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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. Wrong. Climbing is LIKE fun. But different.
  2. That's some nice happy My Little Pony shit, but the truth is that many of the 11worth rap bolters and pad people don't respect the climbs and routes put up by climbers from prior generations.
  3. Want to increase size of penis? Viagra cheap. HOt dealz!
  4. Blake, if you don't put in lots of bolts (on rappell) and next to cracks then no one will no you were there and you can't get into the guidebooks and look cool for the mass hordes of 5.9 weekend warriors. While your at it, its also fashionable to clean up some overgrown boulders that generations of climbers have climbed before you, claim first ascent, give the boulder and your "new" problem some shnazzy name and write your own guide book about it. Happy times!
  5. Not much snow in the high Enchantments this year.
  6. I used to be a bike messenger in Missoula in the winter. I'd wreck on my bike on some ice or snow at least once a day.
  7. DirtyHarry

    I'm drunk

    Pace yourself Kurt, you don't want to end up like Lawtawna the crack-ho horse.
  8. Obviously not. Though I'm sure they can't match your arrogance either so I guess its a wash.
  9. DirtyHarry

    I'm drunk

    Kurt, get me some medical marijuana while you still have the connections.
  10. Sorry Jens. That sucks!!! Us old guys have to be careful with that bouldering shiz.
  11. I used to love that shit when I was a wee lad. That dude got in some awesome adventures and always kicked ass on the bad guys too!
  12. 3 days coincidentally sounds like the perfect amount of time to speed down to Vegas for a drugs and hooker binge. Being unconscious in a ravine is also a great excuse for the haggard and blood shot eyes.
  13. Whatever. The biggest colony of hippies lives downvalley in Carlton.
  14. I used to work with this dude who went to Antlers EVERY SINGLE DAY for breakfast - buscuits and gravy. Mazama definitly has locals. A whole 25 of them probably. Cool folks though.
  15. Those are some honkin' packs. YOu guys must have had atleast 20 of the ten essentials.
  16. I agree they have a lot of stupid tourist shit and not that much in the way of groceries and shit for locals, but its also definitly the spot for locals to stop and shoot the shit over coffee or a beer.
  17. The Mazama Store: Pissing off uptight Seattleites since 1974.
  18. Pugent Sound area has Index which is way better than any of that choss rock in Northern Texas. Lots of rock here which you have to walk to, which you probably won't like.
  19. Potentially interested in skiing the Kautz or something southside on Rainier Monday night and Tuesday (I've only got Tuesday off). If your interested in single push style and are in decent shape, let me know.
  20. Did he leave his sash too?
  21. Did you ever have to use your attorney's .357 magnum? Nice work.
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