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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. rmncwrtr

    Kids helmets....?

    This Camp Armour helmet is what my 5 yo wears. It fits her well.
  2. rmncwrtr

    Climber's Reel

    This is a total mommy boast post! My three kids dressed up as climbers today and competed in a costume reel during an Irish Dance feis (competition) today. Irish dance is what they do in the show Riverdance if you don't know what it is. The kids wore their harnesses and helmets and were tied together with a rope. The always generous Bill Coe loaned me a shorter rope since mine was too long and heavy for them. I let them pick out their own climbing clothes. This to my son meant his BARK T-shirt (Mt. B Avalanche Rescue K9s) and a pair of shorts. My five year old wore a pink t-shirt and flowered capris. My 10 yo wore spandex capri length leggings, a fitted t-shirt and a fleece zip up vest. Turned out to be pretty much their normal climbing apparel! I had my littlest one wear her pink princess backpack with a teddy bear hanging out of it (remember the opening of Cliffhanger.) She was on the sharp end of the rope, a good place for her since she's our future rope gun. My oldest danced in the middle. My son was on the other end, wearing my BD ATC with the remainder of the rope around his shoulder and chest. I'm totally biased, but they looked so cute! A few people asked if they were really climbers to which they replied with a resounding "YES!" My 10 yo choreographed the dance. It had them reaching up for holds and wiping sweat from their foreheads while dancing reel steps. They tied for 5th! A great showing with the size of the competition.
  3. Thanks for the link. I just read all five parts. I'm guessing I look a lot like the people Jim described in the audience of his talk right now.
  4. Happy Birthday Pax! Hope it's a good one
  5. I agree, Minx. Every thread sounds exactly the same. Please just let it end.
  6. No audio, but these are the two new Ocelot kitties at the Woodland Park Zoo. [video:youtube]8jjTXWWq74M
  7. This is such a sweet video! Linky A soldier is home from Iraq after being away 14 months. Those dogs are so happy to see him! [video:youtube]ziWoyLpXQyc
  8. rmncwrtr

    I'm 16!

    Happy Birthday, Marc! Enjoy your presents and the day!
  9. Lots of people want to forget my name after they meet me. Haha, but used-to-be-Paul is still heroic, a hottie and breathing Thanks! I'll have to do that. But I'll be relaxing very soon! My climbing partner is making me take a much needed break from the grind and climb.
  10. Oh, Porter. I mean Jake, Jake Porter, glad you remember that time at Timberline :kisss: BTW, there is an Iain in the book and there was a Paul, but he had to have a name change. Thanks all. You guys are the best. I posted on facebook that cc.com rocks last night and I mean it. I've been smiling and laughing my way through this thread. Just what I needed since I'm on another tight deadline and feeling a tad stressed. Steve/pindude - I'll pm you. Thx!
  11. Yes, she is! A super climber, cook, artist, the list is endless.... :kisss:
  12. Oh, thanks for the pics Kev! So sweet. Hard to believe a week ago we were at the LL and little Sadie was still inside her momma's tummy!
  13. Okay there's some touching going on there, Bill. Jake might actually slide into second perhaps third base. I've already completed another book and working on a new one so I don't remember! I do remember the first kiss takes place at Timberline Lodge. But there was a study that showed women who read romance novels have more active sex lives than those who don't so if that's not reason to buy the book, I don't know what is I will paste the dedication here so you can figure out who might have provided inspiration for my mountain rescue hero Jake Porter.
  14. This was the last thread I ever expected to see here Ah Bill, you know you have a belay slave for life now :kisss: Thanks for the plug. And yes, I have taken things from cc.com for the book. A few people here helped me out tremendously and I owe them big time :kisss: plus there's other stuff I gleamed from the forums here And yes, as John pointed out, nothing past first base, but the kisses are kinda hot. At least I hope so
  15. Welcome to the world, Sadie. Congrats to Kevin, Maggie and Miles on the new addition to the family!
  16. Lots of people showed up at the Lucky Lab tonight to buy the Ozone guidebook and support Kevin Rauch and his family. Thanks to all who put on the event. It was a great time! You deserve a big for doing this for your friend. I can only imagine the work that went into the guidebook, auction and promo to make this all happen. Thanks to the Lucky Lab, too! I arrived just after six with the kids. A good thing we got in line right away. The lines got very, very long as the night progressed. The first person I saw was Bill Coe. I got a hug and a where's your camera. When I said I couldn't find mine and thought it might be in Austin with hubby, he offered to get his from the car! Thanks Bill and for letting me take the camera home tonight! :kisss: I must admit was curious what other pictures might be on the memory card when I downloaded and it was just as I expected knowing Bill....porn....gear and climbing porn, that is As for the fundraiser, you could buy a guidebook (some cc.comers are featured in pics) and bid on all kinds of stuff at the silent auction. They also raffled off an iPod. Even though this wasn't an official cc.com event, cc.comers were out in force. And not just the regular PDX crew. Pink was in town and Minx even showed up! A few memorable moments from the evening: Meeting Pink for the first time. He does not have horns and a tail. At least none that I could see Introducing Pink to John Frieh and seeing the surprised look on John's face. Having my daughter run up to me and ask me if a guy in line was Zach, the guide we always use at Smith Rock, and it was him. Being called over to the bar and being introduced to a woman and realizing (since she'd told me her first name in pms) that this was the infamous Minx. She let me take her picture, but only from the back. Anyway, it was a really fun time and here are some other pictures of cc.comers, their friends and SOs: Also a big thank you and :kisss: to John Frieh for watching and entertaining my three kids tonight so I could walk around, take pics and have some adult conversations without worrying! Luv ya, cutie
  17. Don't forget this is happening in less than 24 hours! Should be a lot of fun and you know you want a copy of that guidebook. I'm flying solo this week so I'll be the one with three kids in tow! Please say hi. I'd love to put more cc.com avatars to faces and I also really need to have an adult conversation
  18. rmncwrtr

    Cool Hand Luke

    Thanks for the clips, Feck. I met him once at Portland Int'l Raceway. Those blue eyes of his were simply mesmerizing.
  19. If I do my job right, more than a few will find themselves a little breathless
  20. These three songs, over and over again, for the last couple of days. They fit what I'm working on right now. [video:youtube]_torKbeZXHE [video:youtube]NNwbz6EzbKM [video:youtube]SQ7gQPRFf6c
  21. Some good beer there, John! Hope I can join you all tomorrow night. Fighting a nasty cold right now which is no fun
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