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Everything posted by rmncwrtr

  1. Oh, I'm sorry to hear about Max. Hugs and :kisss: I've never been a member of Angie's List. I looked into it, but couldn't justify the expense, but one of my closest friends swears by it. She says it's well worth the money. She never uses anyone who isn't on it, and she's never had any trouble with who is on it. I borrowed her dog after the break-in attempt because my husband was out of town at the time and asked if she knew anything about security system monitors. She told me about Brinks.
  2. We had a couple of break-in in our neighborhood and at least one attempt at our house so I did some research. I don't know where you live but here in the PDX area, Brinks in Beaverton is the one recommended by Angie's List. I looked at ADT and it didn't seem all that different from Brinks. This was last year so I don't know if things have changed. If you want to do something cheaper without the monthly fee, you can buy a system x10 or z20 something like that (I can ask my husband if he still has the link you're interested in that) for a one-time fee. It calls your cellphone when activated. You can also see your house via a camera feed. Of course then, it's up to you to notify the police. If you're in the backcountry or out of the country you can tell it who to call if there's a problem. I think it will call up to four numbers, but I can't remember the exact number. We ended up going with a rescue dog with a mean bark, big teeth and the heart of an angel. Hadn't had any more break-in attempts since we got her. Monthly expenses are about the same as Brinks, maybe a little more if we have to see the vet, but we also get unconditional love and a warm welcome home when we walk in the door. Good luck.
  3. Hey. I still can't climb. Unfortunately I can't belay either. So we're definitely not going to be at Kids Ropeup. If you guys want this to happen, someone needs to take the lead and make a reservation. Porter already posted he'd pay for the site. It might be too late, but someone should at least try!
  4. Congrats! This came across on a Tweet from Climbing Mag.
  5. Rumr, Just use common sense. The kid is going to want to climb all the time just like my daughter wants to Irish dance all the time. She was 9 spots away from qualifying for Worlds and it does seem to take 2-3 hours of practice a day to get to that level, but she's only 11. I worry about the long term effects so I do limit her practice time because I don't want her limited in the future because of bad feet and knees from all the hard shoe dancing. I send her to play outside and have her do other activities and sports because a kid that age doesn't need to specialize in one thing. Maybe it's more a mom thing since your wife is concerned about it, too. And I totally see where she's coming from. As somebody posted above, you are the parent. Telling the kid to go ride his bike, or do something else, today instead of hitting the gym isn't such a bad thing at his age. Muscles, even young ones, need recovery time.
  6. Congrats! That's awesome!!!!
  7. I'm so sorry, Brian. Sending my condolences and prayers to you, the kids and the rest of the family and friends, as well as hugs to all of Gail's beloved birds and animals. Take care, Mel
  8. Not a beer. More like a case or a keg Great news!!!
  9. Good luck!
  10. Happy Birthday, Off White! :kisss: Hope it's a good one
  11. Not sure what news you read, Sobo, but in the mainstream media, she's gotten a lot of over coverage lately especially with the Dave Letterman Top Ten pedophile jab about Alex Rodriquez and under 18 yo daughter last month or so and the July Vanity Fair article that came out a couple of days ago. People are speculating the move is either to prepare for 2012 or a scandal is about to erupt. Only time will tell. She did get a $7 mil advance to write a book so maybe that's what she wants to focus instead. I'm guessing the money is broken up into at least four payments with one of those being on publication so writing faster would bring in more $$ sooner.
  12. rmncwrtr


    Didn't know that about last year, but you think he'd pick something less obvious than a guitar manufacturer if he didn't want to get outed.
  13. rmncwrtr


    Meet Brian Moore. Brian Moore guitars that is. If you want to see more, go here.
  14. Thanks, base697. I actually found out today from my doctor my scaphoid isn't fractured. The first set of x-rays suggested a fracture in the middle portion as did the second set, but it still wasn't clear so they sent me for a CT scan yesterday. I'm very happy with the news. Unfortunately, the new x-rays showed my thumb isn't where it's supposed to be again so the cast didn't help there and now that's what needs to be figured out. Anyway, I appreciate all the input. And all this will be here for the next person looking for info on a scaphoid fracture!
  15. Thanks, annemack! I'll be sure to find out those things. I'm down near PDX not SEA so I'll see if there's a hand group down here.
  16. rmncwrtr

    Weekend TR

    We took our dog to an AKC event and picnic in Hillsboro and got to see a bunch of rescued and show Norwegian Elkhounds. TIt was our very first dog sort of thing and a really fun day for us and Chaos. Of course, the kiddos befriended the Siberian Husky group and now want to get a new puppy to keep Chaos company. They've already named him Duke. He's a real cutie and will be in an upcoming ad for Ralph Lauren and just did some others at Timberline. Hubby's not going for it though. I'm sure there will be some tears soon.
  17. Oh, I'm so glad that's all you lost! Hugs to all of you. Enjoy the beer, Sobo. You deserve it. Have you seen this one about oil fires in the kitchen? [video:youtube]aBDqwOQiZn4
  18. Thanks 33M It does help. I was in a splint the day of the accident due to my thumb and in a cast two days after that so I'm hoping to avoid the surgery. It's good to hear you're doing well. I can live without doing pushups as long as I can climb and ski Appreciate the take home lessons, too. I actually hit my face with my thumb and ski pole as I was falling so I don't think my arm was outstretched especially with the huge bruise on my other arm where it looked like the pole may have also hit afterwards. I don't remember anything after hitting my face and thinking I broke my thumb, so who knows what actually happened. Just know I probably shouldn't have gotten up and kept skiing. But in defense of my stupidity, I had no idea I'd hit my head or hurt myself as much as I had. Thanks again!
  19. Anyone have experience with fracturing their scaphoid? The x-rays taken a week after my accident to check my thumb subluxation showed a fracture. I go back next week to have my cast replaced and they'll take more x-rays, so I'm trying to educate myself on anything I should know or ask when I'm in there. Thanks!
  20. Somebody should grab the reins on this and take Porter up on the offer for cc.com to pay for the camping and some food. Just go to last year's thread. The links to reserve the campgrounds are there. It really is a good time.
  21. rmncwrtr

    please define.....

    It's where many errors are made.
  22. Sean - my husband is the one who posted about this. I know it's not a Grivel, but I have no idea what a Stubai looks like. Not sure where he found it. I'll ask him about it when he gets home and have him get in touch with you.
  23. Because of my hand, I'm not sure we'll be doing any climbing until later this summer if at all, so I'll let those who know they will be attending give their input on the date. I sure hope more people want to come. It was a lot of fun last year. PeterSS - I do have a CD of pics for you. Just never sent it. Sorry.
  24. Yeah, still better me than one of the kiddos. They found the whole thing a big adventure though the ambulance scared my youngest. But I did get a reprieve on surgery today and a pink cast that the girls think is very cute. My son, however, can't understand why I didn't pick blue or the dinosaur one
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