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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. I'm out. I don't like drinking beer climbing and swimming. Its too fun.
  2. They'll put ice in your drink if you ask but I think most Montanans drink their bourbon straight.
  3. Careno Crag is good, like the man said. Regular Route and Bale-Kramer and Pumpline. Also try the neglected classic Orange Peel. Another overlooked crag is Rat Creek Dome. Do a route there called The Cheese.
  4. I like your excellent and extensive section on proper nutrition and bivy gear. The Mike Layton Bivy Kit used to consist of a few ambien, a pint of blended canadian whiskey, and a puffy jacket.
  5. The best crag in 11worth is a bit further down Highway 2 at a place called Index.
  6. I like riding up at Sun Mountain. But I'm a country club - style mountain biker. A good ride is to jump on the community trail near the long straight stretch on Wolf Creek Road then ride the trail all the way up to Sun Mountain Lodge, where you sit at the deck at the bar and have an ale or a nice chardonay and some snacks. Then you can either continue up to Mt. Thompson via the Chikadee TH. Then you have a nice long downhill, stopping of course at Lake Patterson to go swimming.
  7. Nice jorb guys. Did you have "sea legs" after 4 days on the wall?
  8. Let's skin some vertical then go belaying. Fuck yeah!
  9. Skinning sure is great. Its so fun that in the winter I like to skin up the runs at ski areas and ride the lift back down.
  10. That sucks. I was there when most of those initial routes were put up. There used to be an old burned out sedan in the parking lot the locals and climbers would shoot guns at. Hence the name of that stellar route, Who Shot the Datsun. Some good times were had there.
  11. You should wear plastic double boots with a metal shank, knee-high gaiters, shorts over poly-pro, a sun hat with flaps on the back, and glacier glasses.
  12. I would advise bringing a GPS, an avalanche dog, a Personal Locator Beacon, cell phone, an avalanche beacon, an avalung, avalanche balloon, and a taun-taun.
  13. Go retro with a nice 30 meter braided hemp number.
  14. Fuckers. When we tried to ski it last year we went in from the Chiwawa side. Sounds like the Napiqua was a better bet. Nice job you fucking fuckers.
  15. Say Anything is a good movie that you will enjoy if you are a girl or a boy.
  16. Owens Meats, Cle Elum
  17. Malt liquor makes you climb sicker. Duh.
  18. Sledding is fucking dangerous, man. Buy the kids some skis.
  19. I'm thinking of getting an intern to help me out with daily tasks like washing dishes, running errands, sharpening my ice screws, etc. Let me know if you want to apply.
  20. I climbed it a couple summers ago but I don't remember shit except some creative cam hooking and getting rained on.
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