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Everything posted by ericb

  1. So the protesters marching the streets with swords, people shaking their fists from buses, banner carriers, etc. in the accompanying video are just a vocal minority I suppose.
  2. gargling doesn't necessarily imply not swalling AE...come on - you should know better than that
  3. I don't see any mention of the attacker using the term "jizz gargler"
  4. They are probably making the logical connection between this stuffed animal, and it's namesake, Teddy Roosevelt. It's not just a stuffed animal to them, it's a symbol of Western imperialism.
  5. ericb

    Laziest invention

    Wow…she owns a rifle, hand-washes dishes, hates TV…and those pumpkins! ooh la la, archenemy, can I stalk you? You have aced my cupid settings! Need help deciding? My shoe size is 12 extra wide, if you get my meaning. If you really want to get her all hot and bothered, take a dump in her parking stall.
  6. Fast times up Mailbox Peak perhaps, but certainly not intelligence
  7. In the original quote, my quote for $750K term life went up from $70 to $220 a month based on my climbing....roughly half the premium you are talking about, but a sizable amount nonetheless. I ended up getting it back down to only a slight premium by the time the policy was issued, and while I can't finger exactly what it was, here's what I did. 1) Explained that my climbing frequency was going to drop relative to past years due to fatherhood - which was true. 2) Took advantage of the addition comments section to write a short essay on my conservative climbing philosophy - no big mountains, climbing in my home range so highly selective with respect to weather, etc. Some companies are more sophisticated with respect to their profiling of climbers as well, so do try other companies. There's also a guy named Steve Kobrin that specializes in high risk policies. He gave me a pretty competitive quote, but I was ultimately able to beat it by sticking with my current insurer and "measuring my words". Feel free to PM me if you want more ideas.
  8. I hear this a lot, and I guess what I come back to is that resentment is a choice. If you really believe that your kids are better off having a father growing up (both financially and emotionally), and that it would seem selfish to deprive them of this, even if you died "doing something you loved", then why would you become resentful of this. Our attitude is something we control. If my wife was the one that was spelling out what I could and couldn't do, I suppose I might be a bit resentful of her, but that's not the case. I know she craves time with me, and that she does not want to contemplate a life without me. I know she feels my son's emotional well-being is highly dependant on the quantity and quality of his relationship with me (as do I). Ultimately, she leaves it up to me to decide and set the boundaries around my activities, and I choose to climb less, and with less tolerance for risk. If I become resentful of this, shame on me...I chose to get married, and I chose to have a family.
  9. FWIW, my wife would much prefer my son having a father growing up than having $750K in her bank account
  10. Great question....his thread got me thinking as well as I just recently became a father and was thinking about starting a similar thread. I think one question is as far as rock goes, are we talking trad or sport. I'm guessing trad is more dangerous as the protection is less sure. I think you can get hurt or killed doing either one, but perhaps the big differentiator is objective hazard. I think making a mental error in either rock climbing or mountaineering can be fatal, but I think you are more in control of your own destiny when rock climbing...that is assuming you are not on a multipitch crag route with people potentially kicking rocks down on you. Those are my first thoughts but I look forward to the discussion.
  11. Swung by on my way back to Seattle Yesterday...sigh....why we can't have a retail store with that amount of high-end selection in Seattle is beyond me.....love that place.
  12. ericb

    Good Sound Rocks

    I have a Polk Audio surround system that was less than a lot of anything equivalent from Bose....satellite speakers are a tad larger but much fuller range sound. Bose is good at one thing....marketing
  13. driving to Spokanistan and then north to BFE First road trip with the munchkin
  14. As are all the Dems he "tricked" into authorizing an invasion of Iraq apparently
  15. Agreed....he's far too intelligent to be the victim of misinformation.
  16. now that all depends on you, doesn't it? the prospect of scraping a few cells off an old fogey and fixing his problem is pretty awesome. what good does embryonic stem cells do those of us who have progressed beyond the embryonic stage of life? ok, maybe they can grow an organ for me someday but I'd still suffer the trials of being an organ recipient & all the anti-rejection meds because the new cells are from somebody else. even if you did have a couple of your embryo cells saved, this new process eliminates the 80 years of storage in the freezer, which would be a huge waste of energy. Enough with your scientific mumbo jumbo. This is a religious issue.
  17. Second vote for the Barryvox....simple to use in Digital mode - very similar to the BCA, but as you grow in your experience, there will be a lot of more advanced features available including an extended range analog search. It's also smaller and lighter than the BCA. You don't want to fuss with coverting your ski poles to a probe in an emergency situation, but I wouldn't totally discard idea of a probe that goes in your shovel handle. It makes it less likely to get lost/forgotten, and chances are anyone buried deeper than can be reached with one of these is beyond help.
  18. I've walked across it to Lewis lake if that's what you mean.
  19. anybody that's asking if a boulder field at ~ 5600' of elevation in the north cascades will be snow covered in winter doesn't deserve an answer
  20. Eventually this will be your forecast site, updated daily if you haven't found it already http://www.nwac.us/products/SABSEA
  21. John...what's the added benefit of a Goretex liner when you already have a waterproof(able) leather upper (i.e. Nepal EVO)
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