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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. Quite the speculation considering you've only seen a few pictures on the internet.
  2. Par for the course at Smokem Bluffs. If you don't like go somewhere more obscure.
  3. Strong work guys! Good to see that not all the youths of today spend their weekends playing video games.
  4. You could just buy everything in Bellingham or maybe even Portland. Not as exotic as Canada, but the beers cheaper.
  5. When you get to the campsights at the bench, walk left (north). You will soon find water.
  6. Some routes that come to mind: -The new / old / variation routes on the north face of D-Tail; -Jens and whose? new route near the Boving Route on D-tail; -The winter routes on Snow Creek Wall; -Berdinka's routes up Green Creek; -Blake / Sol's routes near Gunsight; -At least one of Blake's routes on WA Pass; -Winter routes on Summit Chief -"Intravenious" winter route on Chiwawa; -Sweet Renton Granite.
  7. Nice. We tried to do that route when we were there last month. But there was a slow party on route and a party waiting at the base. Looked good though.
  8. Sweet. I'm not sure CBR is within the permit area. If it is, its off the beaten path. Its also fairly reasonable to do in a day. Good job on Lib Crack though - a good consolation.
  9. The feature we climbed looked better than the Kearney Route, but I haven't climbed the Kearney route so I guess I can't say for sure. About 6 hours in on Saturday (including a 1/2 hour huddle under a larch tree to wait out a squall); Left camp around 5:00 am on Sunday, back to camp around 6:00 pm, and back to the TH around 11:00 pm. It was a long day and a third day would have made it more enjoyable.
  10. South of Manning Park over Frosty Peak and through the magical fairy meadows.
  11. Trip: Castle Peak - Middle Buttress Date: 8/3/2008 Trip Report: Blake Harrington and I, Peter Hirst, climbed the Middle Buttress of Castle Peak in the North Cascades. The Middle Buttress hosts one other route - the "Colorado Route", climbed in the early 90's. Our route probably shared some of the same terrain as the Cod route, but probably a lot of independent terrain as well. The rock was high-quality for the most part, though some of the cracks higher up were choked with sod. Blake led two challenging 5.10 pitches and I led one, though his was more runout than mine. The other pitches were in the 5.7 - 5.9 range. A good route that felt very alpine in natute, in that it followed a feature rather than a crack system. Here are some pic's (taken by Blake). I have more I'll post when I get a chance. Gear Notes: Climbing equipment involving the use of pitons. Approach Notes: Oh the Wildflowers.
  12. If circumstances deteriorate to such life and death situations on the big stone of Icicle Creek Buttress, why don't the gapers just leave gear? That way it can be removed later by such unscrupulous individuals as myself, the rock remains unscarred, and the gapers survive. Everybody wins.
  13. We should install 1" rebar handles the whole way up and turn it into a via ferrata. Fun for the whole family!
  14. Nice. That's some classic big wall action. At the base of the Grand Wall a few years back someone threw off a bag of shit that came somewhat near hitting us. I told some locals later who blamed it on Quebecois. Il n'y a pas de quoi.
  15. I'll leave that project to someone with more of a community service mentality.
  16. Better to "rediscover" some of the neglected classics in the Icicle than to overbolt some new contrived crap, as is what usually happens there. You should go climb, clean, and rebolt The Great Arch on Snow Creek Wall. That would be a worthy effort.
  17. An example of one of the many reasons to not go to chuch.
  18. Seems like there's been a lot of dipshits at Index this season too. I saw some folks earlier this season toproping the first 30 feet of Jap Gardens with one quickdraw through one bolt.
  19. If you just want to sleep in pretty places maybe you should take up backpacking.
  20. How much internet searching did it take you to figure that out?
  21. 1986, 3rd Place in the Whittier Elementary School Spelling Bee. Believe it, punk.
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