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Everything posted by ericb

  1. If you are unwilling to provide photos, can you at least provide a sketch - either MS paint or hand-drawn and scanned as PDF?
  2. What you say is true - the original banter was about TTKs obsession with his climbing and trail-running prowess, or his hobbies as it were. Given his lack of family and employment, this while irritating, is understandible. The fact that he has bitch titties has several possible explanations - among them: 1) He doesn't work out and climb as much as he implies 2) He has a love of food 3) He got the fat gene and his physique is largely out of his control The fact that he exists at all makes sense in an evolutionary context. His predecessors would likely have been highly sought after by predators due to their high caloric value, so they would have had to be either smart, fast, or both to survive.....based on his posts to date, and his self-volunteered Mailbox peak times, we can conclude it must be thanks to being fast.
  3. True... hey Eric, let's hook up for some ice climbing soon. PM me. How bout skiing?
  4. You're the retired one...why are you asking her?
  5. ericb

    Hawkeye Caucus

    You've got the day off and that's the best comeback you can muster?
  6. ericb

    Hawkeye Caucus

    That's an ironic statement coming from the limosine liberal that apparently made enough money to sit on his ass unemployed and do nothing but bitch about what the our capitalist government isn't doing for the less-fortunate. Lots of time for climbing though!
  7. Gee, another reminder that you ice climb. Wow! That's amazing. You are such a man. Everyone should respect you now. It must give your life meaning. I'll stick to climbing with people I actually like. Thanks for the offer though. KKK....if you didn't have kids or a job, you'd be looking for an identity as well.
  8. ericb

    Social Security

    Kevbone posts provocative post - after 15 minutes and no response, he bumps it up by replying to his own post - hoping that somebody, anybody will validate him as a man with something worthwhile to say......
  9. If I see one more stoo-pid warning label ANYWHERE, I'm gonna fill my trousers with my own shite! I appreciate what you're trying to accomplish by your suggestions, Mikester, but as HC says, it just can't be dumbed down any further/made any easier for the masses. Contained within the literature of my last avalanche beacon purchase: WARNING - Wearing this device will not prevent avalanches! Christ, how stupid do they think people are? Pretty stupid, I guess... The companies putting the warning labels on are not to blame....blame the lawyers. The reason the warnings are there is because some dipstick did exactly what that warning says not to do, and then sued the company that made the product because the product literature didn't stipulate that said action could have negative consequences.
  10. I didn't write it, but with 1000 post any modicum of serious debate had long since past. Folks needed a time out to reflect on what really mattered at that point which was post count. Uh oh. "any modicum of serious debate had long since past" this is now reason to lock a thread. How many will remain ulocked if they have to pass this test? 0 Bug - you have chosen to invest a lot of emotional energy in this here BB where the "rules", such as they exist are determined by moderators. Moderators, being human, will have a political/religious paradigm that will make it impossible for them to be impartial. Feck is guilty of impartiality, just like anyone here would be in his place - myself included. You made your point a long time ago, Feck unlocked the thread. He has power here - accept it. The moderators here have a decidedly anti-christian slant, and what they permit/prohibit as offensive is a fucking joke. Christianity is fair game, Beckey is not. Get used to it. When I joked about not ever having met Fred Beckey on a thread after it became a name-dropping "I've climbed with Fred Beckey" circle-jerk, it got stripped from the thread almost instantaneously - but hey...those are the rules.
  11. leave the viaduct up and retrofit it
  12. Assuming it was on her ring finger, I guess it doesn't surprise me that she'd be able to get 2 or 3 fingers up there. Did you ask her to remove her watch as well?
  13. it's perfectly innocent... nothing sexual about the michelin man crossed with the Stay-puf marshmallow guy. I think heaven would be donning Ghostbusters garb and taking you out Bill Murray style. Only the immediate vicinity will be covered with something of a decidedly different nature/color than marshmallow.
  14. stairs? try tiger mountain. naked in 33 degree rain. with his mouth sewn shut. Brilliant evangelistic tool good man.....Having to see TTK naked for all eternity would drive the devil himself to the good book
  15. how does running stairs 24:7 for eternity without your jog bra sound TTK?
  16. how does running stairs 24:7 for eternity without your jog bra sound TTK?
  17. Don't sweat the extra weight....buy offsets...example Swapping out 15 of your old 50-gram biners for 31-gram trango superflys will more than accomodate the weight of a small hip flask of Southern Comfort.
  18. Local: North ridge of stuart NW Corner NEWS Paisano/Burgundy NF linkup Serpentine or Backbone ridge on Dragontail Bigger trips on the wish list..... Bugaboos Grand Teton Tuolmne High Sierras
  19. ericb

    Best present?

