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Everything posted by ericb

  1. I think a saw a recent TR mention that the road is gated @ Eldorado TH now....only 3 miles more each way, but might be easier places to get turns
  2. yep....solid forecast
  3. a lot can change in a week http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/forecast/MapClick.php?site=SEW&llon=-122.813747&rlon=-120.963747&tlat=48.002084&blat=46.152084&smap=1&mp=0&map.x=179&map.y=243 can you say Giddy-up!!!
  4. 3rd vote for Cilogear...I've got a 40L...sweet....very light and strips down even lighter for summit day. The other thing to consider about Cilogear that many don't mention is the price. The 60L is very reasonable ($200 bucks).....one of the benefits of selling direct w/o the ~ 40% retailer margins.
  5. interesting all these climbers having kids in October, nine months from January.....hmmm......not just pulling plastic on the offseason eh
  6. best night sleep I've had in 4 months
  7. photos are easy...they have these really cool sd card adaptors now...perhaps you've heard of them?
  8. I heard Tvash was going to be there, and I'm not quite ready for east-of-crest alternative to mailbox peak.
  9. Whats the penalty? Deportation to the lEast Coast? The move to an environment where all of the gear is effectively useless and *literally* serves no tangible purpose whatsoever might be just the tonic you need. The lEast Coast will put you closer to the goal, but for you, the bleak Cartesian infinity that is Iowa might be the only place where you could truly cleanse your soul. As things stand now, the move to Seattle is roughly analogous to a moth changing the angle of his orbit around the autoloatheorecreoconsumo flame inward a few degrees and flapping the wings with even greater vigor... People are a little too down-to-earth in Iowa....Dallas Texas gets my vote - with no car to get to either the hill country or the Quachitas
  10. i think they likely smoke more dope in SLC than in china... maybe i'll opt for the chinese versions! They certainly have more kids
  11. Ummm...yaaahh....I carry around those double axle cams for their good looks....same thing with that highly breathable single wall tent....
  12. Along those lines....I'd guess that some portion (perhaps substantial) of the money BD saves by outsourcing is poured back into R&D, enabling them to get better products to market faster. Seems like this is only goodness for the end consumer (aka US)
  13. CJ...something tells me they ran the numbers here and they worked out.....just a guess.
  14. I wouldn't sweat it....wearing depends tends to keep people at arms' length
  15. I think the downside to a minivan for a sustained roadtrip is security. Pretty impossible to hide the fact that theres a big bunch of stuff (albeit perhaps covered) in the back if you leave it parked somewhere like a trailhead, motel parking lot, etc. You may not need as much storage as a minivan offers, and be better off finding a sedan with good sized trunk where drivers seat trunk release and fold down rear seats are lockable. My civic has such a set up.
  16. Glucosamine, stool softener, and Preparation H. I can't decide between the wipes, the paste, or the suppositories. What do you think? I've got some stool softener left over from knee surgery that you are welcome to, so scratch that off your list
  17. Now you are finally getting it. And let's not forget Skull and Bones!! all funded by the Scientologists, of course
  18. ericb


    Gottman is really good...took a prep for new baby class based on his material....and he's local to boot
  19. why do you mock me? Hopefully you are kidding. If not, here is why I posted similar to yours, I too am leaving from Issaquah Fri 1:30. I will go I90 over and 2 back so I can stop at the Grocery Outlet in Monroe and stock up on cheep eats. Then I will drop my frozen goods off at my apt in Redmond. If someone from Issaquah is riding along, I would return them after stopping to unload my frozen items. Do you need to see my grocery list? Oops. Didn't mean to mock you...... You can learn a lot about a person by looking at their grocery list. Before I get into a car with a complete stranger, perhaps it wouldn't be such bad idea. If it was a committing alpine climb being discussed, I'd be more interested in a climbing resume, but given the nature of the weekend, a grocery list is probably at least as, if not more relevant.
  20. I approve of it Will you approve of it when is happens to you and your family? If they want to listen to my conversations, they are welcome. Who gives a shit? To them, I'm some nameless faceless John Doe who's talkin dirty to his wife. So I'm (in the nameless/faceless i.e. "some dude from seattle" sense) the topic of some lunchroom conversation in a basement pentagon lunchroom - I could give a rat's ass. It's a "civil liberty" I'd happily give up for the greater good and for the safety of my family. Spoken like a true worm. This issues for the 'innocent of any wrongdoing' are as follows: What happens if the government mistakenly catches you in their net (happens all the time... ask Khaled Al Masri)? What happens when the government targets deliberately for political retribution because of your legitimate, legal beliefs and actions (happens all the time; consider the monitoring of legal anti war groups during Vietnam and today). What happens when government officials, who have mistakenly caught you in their net, then lie to keep you there to cover their asses and improve their performance evaluations (happens ALL THE TIME)? Now, I don't expect a worm such as yourself, lying safe and sound in your suburban bed, thinking about whether or not you should switch to a greener lawnfood, to think about these contingencies. If you want a police state, OK. It probably won't affect the quality of your local schools much. I don't consider that a very admirable stewardship of the American values of freedom we were born into, however. If and when your doomsday scenario comes to pass for me personally, I'll recant to the readers here hat in hand. Until then, I will continue to be preoccupied with my lawn, and watch DVDs from the 3-row of my suburban. Some of us care that my doomsday scenario has already happened for others. Fair enough - and the fact that I choose to not be preoccupied/obsessed with this particular issue isn't because I'm a conservative yuppie - but feel free to continue with your stereotypes if it makes life more entertaining for you. From my personal standpoint I have a limited amount of emotional/intellectual bandwidth that I can spend as I like. If I wanted to get really wound up about big-brother, that would certainly consume a good bit of it. I personally don't believe that the potential civil rights abuses enabled by the program being discussed collectively rank that high in the grand scale of international human suffering. For example, my wife recently spent 2-weeks in Zambia working with AIDS orphans, and we are trying to figure out how we can do more to help from both a financial and advocacy standpoint now that a baby will keep us stateside for the immediate future.
  21. I approve of it Will you approve of it when is happens to you and your family? If they want to listen to my conversations, they are welcome. Who gives a shit? To them, I'm some nameless faceless John Doe who's talkin dirty to his wife. So I'm (in the nameless/faceless i.e. "some dude from seattle" sense) the topic of some lunchroom conversation in a basement pentagon lunchroom - I could give a rat's ass. It's a "civil liberty" I'd happily give up for the greater good and for the safety of my family. Spoken like a true worm. This issues for the 'innocent of any wrongdoing' are as follows: What happens if the government mistakenly catches you in their net (happens all the time... ask Khaled Al Masri)? What happens when the government targets deliberately for political retribution because of your legitimate, legal beliefs and actions (happens all the time; consider the monitoring of legal anti war groups during Vietnam and today). What happens when government officials, who have mistakenly caught you in their net, then lie to keep you there to cover their asses and improve their performance evaluations (happens ALL THE TIME)? Now, I don't expect a worm such as yourself, lying safe and sound in your suburban bed, thinking about whether or not you should switch to a greener lawnfood, to think about these contingencies. If you want a police state, OK. It probably won't affect the quality of your local schools much. I don't consider that a very admirable stewardship of the American values of freedom we were born into, however. If and when your doomsday scenario comes to pass for me personally, I'll recant to the readers here hat in hand. Until then, I will continue to be preoccupied with my lawn, and watch DVDs from the 3-row of my suburban.
  22. I'll be leaving Issaquah around 130 Friday if anybody wants a ride. Depending on how long the drive takes, maybe even a couple pitches on Friday afternoon/evening.
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