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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. Forget about the icy roads. Think of the homeless kittens!
  2. If you lived in Seattle you'd be here right now.
  3. Crazy what a lot of snow will do. Similar to the NE Coulior on Colchuck? http://www.skisickness.com/StuartRange/ColchuckNEC/
  4. Correct you are. http://www.alpenglow.org/ski-history/chronology/snoqualmie.html April '04
  5. I believe you're thinking of Triple Couliors that has been skied.
  7. Our very own Sea of Vapors. Thanks for the pic.
  8. I think Superman could kick Spiderman's ass. His superpowers are way superior. Plus he can fly.
  9. And he actually isn't and doesn't want to be. Obviously. God can afford a hearing aid.
  10. Nobody knows because the last time it got this cold for this long it was 1856.
  11. Index is fawking stacked with sick granite splitter cracks. Not many better crags anywhere. But its a bit of a drive. The skiing and the adventure climbing are what makes the Cascades special. And I mean special as in retarted.
  12. What are you talking about? There was an article on him in the NYT for chrissake. People around here think he's a fawking God.
  13. Move to Salt Lake City. The climbing and weather there are way better.
  14. Fred's just keeping it old school, Wayne. At least anything harder than 5.9 isn't called 5.8 A2. The North Face of the East Mac Route that Rolf and I did could be in there too.
  15. Maybe if you were into intravenous drugs you could be in Alpinist and Outside as well. Seriously though, Rat deserves some serious props for a highly successful 2008. Wayne should probably give him the Fred Beckey Award this year and embarass him further.
  16. Yup. That website is pretty much worthless.
  17. I hear its snowing there. Bring your x-country skis.
  18. It would be great to get some winter climbs done but I want to ski pooder.
  19. Let's grab some dames and head to the speakeasy.
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