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Everything posted by Skeezix

  1. If you want a hut experience in the N. Cascades I suggest Hidden Lakes Lookout. Good spring skiing, excellent bouldering, and views to die for.
  2. Labiosan is old school. Formulated by Professor Doctor Knoop.
  3. I recently loaded video off my camcorder onto my computer. What software do you use to burn the video onto a DVD?
  4. I should of looked it up.
  5. Took almost a full year for his sleazy self to fall. The wheels of justice... Bye bye Tom. Good luck with the new career as a lobbyist...
  6. Skeezix


    We're literate enough to capitalize the name of a country...
  7. Swains I bought a Swains T-shirt today for a birthday present for my brother back in Virginia. He's coming out here in July and I CAN'T WAIT!! YEAH!!! Woo Hoo!
  8. cc.com davidlindley.com fralinpickups.com seattletimes.com google
  9. Congratulations. Kids are love sumps. Here's mine: Forrest & Liam
  10. Skeezix

    summer jorb

    I did that for ten years in the 80's - 90's. It's not that exciting ..I only ended up issuing about a dozen tickets over ten years. It's more just climbing and shit. Pretty boring stuff, really. I'd stick to painting houses and mowing lawns.
  11. Well... what's the summit?
  12. Look at 'em, ordinary fucking people, I hate 'em. Ordinary people go through life trying to stay out of tense situations. Repo men go through life trying to get INTO tense situations.
  13. Welcome Interstate Managers
  14. OK, he's relinquished leadership. Any bets on when he resigns his seat?
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