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Everything posted by ericb

  1. So funny it and the requotes got scrubbed from the TR? There seemed to be a marked reduction in your TRs after that as well....whatever...as you say, no post, no proof. Where are the Truthers!!!!???? Perhaps you should start a separate thread about how my wife feels about my climbing. followed by a YouTube video, then a reality TV program contract. Would you mind giving me a photo with you wearing one of her bras for starters? I need some dirt if this is going to work.
  2. So funny it and the requotes got scrubbed from the TR? There seemed to be a marked reduction in your TRs after that as well....whatever...as you say, no post, no proof.
  3. Ummm....I don't know of many posters here that have had a TR hijacked by someone claiming to be their wife, posting under their avatar, and bitching about how much climbing they were doing.....wish I would have copied that classic bit before the mods scrubbed it...but thanks anyways O' oracle of marital advice
  4. anybody know what the difference warmth/fit/performane wise is between the Trango Extreme EVO GTX and the Nepal Extreme EVO Goretex is? Based on my limited research, it looks the Nepal has more ankle support, but is it considerably warmer?
  5. Interesting indeed...and important to have top of mind as context for his paradigm. Let me guess..... "Higher ordinary income tax for the upper middle class and upper class wage earners (I'm living off investments and more impacted by capital gains)" "The government should provide healthcare (I could have cared less 3-years ago but now I'm self employed by choice)" "American capitalism is the enemy (but it wasn't 4 years ago when the capital markets made my options a windfall)"
  6. I'm guessing a danger of any route that involves an extensive approach on glaciers this time of year after only a couple storm cycles is partially bridged crevasses.
  7. already been done...see Henry Todd
  8. ericb


    I dunno.....obelisk
  9. ericb


    This was a lot more provocative when I thought this word included a one letter typo
  10. I used to do environmental consulting for the south american mining industry, and my observations would support this article. My company would regularly take old, fat, out-of-shape geologists from the US up to mine sites located at 4,000+ meters, and it seemed that the smokers fared better than the non-smokers, at least in the short term.
  11. ericb

    Fun with "quotes"

    Oh brother where art thou
  12. Marmot mountain has a large selection
  13. You ended up saying at least as much (or more) about your brothers than you did about women
  14. Banging your sister-in-law and then bragging about it on a climbing website? What's worse than banging your sister-in-law and then bragging about it on a climbing website?
  15. Banging your sister-in-law and then bragging about it on a climbing website?
  16. The big problem I had with the new package was the light rail to Tacoma bit....we already have commuter rail that works quite well for this corridor - what about the 405 corridor??? The bundling of roads and mass-transit doomed it. The fiscal conservatives killed it due to tax implications, and even the Sierra Club opposed it because they didn't like the auto-friendly aspects of it.
  17. Ditto....FWIW...one theory on the Hood tragedy last December is that they topped out in a whiteout, and being unfamiliar with the the South side descent, were unable to find the "easy" way down.
  18. ericb


    Hey Porter....this is about as serious as I've seen you in a thread participation for quite some time.....you run out of pain meds?
  19. agreed....and he can quit at anytime. FWIW, he's already done his tour of dip. security in Iraq, and he'd go back in a hearbeat if he wasn't married...he was making 2x his salary while he was there. Based on the seniority based assignments, my guess is that the majority of those assigned (that could resign at their choosing) would not be walking away from a very long career.
  20. Marylou...I have two friends in the foreign service....they can rank their preferences, and generally it seems they get more say in their destination as their seniority increases, but ultimately the government decides (similar to the military) They agree to this arrangement as part of their employment. One just got married last weekend and is taking his new bride on his next assignment...The Congo - not his first choice.
  21. ericb

    Oh this is fun......

    disappointing post Dru....I thought for sure you would say that genetic mutations are aid
  22. ericb

    Oh this is fun......

    grew up in West Virginia....that explains a LOT. I could probably climb 13b/c as well if I had an extra couple fingers on each hand.
  23. ericb

    Oh this is fun......

    When will you be there?
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