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Everything posted by denalidave

  1. denalidave


    Sex, best 20 seconds of my day!
  2. Shhh. I think it's gonna be like 50 below and windy, snowy, rainy and maybe even some hurricanes and tornadoes at smith. Everyone should stay home where it is nice and safe next weekend.
  3. LOL You get a better buzz if you use your mouth to suck out the gas though.
  4. Get my 4 year old (5 this summer) her first harness and shoes and get going on some easy stuff. We hit the local tiny rock gym the other day. Anyone got some kids shoes for sale. I think she wears about a kids 12US/30EU size.
  5. For that matter, avoid any snacks at the gas station. It is a costly habit that really adds up. Stock up at Costco, or whatever and you will save a ton of cash in the long run.
  6. Where did this comment come from? Maybe I'm showing my age, it was in a commercial when I was growing up. You know, one of those anti-crime campaigns. Seems it was about the same time as the - this is your brain on drugs commmercials.
  7. Oh my. Now THAT'S a nice rack. damn, sherri, you totally beat me to the punch. The gear looks good too!
  8. Hey moof, nice rack but what I really like is your rack bag/tarp thingy. Did you buy that or make it yourself?
  9. Shoplifting doesn't pay... but neither do I. Just kidding. Along with all the stuff CBS said about the vehicle is make sure to keep your tires properly inflated. Doesn't sound like much but it really help with the gas mileage. Also, try to get in with some of the locals that work the concessions in the park areas. Then, free showers in the staff dorms and meals are usually available if you can work the system.
  10. I think it's all about conditioning. Whatever you environment you condition your kid to nap is what will work best. Once they get used to a certain routine they will be able to stick with it. Within reason of course.
  11. Did you check the valve? Could be a leaky/worn out valve?
  12. Holy gear whore Bill! I'd like to see you rack up w all that shit on at once. You got like a zillion biners alone. I notice that you have multiple big bro's but none of seem used at all. Is there a 12 step program for gearaholics? A good place to start would prolly be to relieve yourself of some of that bondage. I can help you out, just this one time, and take some of that off your hands.
  13. denalidave


    Can I barf now!
  14. That is a great idea Bill, keeping a photo inventory for insurance. I also did it with all my possessions a few years ago and should prolly do it again.
  15. I've got an old rope that was only used on a 35 day Denali trip you can have. Never took any falls but I retired it since we stepped on it a few times with crampons on. I think it's an 8mm/60m but I'd have to dig it up to be sure, might be a 9mm/50m. I'm in the Columbia Gorge near Beacon Rock. Sure it be good for rapping and the like. PM if interested.
  16. I was thinking the exact same thing.
  17. Not a single one of those would count in my book. That's THE worst pullup form I've ever seen. I'd call that humping-air.
  18. I will take you up on that challenge provided you are paying. Shouldn't the loser pay?
  19. I make some damn tasty sushi, very pretty too.
  20. Hmmm, I worked with a girl in the mid 90's that claimed her dad invented them by accident while working for 3M.
  21. denalidave

    kid training?

    Why would anyone want to climb a couch?
  22. I can open beer bottles using only my fingers. No putting in between your legs as a vice, just set a twist top on a counter/table top and unscrew the top using only a twisting motion with your index finger and thumb. However, some bottles are tighter than others. In my vast experience with this project, I concluded Alaskan Brewery beers are usually the hardest. I shredded many a fingertip mastering this athletic accomplishment, only to impress no one but myself.
  23. To fall down.
  24. Check PMs
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