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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. This is very sad. My condolences to the family and friends of these folks. Rockfall has been the cause of many, many accidents over the years in our Cascades. When I am in areas where rockfall is a potential hazard, I stay nervous until I get clear of the area. It's brutally unpredictable...
  2. Put your dried food in a ziploc bag. Add water in the morning before you depart for your climb and put the bag in your pot, cover it and put a rock on the lid. When you return from the climb the food will be rehydrated perfectly. Heat and eat.
  3. Skeezix

    raceist jokes

    Did you hear about the white guy that locked his keys in his convertible BMW? Called the locksmith and told him to hurry 'cause he'd left the top down and it looked like rain
  4. You could solo up the Sulphide if you stayed left going up, but it is a glacier... And the summit pyramid is mildly daunting as a scramble. Sahale has a glacier too, but it is regularly crossed unroped. You didn't hear that from me, though.
  5. Skeezix


    Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association
  6. Sulphide on Shuksan is not a good choice for a solo trip. For someone new to the area, climbing Sahale will provide maximum view potential...
  7. Skeezix

    Tsunami evac

    They sounded the siren here in Taholah tonight, and I had to evacuate my family. We drove down to Pacific Beach and then heard them cancel the tsunami warning on the radio. The only thing I grabbed on the way out of the house was my two best guitars.
  8. Skeezix


    Sounds like a scientific poll.
  9. Skeezix

    Housing Bubble?

    I bought a house in Bellingham 8 years ago for $150K. If I put it on the market today, the bidding would start at about $375K. The house is making money faster than I am.
  10. Baker Lake East Bank Trail Run
  11. What is your name for when you cut a hole in bread drop it in the pan and then crack an egg into the hole and fry it. Supposedly there a quite a few names for this depending on where you grew up. (IF you grew up...) Blinky Egg in a basket others?
  12. That cup has hols. tein ever stays put in a cup with holes.
  13. Skeezix


    JAH! My humble opinion ....Rrrrrastafariiiiii...
  14. As the official cc.com resident school principal I have to say that I'll study this issue and get back to you as soon as I've made up my mind. Actually, at my school we don't have cheerleaders. I believe cheerleading is an institution that has outlived its usefullness.
  15. Uhhh... yeah..sorry...they are ruined.
  16. Post of the day will be the first post of a photo of a cc.commer humping Lenin.
  17. I wonder what condition the lower trail is in. Brushy?
  18. I tried this and ended up pouring coke on my foot.
  19. Ocean Shores ABC store...
  20. You can get Dahlwinnie much cheaper that $90/l... I usually score a bottle of good stuff at the duty-free on my way back from a Canada trip.
  21. Ok, ok, cut the crap... I've got the 3rd, AlpineK's got the 17th. Who else wants in?
  22. They found receipts for Delay's kool-aid on lobbyist's credit card vouchers.
  23. Not necessary. He'll go on the lecture circuit with Slade "Skeletor" Gorton.
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