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Everything posted by denalidave

  1. George Thorogood and drinking songs are kinda synonymous... I drink alone. One bourbon, one scotch and one beer. Sure he has a few more to add to the list.
  2. denalidave


  3. denalidave


    My perception is just a few a holes that seem to dominate threads, but good point none the less.
  4. denalidave


    Rob, is this event your attending called "The Landmark Forum"?
  5. denalidave


    And I thought it just climbed well. Yeah? Well that was just a snap shot. Check this out...
  6. denalidave


    So much for spank material.
  7. denalidave


    And I thought it just climbed well.
  8. denalidave


    Here ya go. Careful, you could hurt someone with those cannons.
  9. I love doubles on wandering routes. Some people will argue this, but I think it is safer with 2 also. Plus, if you need two ropes to rap anyway, might as well climb w/doubles IMO.
  10. This is quickly catching up w the Jesus thread. Who da thunk?
  11. Uh, no, it's not really. It actually feels pretty damn good. yep and my bra gives me a place to store all the little pieces of sage and flowers that i pick while i am hiking around. (okay so i am a closet hippy ) Sage and flowers? Shouldn't that be "Ya put yer weed in here"? That is, if you are a real closet hippie.
  12. That Porter dude sure looks alot like Yoda.
  13. not until someone can retrieve that excalibur-esque green alien from blownout direct! That thing still there? I worked on it last summer and gave up once I realized I'd never want to use it anyway if I did get it out. Now that we can't climb at Beacon, the next best thing will have to be spraying about it for 6 months.
  14. denalidave


    Looks like a blackmail opportunity a knockin.
  15. Let me know if the cross bow deals falls apart.
  16. denalidave


    Doh, yer KIL'N me. I showed my wife last night and proceeded to ask for her help... Please get up and hang from the ceiling in your underwear so I can post your pics on cc.com. Guess I ain't get'n none tonight either.
  17. I'm sure Joseph would glad to handle that
  18. My car would tow a sled, btu I don't think it would be happy about going to the places you wouild want to take one. Ditto but if I had the 6 cyl maybe it would be a bit better?
  19. I heard the same but maybe I heard it from you? How was Utah?
  20. snorkel? you should be asking to do some heliskiing with all these freshiez What the hell do you think he needs a snorkel for?
  21. All the better for pleasuring myself. And that's Bagina to you. Not saying I don't like football. I love playing it but watching it is not as exciting as say, spraying, or using my own bagina for self satisfaction.
  22. Blah, blah, blah... You suck, she suck, we all suck, show some ass... More pointless drivel. I think that sums it up.
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