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Everything posted by ericb

  1. Toe Jam and Clean and Jerk, that’s it. Thanks…..my memory is failing. Boxing? Aiding? Confused. tape is aid
  2. Just curious if any of you J-tree vets would be willing to share your "must do" J-tree routes....5.7 - 5.9/10a preferably. I've got the Wingers book which is good, but limited in scope.
  3. Leaving this Wednesday (12th), returning Sunday (16th)
  4. I'm more worried about them losing my bag and wasting my J-Tree coupon for the winter.
  5. I love the flicklock mechanism as well, and have BD B/C Poles. When shopping for new summer poles this year though, from a pure weight standpoint, I ended up going with the REI carbon fiber vs. the BD carbon fiber because they were lighter. The key advantages of the flikloc is the ability to adjust with gloves (not as much of a factor in summer), and the one of the key problems with the twist-locking is they get fouled by aluminum oxidation, among other things if you don't keep them clean....again, less of an issue with carbon fiber.
  6. alright you cax...this is not spray.....I need info
  7. I know there was some recent chat about flying with your rack in your carry on (no need to post a link to the thread and some smart-ass comment about using the search functionality as experiences were over a long period of time and highly variable), but just curious if any one has recently flown out of SEATAC with pro/biners/slings in your carry on, and what your experience was. thanks
  8. How does rock quality enter in to your rankings? There are a lot of class 4s that will kill you there
  9. FYI...you can stack them - just make sure the 20% additional discount doesn't drop you pre-tax basket size below 100$. The little man can now go hiking with us in his new Sherpani!
  10. I think cacade pass road is gated at eldorado TH, which would add considerably to the approach.
  11. new info on the crystal guys http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/localnews/2004054517_webhikers05m.html Two of the missing men were identified by their employer as Phil Hollins and Kevin Carter. The pair failed to show up for work Monday, said Gary Brose, their boss at Seattle's Fleetfoot Messenger Service. The third man was identified as Devlin Williams, a former Fleetfoot employee.
  12. One other thought on weight. For technical rock, lighter is better, so burning off excess fat while maitaining/increasing muscle is good. For high altitude climbing, a reasonable amount of fat stored up is a good thing to provide a fuel reserve if you lose appetite or get sick at altitude (or get a bug from food/water once you arrive). I had a friend who headed to Cho-Oyu this fall in the best shape of her life....solid muscle with little or no fat...her typical (rock-climber) physique. I commented mid summer that she might want to bulk up a bit - that her body would start consuming itself at altitude....and she laughed and commented that she was too vain and that she would try and eat more once she got to Tibet. I just saw her at vertical world last week for the first time since she returned and asked her how it went. The first words out of her mouth were "you were right about the weight thing". She never made it past camp two. Obviously Kili and AC are not 8000 meter peaks, but I'd think a little extra flesh would serve you well at least on AC.
  13. I was there for work so stayed in hotels...maybe more than you want to spend, but would think if you were only staying a couple nights, it might be worth spending a bit more on a hotel room...especially if you have gear. My only recollection was don't stay in El Alto....it's pretty scary.
  14. For once, eric, we're in total agreement. Well if hell just didn't freeze over
  15. TTK - why ask any of us jokers??....you've got all the answers, and far more intelligent than we are.
  16. Same here...I've got the Montbell UL...synthetic....a couple ounces more than the down, but don't have to worry about getting it wet. It weighs 9 ounces, and packs down to the size of a nalgene. It plenty warm for summer alpine, when I don't need a 2lb down coat. The other nice thing about it is it fits nicely underneath my softshell, which a larger down coat wouldn't do.
  17. ericb


    Ya but he heard it on the radio!!! We are planning it a year in advance!
  18. ericb


    What heard was one year from last week. I also heard (on the same show) that if Bush decides to bomb Iran without congressional approval that the congress would move towards impeachment. Which is why he would wait until his term is almost up. I agree with you Pink. Left/Right, there is no different anymore. It is all about power now. And once you have it, it is hard to let it go. Any relation to Michael Moore?
  19. ericb


    Because protestors might block traffic and make me sit in my car for an extra few minutes, causing me and everyone around me to use more gas than we would have which would contribute to global warming and make all of the glaciers melt, turning our volcano slogs into scree slogs, which is way worse. Worse still, I might be late for something big, like my afternoon expresso. Screw the Iranian people, when it comes to something like war you've gotta think about your own needs. Did they say this Thanksgiving, or next, like 2008? I think that it would be a little late to do it in 2008, as they would only be a couple of months away from having to leave office, and that would be quite a mess to leave the next president with. On the other hand most things that the Bush administration does aren't that well planned out so who knows. Our Thanksgiving or theirs?
  20. Yep, and the legal position is that whether it is abortion or murder in the case cited seems to depend on whether the mother was in agreement - seems a bit inconsistent.
  21. ... Roe v. Wade ruled that the 14th amendment does not grant personhood to the unborn. The court did recognize, however, that the states do have two legitimate interests: to protect the health and well being of the mother and to protect the unborn. .... How is this NOT a contridition? Our law does not grant personhood to the unborn, but at the same time is called to protect the unborn; the one who does not have personhood. Last I checked, it was not OK to kill a 3-day old infant, even with its mother's permission
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