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Everything posted by denalidave

  1. Does it taste like chicken?
  2. Anyone up for some evening zone action this week?
  3. I'm guessing you will also have a pack on? Even without a pack on, skiing in mountaineering boots is waaaayyy harder than with downhill ski boots as plastic climbing boots just don't offer the support to power the ski's. You might try a few practice runs before you get up on the Muir. If you can't afford AT boots you can rent them. I consider myself and expert downhill skier with no hesitation on double blacks but I will never try skiing in my plastic mountaineering boots again. I did it once, and it really sucked!
  4. Simply phenomenal. What are the odds? Marriage is not a contract. It is an insurance policy... for the woman! Yeah, insurance against being too happy. Or free. Or getting laid very often. Well, now that you put it that way, it's an insurance policy for men as well. Well, maybe a contract in that case, really. So arch, sounds like similar issues. Wanna get together for a GF? 8D All the same, an insurance policy IS a contract too.
  5. denalidave

    Sexy Time!

    i think that's the supersecret cc.com female-to-male filter in effect. sometimes people just hear stuff that was never said I don't think that is exclusive to cc.com... I say things all the time and my wife hears something totally different that what I said. I think it is a universal male-female communication disconnect.
  6. denalidave

    Dog breeds

    I had no idea those hyenas were so huge! They never looked that big in all those animal shows I've seen. You can google anything and the world is at your fingertips. You mean to tell me you don't have a swiss army machine gun yet? I think it also has a cliff hanger style bolter too.
  7. Sidenote: If you decide on the coast somewhere, be sure to take your wedding bands off before you go swimming. While snorkeling off the Kona coast on the first day of my 2 week honeymoon, I lost my custom wedding ring (a gold band with Denali and the Alaska Range in platinum, the only jewelry I wear). I didn't even notice it was missing till later that night at the fancy shcmancy dinner. Fortunately, my wife found it out in the ocean the next day! That made our next week hiking the Nepali Coast Trail much more enjoyable for sure. Congrats, have a great trip! But remember... Marriage is a contract, you better read it before you sign it!
  8. denalidave

    Dog breeds

    But seriously... Labs are great with kids and very trainable. Although not known for ferocity, they can still be quite intimidating and protective.
  9. denalidave

    Dog breeds

  10. Gotta love the dusk mask!
  11. denalidave


    Wow, impressive!
  12. Still slow for you too eh? I just kinda stopped working as much but now is the time to pick it up for the selling season.
  13. Stuck? I love hanging out with my son. Yeah, stuck at home. I love my kids but get a bit couped up, especially during nap time when I can't go outside but for a few minutes before I need to come back in and make sure they are still napping. We did have a great hike up Beacon this morning and a nice pic-a-nic lunch on top. we do that routine at least once or twice a week. They also love to go play on the docks down at the boat launch. Sure wish I could get a few pitches in now that it's nap time though. Guess I'll go shovel dog shit instead so I can get the lawn mowed later today. Maybe even do some work, on second thought, it's way to nice outside to work from my computer. Dave, you are a good man for taking on this responsibility considering in general men are not wired to stay at home with the kiddies. Just my two pennies* Thanks PC, but it's really a matter of logistics more than anything. I work from home a lot and my wife works full time. That leaves me playing mr. mom on most weekdays. I work from home too, but try to mix it up by going the office so I dont go stir crazy. (I believe we are in the same market) Add kids to this.... I couldn't do it It certainly ain't easy but also has it's own rewards. The biggest challenge is trying to run a business with 2 wee ones in the back ground. I do go stir crazy though! Heading to Ozone today for a few hours of respite.
  14. Stuck? I love hanging out with my son. Yeah, stuck at home. I love my kids but get a bit couped up, especially during nap time when I can't go outside but for a few minutes before I need to come back in and make sure they are still napping. We did have a great hike up Beacon this morning and a nice pic-a-nic lunch on top. we do that routine at least once or twice a week. They also love to go play on the docks down at the boat launch. Sure wish I could get a few pitches in now that it's nap time though. Guess I'll go shovel dog shit instead so I can get the lawn mowed later today. Maybe even do some work, on second thought, it's way to nice outside to work from my computer. Dave, you are a good man for taking on this responsibility considering in general men are not wired to stay at home with the kiddies. Just my two pennies* they are if the women of the house are the bread winners. She actually wins the benefits more than the bread but it's all good.
  15. Stuck? I love hanging out with my son. Yeah, stuck at home. I love my kids but get a bit couped up, especially during nap time when I can't go outside but for a few minutes before I need to come back in and make sure they are still napping. We did have a great hike up Beacon this morning and a nice pic-a-nic lunch on top. we do that routine at least once or twice a week. They also love to go play on the docks down at the boat launch. Sure wish I could get a few pitches in now that it's nap time though. Guess I'll go shovel dog shit instead so I can get the lawn mowed later today. Maybe even do some work, on second thought, it's way to nice outside to work from my computer. Dave, you are a good man for taking on this responsibility considering in general men are not wired to stay at home with the kiddies. Just my two pennies* Thanks PC, but it's really a matter of logistics more than anything. I work from home a lot and my wife works full time. That leaves me playing mr. mom on most weekdays.
  16. Serously, it is the Drip Buttress in Blodget canyon. The chimney to the right of the screen is the Syphlitic Slit 5.9. There is a nice 4 pitch 5.9 route immediately right of that. It does look a bit chossy but very enticing none the less. I'd be kind of worried about catching syphilis though. Don't forget your protection. What is the approach like?
  17. That's pretty cool!
  18. Stuck? I love hanging out with my son. Yeah, stuck at home. I love my kids but get a bit couped up, especially during nap time when I can't go outside but for a few minutes before I need to come back in and make sure they are still napping. We did have a great hike up Beacon this morning and a nice pic-a-nic lunch on top. we do that routine at least once or twice a week. They also love to go play on the docks down at the boat launch. Sure wish I could get a few pitches in now that it's nap time though. Guess I'll go shovel dog shit instead so I can get the lawn mowed later today. Maybe even do some work, on second thought, it's way to nice outside to work from my computer.
  19. I'd love to but will be stuck at home with the wee ones. Maybe my 2 year old can give a belay?
  20. You can tell if it's Ivan's gear cause it has everyone else's marks on it.
  21. Wow, he has always been a hero of mine. I am excited to see what happens in Ogden. I have heard they are really pushing to make it a climber's destination. Ogden also happens to be my home town.
  22. light cardio and no jokes... laughter is not the best medicine for broken ribs.
  23. The suspense is kil'n me... the top 3 worst were?
  24. I always heard that vaporizers are the cleanest and easiest on your lungs. I've also heard most of the carcinogens come from the nasty butane that is inhaled when using a bowl. Of course you have all that paper with the joints. Hard to do in the PNW during mid winter but focusing a magnifying glass in the sun acts like a vaporizer and is really clean. That's they way I used to prefer my loads, when feasible. Careful not to burn yourself though!
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