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Everything posted by ericb

  1. ericb

    Oh this is fun......

    Don't ask me...I'm a shit-talkin tool
  2. ericb

    Oh this is fun......

    Great, now i have to windex the spooge off the screen...thanks porter... I'm surprised you could get into the mood what with that obviously bolted crack in the background and whatnot
  3. The two wealthiest folks in the US are Gates and Buffett. I guess it makes sense to you for the Fed Govt to tax the crap out of them to continue fund the war in Iraq versus their plan of tackling Global Health and Education issues through the Gates Foundation. Oh, and which relative gave them their wealth? They say ignorance is bliss and here's a perfect example The ~$40B that Bill Gates has placed in the Gates Foundation is not taxed at all. In fact our tax laws encourage a high volume of grants coming out of the foundation since they must give out a certain % of the assets every year to maintain their tax exempt status. This is to ensure that people do not set up charitable foundations as veiled tax shelters by accumulating untaxed assets in them. Oh, and if you'd been keeping up on current events, you'd know that Buffet is giving his entire fortune (~$40B) to the Gates foundation....why do you think that is? They (The Gates Foundation) now have the unfortunate problem of having to double their giving to the causes you mention to remain in compliance with US tax laws.
  4. Bug - if the UN is your acid test for a just war, how do you reconcile Kosovo?
  5. dude, they are mostly wealthy one linky I'd be willing to bet that list doesn't include $$$ in trust funds they control. Trusts, investments, investments in trusts, etc. The reality is that the reason the Democratic congress people are claiming to be advocates for the middle and lower classes by fingering income tax and estate tax is because they aren't going to be paying it, except for on their moderate politician salaries (small relative to their earlier amassed fortunes). Far less barking about capital gains taxes and the relative safety of trusts.
  6. all to save $800 bucks? what a dumbass
  7. ericb

    I'm A Lucky Guy

    slapshot....hey Hanrahan
  8. ericb


    Not to mention what would happen to you at the hands of the Scientology mafia for leaving "the faith"
  9. Go home, Tell your wife: "I've Arrived"
  10. short mileage is the key since the jog-bra accelerates water loss sincerely, the worm
  11. ballard, not Spokanistan
  12. I think Cilogear is coming out with a 90L this fall....should be very light
  13. If we are talking rock, not including sport, mine's the west ridge of Forbidden Peak
  14. an equal or greater hazard is that this stuff is common in baby bottles.....we just threw out about $60 worth after reading about similar research on potential effects on infants.
  15. 5 mile road walk to the trailhead, yuck washout or snow?
  16. Hidden lake peak might be pretty fun....not sure about the snow up there though.
  17. love that peak (in summer), but some of that scrambling could be sketch with snow on the north face....same thing with the boulder field on the approach.
  18. shit 125 an hr were do i sign up?? before you get too excited....make sure you understand what they pay, and what YOU can make. 5/60 * 125 is only like 10 bucks
  19. ericb


    The study is based on their patients....and why are they in therapy??? Selection bias perhaps?
  20. How izzit that you're aware of Malibu court operations? archenemy is omniscient I think her company does online perv-ware.....perhaps expert witness cancellation?
  21. ericb


    FWIW - I doubt your wife is going to be swayed by any arguments on this topic you garnered from a climbing website.
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