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Everything posted by denalidave

  1. Buy low, sell hi. Or was that the other way around? These things are so complicated.
  2. I got a photo ticket a few years ago in PDX (I just picked up a keg at Laurlewood and did not want to slam on my brakes to stop and have the keg go flying into the front seat). I did some research on it and came to the conclusion that if you contest the ticket, the city will drop it. So that's what I did and it worked. I admit, I felt guilty but I also don't like the big brother aspect. Now I am in the habit of putting my hand up to block my picture if I happen to run an "orange" light. This was a few years ago so not sure if they still have the same policy.
  3. denalidave


    That sounds like a gastronomical contradictions, unless its vegan bacon.
  4. Ken, from Eastern OR, Wala Wala, I think it is.
  5. So nice, I wish I could have been 2 places at once. Rock climbing and ski touring but I opted for the latter.
  6. Kewl. To early to tell but rumors of nice weather next weekend too. Whos in, weather permitting?
  7. Just wondering how it was today and what you ended up doing? I'm guessing it was perfect out there? I ended up ski touring up to Tilly Jane Hut and then above the CS shelter. Great day but the snow was bullet proof down lower. Good to get out though. Sure wish I could have squeezed in few pitches w/ya'll too. Maybe next weekend? Dave
  8. denalidave


    Don't you mean Chicken McGuts? MMMM, I do get a craving for em now and then but always regret caving to the McGuts.
  9. I'm very sorry to hear of your and the family's loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
  10. I'm out for this Sunday (1/13), going bc skiing instead. Much better weather for skiing than a Beacon suffer fest. Still want to get out before it closes for the season though, if it ever stops rianing/snowing long enough. Have fun, take a whipper for me.
  11. The last time I was up there, 2 of us had Outdoor Research Overboots and the other guy had Super Gaiters. He liked them but they were totally trashed by his crampons by the end of the trip. My OR stuff is still in great shape, I think they hold up much better that the neoprine. Layers is your best bet. I had a plain old cheapy gangsta puff-daddy $100 Burlington Coat Factory down coat and was plenty warm with other layers (Could not afford anything more at the time). We started in late April and it was really cold (-60ish f) down lower around 10k on the upper Muldrow. Best advice I have is bring the warmest bag you can find. Marmot CWM(-40f) + bivy sack + polypro bag liner. Well worth the $/weight. I only had a -20 down bag and froze my ass off at night even with the bivy, polypro bag liner, down booties, parka and fleece layers on too. My buddy with the CWM was toasty the entire trip though. I've seen some nice used CWM's on ebay for around $300 lately. Have a good trip, be safe.
  12. denalidave


    Rehab is for quiters
  13. I'm in if it is reasonably dry. Pretty slushie-muckie-nasty-wet over there right now. Might go skiing instead if it keeps dumping at Hood.
  14. Hey, that's my girl... how'd she get over there? Pretty scary, all that karma coming back to us in another 10 years or so. And I got 2 beauties that can't keep clothes on for more than 5 minutes.
  15. I delivered the Za in Park City UT for quite a few years. It was the perfect ski bum job. Ski all day, then go in and make your $100-150 in tips during the dinner rush and be at the bar by 10:30ish. Park City is one of the better tipping areas for sure though. Lots of fun too. I kept asking my boss how many years I had to work there before I got the big red shoes and clown nose to match the rest of the uniform. Now I'm in sales - Real Estate, so I have plenty of time to spend on cc.com as it is really slow right now.
  16. I think the bigger question is not whether Jesus farted, of course He did. The real question should be if they stunk. Man, these threads are reaching new lows.
  17. Thanks, more great advice... At least the old gear can be of some use to the industry before if ends up in a landfill.
  18. Of course, especially after the beans or cherries.
  19. Yeah - Is your life worth 40 bucks? Can I be in your will? PM me for personal info. Sure, upon my untimely demise, from a Cliff Hanger style harness failure, I hear by bequeath all my ancient climbing harnesses, slings and 100+ fall ropes to lizard_brain.
  20. I made a resolution this year to replace my harness annually. Given that a some manufacturers say that circa 100 use-days is the lifespan of soft goods (I use mine about 150 days/year), I think it is a prudent decision. Thanks, that makes sense. I'm pretty sure I got my $2 worth out of my main harness. Prolly should have retired it some time ago but never gave it much thought, like I always do with runners and ropes. Of course, I give all the harness and other gear a good visual inspection on a regular basis.
  21. I dunno, let's see what I can find on the clearance rack at the thrift store... OK already I'll get a new one. What about all this reduce, re-use, re-cycle crapp? Sure worked fine on a few whippers I took last summer.
  22. It's not so much the $, it' the idea of throwing away gear that does not need to be tossed. If it is worn out, I don't want it. If it is not, then I do want it. Just wondering if anyone has any data on the durability of harnesses?
  23. Got me thinking about my vintage harnesses. Although they have been stored indoors, inside heavy dark plastic/rubbermaid tubs, they are pushing 20 years old. We all remember what happened to Todd Skinner not to long ago. I suppose I should step up to a harness at least from this century. None of them are even faded though. Any thoughts or data on this?
  24. I did not bother reading the whole thread but I always use a liner poly pro or thin wool glove, this goes a long way in keeping your hands very warm. Basic layering but you probably already knew that?
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