    My wife bought me a #5 WC tech friend and some patagonia baselayer stuff
  20. very few docs are doing allografts any more. The sterilization process necessary to negate the possibility of HIV/Hep transmission weakens the graft. Orthopedic Physicians Associates Surgeons in Seattle are the knee docs for the Sonics (Zorn), Mariners (Holland) and Seahawks (can't remember) and to my knowledge none of them recommends cadaver tendons. I don't think you will see reference to many professional athletes using cadaver tendons. I went to Zorn - he recommends hamstring, and Holland favors patella (but does hamstring as well). I recall seeing a graph showing the % hamsting vs. patella vs. allograft done over time, and hamsting is becoming the preferred method with allograft dropping off to single digits. I guess I'd be a bit leary of a surgeon that's recommending allograft. Either the hamstring or patella autograft will be stronger in the long term. Also, your body eventually revascularizes the autograph making it stronger in the long, long term. Patella used to be stronger than the hamstring, but now I think the composite hamstring graft (semitendinosis/gracillis) is stronger than the patella. Most surgeons have a preferred autograph - either hamstring or patella, and you pretty much pick the method when you choose the surgeon. I chose the hamstring as there's lower incidence of patella tendonitis, and less long-term frontal knee pain. My wife had patella ~ 20 years ago from an excellent surgeon (Cal Berkeley athletics surgeon) and still can't kneel on hard surfaces without pain. Do a lot of asking around about surgeons, and be sure and talk to a really good PT. They will know a lot about reputation in the local area. I'm nine months out now and feeling really good and strong.
  21. When were marchin the animals 2x2 what in God's green earth are we going to pair with TTK??? (species and gender)
  22. Ryan - no one understands you injury and healing timeline better than your Ortho....why are you asking us? One thing you consider is that regardless of the speed of bone healing, you will undoubtedly have a great deal of atrophication, and with inadequate muscle strength to stabilize joints (knee, ankle, etc.) you may be at higher risk of injury to areas not directly related to your initial injury. Again, the ortho or a PT is the appropriate person to evaluate your functional stability. A good PT will tyipcally have exposure to patients of many different surgeons, and might be able to give you feedback on the reputation of your surgeon relative to others - specifically as it relates to their conservatism for post-injury return to activity. Unless you discover they are notoriously conservative, I'd take the advice of your surgeon.
  23. I suppose you are right being that I was not actually present during the last hundred years of archeology……as they dug up our forefathers bones…..so I just have to believe it was not all a hoax….of course I can go to the museum and see and touch the evidence….on the other hand what evidence is there that Jesus actually lived? NONE. What evidence is there that Caesar Augustus lived?....buncha written accounts??? The archaeological evidence of many old and new testament sites is no less relevant to biblical factualism than the fossil record is to evolution. I was not arguing if Caesar actually lived……but there is evidence of humans thousands of years ago…..that’s thousands of years ago…..and if I learned anything from Sunday School….Jesus lived 2007 years ago…..so it would seem from physical evidence that evolution makes more sense. I don’t believe the bible accounts for humans….say 10,000 years ago….yet we have the technology to date human remains back that far…..MMMM?????? Evidence of "humans"....yes....physical evidence of any particular human, save some Pharoahs who were buried in their own fucking pyramid that took thousands of slaves to build????....not so much.
  24. Teachings regarding the origin of man (evolution/creation) are religion and have no place in the public school Kevbone may find himself in hell if he doesn't get lost on the way Despite the fact that the US is not a Christian nation (per the constitution), every bad thing our goverment has done in recent history (to slaves, Native Americans, the Japanese, the Iraqis)is the Christians fault. TTK's use of revese psychology - aka embracing the fat-fuck bitch-titty persona thinking that by not acting offended by it, it might actually die down is not working. It is alive an well and all we are waiting on now is a new avatar.
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