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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. I hope the big Oly beer can is OK.
  2. Well at least the snowpack will be consolidated now.
  3. I imagine a large portion of snowpack solidified quite a bit in the last couple days with the warmer weather yesterday and the cooler temps today and forecasted through the weekend. NWAC says avy danger below 5000 is moderate. I'll be interested to go out tomorrow myself to check it out first hand. There's obviously some layers lower down to be concerned with so do your own analysis and play it conservative. There's been some threads on TAY recently with good snow-geek snow analysis discussion too. I personally don't think winter climbing conditions would be all that great right now but if you don't ski I guess you've got to do something.
  4. You guys might like the Torment - Forbidden Traverse, if you're into that sort of thing. Realistically day-trippable by a fast party. The West Ridge of Forbidden by itself is ultra classic as well, of course.
  5. That only happens to me when I'm high on PCP.
  6. Definitly one of the north face routes on East Mac. Apparently the south face route on west Mac is good too.
  7. World's Stupidest Thread Ever!!!!!
  8. Seems like it would suck to have to contend with all the snow-mowers. But maybe mid-week wouldn't be so bad.
  9. If you don't want to schwack you should probably stick to WA Pass or the Enchantments. Though I wouldn't really say there's much schwacking getting into the Southern Pickets, but I guess its all relative.
  10. Its probably a safe speculation that you couldn't possibly pick a worse time to approach and climb Chair Peak.
  11. THE MOST FRAGILE SNOWPACK IN TWENTY YEARS!!!!! But that's what they said last year. With the caveat: Eight times higher than Extreme! But excellent skiing was found that day too. As someone said on TAY recently, unstable snowpack doesn't necessarily equal avalanches. Anyway, I'd recommend that all people stay out of the backcountry this year. Its dangerous.
  12. It would be a great place if you like rain. Great access to Cascade River Road and WA Pass and the Methow in the summer. Epic skiing if you're prepared for the approaches.
  13. DirtyHarry

    this s ucks...

    Osteoporosis already? Sucks.
  14. Just try not to catch on edge on their half buried fixies though.
  15. I would think you'd get sick of x32/38 pretty quickly. I guess its not bad for an afterwork pump though. The real place for afterwork climbing is UW Rock. That's where the sickness goes down. Truly a state of the art elite athlete's training facility.
  16. DirtyHarry

    Bristol and baby

    So what? They're mavericks.
  17. I'd think there'd be enough unemployed climbers around here that a company wouldn't have to go all the way to Sheffield, England to find one.
  18. I wouldn't think very well since not much snow and not much melt freeze.
  19. If the kittens didn't bring an MLU and a sat-phone, I'm not rescuing them. Maybe the Taun-Tauns will.
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