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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. It may not be a trash can, but I hear its a shit hole.
  2. Hilarious indeed. For your future witty rejoinders though, its spelled Mt. Stuart, not Mt. Stewart.
  3. Shit. Guess I didn't get the memo that they moved Mt. Stuart to the North Cascades. Nice picture though.
  4. Seems a little contrived to bivy on a summit if you don't have to.
  5. DirtyHarry


    That happened yesterday, except that it was PBR instead of Hamms.
  6. DirtyHarry


    I drink to forget my memories.
  7. I just got back from Toulumne and we used the Reid and Falkenstein. Its a good instruction manual and has a sweet pic on the cover of TM Herbert climbing in pink tights.
  8. SuperTaco sucks. Too much beta is lame.
  9. Beautiful pic's! Sounds like a fun trip. I'd like to get into that area for some ski touring.
  10. What's the best route around Darrington with the least amount of slab?
  11. Rather climb that than the Diamond on Lings Peak.
  12. That's it. That big block is the OW. I cleaned out a big belayer-slayer chockstone in there. You can all thank me later with a pint or three.
  13. We found running water on the north face route - in multiple places.
  14. I'll post an official Buckner TR soon (a trip on which we sampled a delicious beverage called Jim Beam Black). I also owe a TR from the Cali trip - a trip on which we also enjoyed Jim Beam Black.
  15. Lib Crack is III+ these days. I think you have to bivy to call it Grade V. Regardless, very stout work. Cheers!!!
  16. We saw you guys descending the S Face on Saturday from our camp at Boston - Sahale Col. We climbed the N Face on Sunday, intending to ski it, but due to its funky nature decided to ski the S Face instead - which was awesome. We followed your route back up to the Arm, but had to go over the summit of Sahale to retrieve our shit from camp and then skiied down the arm. Gear Notes: Jim Beam Black
  17. Eric Wehrley and I have explored up there, with one failed attempt at Dragonfly and we also put up an independent line (maybe) taking one of the more reasonable cracks from "the trophy wall" (there's a TR around here somewhere). It would definitly be cool to see a photo with an overlay of where your route went. I'm not sure where your route started, but I didn't think the first few pitches to the ledge where at all contrived. We encountered some quality difficult (and of course, dirty) climbing through that section. Also: Grade V - really?
  18. That maneuver must be in a newer edition of FOTH than the one I've got.
  19. Nice work. I'm suprised it was so dry. I've been on it later in the year on dryer years and its been wet.
  20. I wish I could be so lucky. I do have to comment though that its pretty badass if Rudy's 8 year old climbs the Grand Wall, even as a second.
  21. The youngest ascent was when Dru climbed the route with his girlfriend - she'll be graduating from middle school next week.
  22. You can't buy malt liquor downtown anymore. Sorry.
  23. Support your local over-the-hill climber and buy the instruction manual.
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