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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. DirtyHarry


    That's a great idea. You could sell the shirts, then Alpinist could sue you for trademark infringement and recoup some of their losses.
  2. Ian is a really really nice dude, too.
  3. El Zoo definitly reminds me of your mom. Esta donde Eastlake. I think you will like it so much you won't leave for SLC and then we will be celebrating for nothing.
  4. It could be really fun right now. I climbed it late December '05 when we had that bony snowpack, some freeze / thaw, and cold temps. Later in the season there's too much snow for it to be at all interesting.
  5. We should go to the Zoo Tavern. Well, you guys should go to the Zoo. Since I'm not invited I'll stay home and eat glue.
  6. Lets just go over to Mike's and play video games. I'll bring some chips and soda.
  7. I soloed a route about there a couple winters ago.
  8. Awesome. I can go climbing and sight in my rifle on the same trip. Too bad its only going to be open two days a week though.
  9. I haven't had any problem with the stitching in my Freneys, but the synthetic material has gotten all scraped up and appears to be deteriorating after a few light seasons.
  10. Soon after I started drinking off the keg straight from the tap, terrible things started happening all around. Right next to me a huge reptile was gnawing on a woman's neck, the forest floor was a blood soaked sponge - impossible to walk on it, no footing at all. "Get the crampons, Mike," I whispered. "Otherwise, we'll never get out of here alive. You notice those lizards don't have any trouble moving around in this muck - that's because they have claws on their feet." Mike paused, listening for an instant, then suddenly began running toward the car. "You cocksuckers!" he screamed over his shoulder. "We'll be back!" By the time we got the Camry back on the highway he was able to talk. "Jesus Christ! How did we get mixed up with that gang of psychotic bigots? Let's get the fuck out of this canyon. Those scumbags were trying to kill us!"
  11. The only thing that sucks about the NWMJ is that its hard to read while on the shitter. Other than that, stellar jorb fellows!
  12. That pic of Newell climbing in tights makes me all hot and bothered.
  13. If you're having fun you're not trying hard enough.
  14. On Sunday we saw it in the talus and put it on a boulder. Thought maybe whoever lost it would see it. Sorry we didn't grab it for you.
  15. Non-serrated, all stainless Benchmade. Upperwall, Country, Parking Lot. Finder and returner gets beer or whatever. Atleast I didn't lose a wedding ring.
  16. Nice Porter. Kat and I did that last year and had a blast. More of a social event, with all the parties on it, but really fun. No scrotum pole then, but the real conversation should be focusing on why Hansel is hanging that poor rubber chicken from his pack anyway.
  17. The same price as a funky reggae party and twice as fun.
  18. You place whatever you have left on your rack after the last hairball lead.
  19. DirtyHarry

    where should I

    Then you'd have to live by Porter and run into him at the Sunday Market.
  20. The horror. The north side approach is better I think.
  21. DirtyHarry

    where should I

    One neighorhood I also think is pretty cool is Columbia City. Its diverse and funky but There's some decent neighorhoods and it aint too uppity like Fremont and Belltown and the like. You could also check out Georgetown for a more industrial yet hip setting and you'd be close to the Nine Pound and the G-town brewery.
  22. I've done that crack. Its a fun variation and the more natural line. I think the standard route takes easier ground to the right.
  23. Dru's from Chilliwack not Abbortsford.
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