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Everything posted by denalidave

  1. I'm guessing all this is in your 5,000 sq. ft. storage unit you need to stash all that gear?
  2. Wombats are aid.
  3. Thank you for placing your order with Mountain Gear. Oh who am I kidding, serious impulse control issues here: after looking at the pics and panting like a dog staring at a bone, I just bought the 1,2, and 3 - which correspond to the most common Alien sizes I stuff in cracks. Bought them from Mountain Gear too, it's well deserved as Paul Fish of Mt Gear pull tested the Aliens and confirmed that they had some huge quality issues which led to the recall when CCH earlier had it's head stuck in the sand, you just got to love a guy like that. Anyhow Dave, if you ever wander by where I happen to be, say hi and feel free to borrow and fondle. Kevbone had a handful of my small Alien offsets in use last weekend (the very ones Archenemy sold), so I don't get too touchy if you want to use some as long as I'm around and you don't hangdog on the stuff. :lmao:Oh, who's yer gear Ho, Billcoe... I love it when you put a bit a lube on my cams and wedge it up that crack, oh, please just one more nut, just gotta have it, ya baby I work for gear anytime, anywhere... Thanks for the offer to fondle your gear but I have some aliens, just time to update them. Mine are the very first, original ones. Have taken many falls and have always held up well. Not sure now if I want the new metolius set, c3s or the aliens but am anxious to hear how you like these once you get to actually use them.
  4. Use your nut tool hook to get your rock shoe laces nice and tight at the toe end for those really hard footwork routes.
  5. Use the thin produce bags as a vapor barrier in your boots. They are very light but work great. I usually bring one pair per day of the trip. When belaying on multi-pitch routes where you are swapping leads, stack the rope over your girth hitch with about 3-6 foot lengths on each side, this will keep the clusterfuk from happening, or at least minimize it. This should leave you with a nice pre-stacked rope for the next leader.
  6. Extension of the above thought: After you've threaded the rope through the anchor and started the pull, have your partner coil the rope for the toss as you're pulling it down from the upper anchor. On multi-rap descents, this multi-tasking can end up saving a lot of time over the course of the descent. coiling and tossing = knotting the gravity feed is faster and better Coil up the rope in 2 sections and toss the middle section (section coming off rap anchor first). Right before that section is all out toss the second/end half coil and you will have much less chance of knotting.
  7. Also, if you have a blister on your foot, you can run a thread through it with a needle from your mini sewing kit in your first aid bag. This allows the blister to drain but hopefully it won't fully rip off leaving you with a worse ouwie. It works great. Course, best if you can sterilize the needle and thread with your 100% alcohol that you smuggled into your partner's pack. You may have to get creative and pull "oh look at the eagle over there" and sneak the bottle out/back in partner's pack. That same distraction technique works great for poaching your partner's enviable dinner too.
  8. I like how when I get one of these supposed inheritance or some such scam from what is reported to be a large banking firm but has an address from yahoo or hotmail. I wonder how many suckers they get a day?
  9. I've got a great bridge I can sell you when all your "winnings" get here.
  10. Were you parked at the main Ozone lot?
  11. Ski poles, water bottles, fuel bottles, just about anything round works great for your duct tape stash.
  12. Good one, done it many times. I call the $300 pillow, or whatever I paid for the ticket.
  13. After seeing your rack of aliens, I was tempted to try to get you to sell some but figured it would be a waste of valuable spray typing. I'm hoping to get my hands on some of these too before I pull the trigger on a whole set. They sure look nice though.
  14. I think they are getting close to figuring out the mystery that causes this phenomenon. 8D
  15. Me too, they both look pretty sweet.
  16. I will be really waiting to hear all the feedback on these once more people actually get to use them as I am hoping to update my old aliens this season. Time to get a new set of large cams too and was planning on the C4's unless I can be convinced otherwise.
  17. So I guess it's not IF you are buying any Bill, but how many sets did you buy?
  18. What kind of biners and draws? Wire gait? What brand/model? Got any cams or other trad gear? Got a rope bag?
  19. Dirt bikes are aid.
  20. Nothing like the great outdoors for some peace and solitude.
  21. Ginger never did much for me but Mary Ann was Hawte!
  22. denalidave


    I hate it when that happens.
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