (insert climbing gym name here) card and climb for $5 today. One question I have for you is why that area? There is already Stoneworks in Beaverton, The Circuit in SW and CS in Tigard. PRG is in Central PDX. Why not move more North and/or East to an unserved area? You'd also get more people from across the river.
  8. The injured climber is a friend of mine, a great climber and all-around awesome guy who has gone above and beyond for me over the last year. Please send him your + thoughts/vibes/prayers for a speedy and full recovery. Thanks!
  9. rmncwrtr

    this s ucks...

    Hugs Rudy. That's awful. Hope you heal quickly. Take care.
  10. [video:youtube]TJMw4yqiK_w
  11. Thank you, Off_White :kisss:
  12. rmncwrtr

    No snow!

    We've got snow on this side of Clark County. The kids were sledding and snowboarding down the neighbor's steep driveway yesterday.
  13. Great find, G-spotter. That's a great story!!! Wonder what Frankie likes about those leopard toys!
  14. [video:youtube]X88jCXzX0VA
  15. rmncwrtr


  16. Aw, thanks for the pic and the update. You're amazing, Carolyn. No wonder Latte looks so happy and wants to stick around! Take of yourself, too! It sounds as if you've got your lovely kitty covered.
  17. [video:youtube]DoQE4Q9U_pE
  18. Very cool and well worth how tired you sounded this morning! Thanks for posting the pics!
  19. Thanks, G-spotter. Though I'm not sure how you found two of my readers. Anyway, I love that song, but I think I used it in an earlier book. Not 100% and I don't have time to check to make certain, but that's what my best friend danced to at her wedding and I usually try to put little things like that in books for the friends I know buy them as surprises. It always gets me a phone call or at least an email from them, too. Plus my heroine's in a green dress, and it really has to be green. Now if she'd been in red, I probably would have used it whether I'd used it before or not. It was suggested early on in the thread and listened to as a possible choice. If the above makes no sense, I'm sorry. I've been writing pretty much all weekend. Still not done. And it looks as if they want to move the book's release up a month so I must finish by tomorrow. I'm liking this thread cause I can listen to so many songs in one place. Okay, break over.
  20. Thanks again everyone A special thanks and :kisss: to Bill C whose Ritchie Valens suggestions led me back in time to where I found the perfect song from 1961 for the slow dance. It's also been covered by UB-40 which I may use in the last scene of the book. Still need to write that! [video:youtube]LFSfdL5lPoY
  21. rmncwrtr

    Hey Sobo

    Happy Birthday, Sobo :kisss: Enjoy the day
  22. Wish I could join you Minx, but I'll be up all night and must remain sober
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